I heard the wind through my window but nothing got uprooted or blown away. God is good. And after the cheerleader scandal, I'm surprised the NFL didn't force Snyder to sell the team the way they made Jerry Richardson sell the Panthers.

And although I'm 100% down with #MeToo, there's a lot to consider with what's going on with Watson. Personally, I have a hard time believing that a guy who's apparently psychotic can avoid accusations of this sort until he's 25 years old or so. Every accusation seems to be hearsay and I haven't heard that there were contemporaneous communications between the victims and friends or family to back up their stories.

I'll withhold opinion until more comes out but it seems suspicious. If it proves to be true, the Texans will likely cut him to get out from under his huge contract. I'm sure it has language that protects the team against criminal or unethical behavior. With that being said, if the team knew about these allegations and did nothing, the league needs to punish it. But it won't.

As far as Chad Wheeler is concerned, the Seahawks were as derelict in how they handled it as the Panthers were with Greg Hardy and the Giants were with Josh Brown. Isn't it something that the league will crack down on teams caught being racist but in the cases of Snyder, Wheeler, Hardy and Brown, outright ignoring of crimes against women is not just pushed to the back pages, it often results in no sanctions against the teams? May have to add the Texans to that long list if Watson is as disturbed and predatory as he's being accused.