Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post

Thanks for the information. It is a fascinating story.

I remember once, I must’ve been maybe five or six years old, and my mother was watching Joan Crawford on one of those afternoon talk shows like Mike Douglas or Merv Griffin. Crawford was pouring Pepsi for everybody in champagne glasses and my mother said “Oh my goodness she’s drunk!“ I remember my sister asking her how could she know such a thing, and my mother just said something like “oh she had a few before she came out on stage. I can tell!“ I find that hilarious now thinking back on it and wonder if it were true.
Crawfords alcoholism was well known in the industry for decades,particulary in the late 50s and thru the 1960s when she did a huge amount of tv shows sometimes that drinking was apparent, she appeared sozzled once at an early Golden Globes Awards show and presenting an award she said on stage to her peers "How do ya like these globes ?? " and made a gesture grabbing her breasts !.. hardly the matronly image she had acquired by the 60s.. a young Jack Nicholson was in the audience had has told that story many times..
By 1970 or 71 she had a serious fall in her apartment and totally gave up her beloved vodka..just like that and didnt drink again until her death.. which shows the incredible sheer will power that she was known for

Kenneth - she guest hosted the Mike Douglas show for a whole week once in her heavy drinking phase so your mother was no doubt correct.