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  1. #1

    The last days of mary wilson

    Mary‘s assistant, Nick, shares his involvement with Mary including discovering her after she passed. He clearly is a gentleman who cares about her a great deal and was a big help to her getting settled in her new digs.


    Last edited by TheMotownManiac; 03-22-2021 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Wasn't Nick an "assistant" for a very short period of time? I couldn't stomach to listen to the whole thing, but I think he's taken a few liberties. I can rattle off names of dozens of folks that KNEW Mary Wilson. None of whom would stoop so low as to talk about her last days. It's morbid, it's tacky, and it's gross.

    Mary certainly loved to be in the spotlight. But rest assured, loved her privacy as well. I myself had several email and phone conversations with Mary; you'll never hear me spilling any of it. I have wat too much respect for her. And I don't need her coattail.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Wasn't Nick an "assistant" for a very short period of time? I couldn't stomach to listen to the whole thing, but I think he's taken a few liberties. I can rattle off names of dozens of folks that KNEW Mary Wilson. None of whom would stoop so low as to talk about her last days. It's morbid, it's tacky, and it's gross.

    Mary certainly loved to be in the spotlight. But rest assured, loved her privacy as well. I myself had several email and phone conversations with Mary; you'll never hear me spilling any of it. I have wat too much respect for her. And I don't need her coattail.
    Nick has been with Mary for a few months, it’s true he hasn’t been in her life as long as most people that were in her life. I’ve known Mary since 1972 we talked on the phone when they were something to say it’s not like we caught up with each other every week or something, but my last email from her have her new address. I have not listened to the YouTube thing yet because I haven’t had the time, but I can’t imagine there would be anything in it that Mary would find offensive or too private. I think everyone knows Mary knows that she was often very free with her personal information - especially later on in the evening, I’d be surprised if Nick said anything untoward. And it’s not like he has anything to gain from this he’s not charging money for the information or writing a book, I think it’s cathartic for him because it’s very difficult to discover someone you love has passed on, when you weren’t expecting it at all. I know that Mary was very fond of Nick and trusted him she was quite happy to have him in her life at this time. It’s all so sad to me because mary was so happy, she loved downsizing and the financial gains that offered, of course she was thrilled with her new music coming out and her passion for living was second to none. If anyone anywhere has ever embraced life, it was Mary.

    What did Nick say it was offensive to you? Perhaps I will change my opinion after I’ve heard it.

  4. #4
    I listened to some

    The audio is not the best

    I don't think that was necessary or in good taste

  5. #5
    I only listened to half of it. This guy sounds like an opportunist and I hope the video gets taken down.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by floyjoy678 View Post
    I only listened to half of it. This guy sounds like an opportunist and I hope the video gets taken down.
    I couldn’t listen to it all either

    He hardly even worked for her for very long

    I thought about how I would feel if someone talked about my family after such a tragic event and described details - hurtful

  7. #7
    Skimmed through it but its not in good taste. Marys wouldnt like this one bit.

  8. #8
    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that felt this was in bad taste. The comments on the video coincidentally echo our voices.

  9. #9
    I will pass on this interview. Mary Wilson enjoyed sharing The Supremes Legacy because the fans were so appreciative. Thank you Mary Wilson for caring for the fans of The Supremes

  10. #10
    I found it uncomfortable and unsavory...to say the least. I hope they take that down.
    Mary deserves better.

  11. #11
    I am sorry to have heard any part of this video. That video was totally unnecessary and I am sorry to have listened to it at all. Let's pull together and celebrate her legacy, celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Supremes and getting the Florence Ballard stamp issued.

  12. #12
    I listened to a lot of it, and Although I couldn’t understand what he was saying a lot of the time, I’m a little puzzled as to why people think this is such a bad idea. To me, it gives great insight into where Mary was at the moment she transitioned and I thought that those who cared about her would welcome the information.

    specifically, it is a first hand account of how kind generous and caring mary was and I believe his story 100% because it’s exactly how Mary was and those who knew her know that. It also indicates, that sadly, Mary was vulnerable to needing and excepting help from practically strangers and it breaks my heart. It’s very possible that this NYC guy is a wonderful human being, it’s also possible that he’s a creep and was planning on taking advantage of mary cash and in no way am I suggesting about to be true at all simply a possibility.This just leads me back to the fact that Mary had dwindling resources and I get for gold stars for not going into my rant, yet again, about how ripped off I feel the Supremes were. Yes, I know all groups everywhere were, but The Supremes you get a lot more for humanity than just sing from pop songs and I think they should be treated specially because of that. Anyway, It does however, indicate a whole lot more: and that is that she had to hire someone to help her with her social media because her sons we’re very very very very very little assistance or help to Mary at any time – especially the very handsome Pedro Junior. Turquessa was very happy to be helpful to Mary when she could, which was very often, however she worked and had a very full life. to my knowledge, Pedro was not working at the time, as is often the case, but then again when he’s busy making babies all the time he probably didn’t have the energy for a job. It’s not like he and Willy pitched in when ever mary needed any help with anything. You’ll notice that Nick never even mentioned speaking to the sons, all of his conversations were with Turquessa.
    I I don’t always see things the way others do, so I respect the dissenting opinions on this video. but I truly believe from my nearly 50 years of knowing Mary, that she would not have been bothered by the continent or the existence of this at all. Mary like being relevant and popular. I honestly, in my heart feel she would be glad about this video.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    Mary‘s assistant, Nick, shares his involvement with Mary including discovering her after she passed. He clearly is a gentleman who cares about her a great deal and was a big help to her getting settled in her new digs.

