Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
She could be an absolute nightmare when she wanted to be. I have seen grown men cry in her presence due to the immense stress and strain of her often unreasonable demands.
On the other hand she can be such a kind and thoughtful lady.
I have seen both sides of the lady.
I have a very high patience threshold and most of the diva behaviour kind of just passed me by. Water off a duck's back as the old saying goes. I had encountered far worse behaviour.
Anita Baker, Eddie Murphy, Bobby Brown and Grace Jones for starters.
Ms Ross is just a pussycat in comparison. A Bengal tiger maybe but a pussycat nonetheless!
On the other hand she displayed such kindness and compassion towards me when my life threatened to crash around me in the 90's. I am not going into detail here, but she was so practical and downright kind when i literally thought my life could never recover. I will never forget her help and ķindness, both financially and more importantly on a personal level.
This is the side to her no one ever sees. That is partly down to her of course. She loves to act the big Diva in public, but much of it is just her armour to protect a more vulnerable and lesser seen side to her.
From day one she was focused on success and was/is a perfectionist and didn't care who or what was in her way. Ask anyone that went went to school with her at Cass Tech! Blue's comment show both sides of her. Unfortunately, her behavior Diva behavior has been fodder for the media and people eat it up. For example, I was at a large Xmas party and everyone was doing the "averting the eyes thing" based on reports that she issued instructions not to look directly at her. Then we had the Saturday Night Live skit depicting her in jail. Again the public loves this sxxt. Other "stars" act a lot worse.