    I listened to the entire interview, and I do not think Nick said anything inappropriate. He seemed genuine. He did not work with Wilson long enough to know much of anything.

    I was amazed at how easy it was to get close to Wilson. It was like she had few boundaries.
    Last edited by Circa 1824; 03-22-2021 at 12:35 PM.

  14. #14
    The private convos with Turkessa and even the publicist should've been left private. The discovery of Mary's body should've been left private. Somebody had already publicly said that Mary had been found in her favorite chair as if she had sat down to read the mail and fallen asleep. Apparently that account was cleaned up a bit, if this assistant dude's account is accurate, and I have no reason to believe that it isn't. But he could've kept that part to himself.

    He sounds very young and I'm sure the whole thing has had a traumatic effect on him on some level. I think the issue with the publicist [[and maybe even Turkessa to a degree) caused him to lash out a bit by exposing those conversations, but most of the video sounds like someone who was given an opportunity by Mary and then ended up with a bad break. Still sounds like he had the utmost respect for Mary but he isn't the most mature and handled these questions without any of the savvy of someone more experienced.

  15. #15
    I guess it's a split hairs on this topic.

    To me it's just telling when you have this kid that worked for Mary less than a year spilling all her t, yet people like Andy Skurow, Carl Fuerbacher, Tom Ingrassia, J Randy Taraborelli, Mark Bego, and a host of others; all friends and assistants to Mary for decades, have kept their commentary to themselves.

  16. #16
    I think he should have got Turkessa's consent if he wanted to divulge private conversations.

    I cringe at the description I thought I heard of Mary's body and it's position - that is just plain gossiping and does not provide anything of value other than drama and sensationalism.

    I'm fairly sure he's not a bad fellow - just a little misguided. And honestly, I don't think Diana Ross received some of what Randy Taraborelli initially divulged in 1989 any better. At times, Mark Bego divulged a lot too - but I would guess he had Mary's permission to say almost anything.

    Do we also really need to know that Mary was reaching for literally anybody to provide her some assistance? No, not really.

    This is not a Supreme image fans need.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Circa 1824 View Post
    I listened to the entire interview, and I do not think Nick said anything inappropriate. He seemed genuine. He did not work with Wilson long enough to know much of anything.

    I was amazed at how easy it was to get close to Wilson. It was like she had few boundaries.
    ‘that’s exactly what I was trying to say - there is great insight here into Mary’s Marynosity. She WAS accessible, and, needy in a way, she WAS kind and caring...... I thought folks would be happy for this info if they could look past the gossip of it. I’m very happy I can separate the 95% of Nary the person from the 5% of her “issue” with Diane.

    I say no harm done here. And I know Mary, she was very open about herself and her life I don’t think she would’ve minded any information in here at all even the slightest little bit of it. Mary looked at things as how they were and that’s how she excepted them and she didn’t often sugarcoat things unless there was a definite agenda. I understand its some personal information but she was very very free with personal information. I can’t believe some of the things that she shared with me in years in years in years in years ago she just didn’t care about hiding personal information like so many people do and I admire her for it. Jeez, I’m not using past tense yet. Admired.

  18. #18
    We're all also very sensitive. For many of us Mary was like family, so we expect people to tread carefully. Rob says the guy was misguided, that's what I think. I think he's from the "Tell all" generation, where your deepest, private, inner most thoughts are displayed on the Gram and Twitter for people to validate with likes and retweets. He probably didn't think anything he said was crossing a line. Even the fact that if he plans on pursuing a career as an assistant, an interview like this might hinder his job prospects. But that doesn't occur to someone who isn't thinking beyond his own feelings right now. I feel for the guy. He went to work for someone he was a big fan of and the day he started, he found her dead. We have to have some compassion.

  19. #19
    Hi Ralph

    While I have verified that the person in this audio is indeed the one who found Mary dead, the other information concerning his association with Mary is questionable and unverifiable. The outcry from the forum is mostly that this is inappropriate and disrespectful to Mary and her family. Please remove it? In Mary's memory?


  20. #20
    I do not for one second believe Mary hired this guy. Was she nice and encouraging to him, yes, she was to all.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    We're all also very sensitive. For many of us Mary was like family, so we expect people to tread carefully. Rob says the guy was misguided, that's what I think. I think he's from the "Tell all" generation, where your deepest, private, inner most thoughts are displayed on the Gram and Twitter for people to validate with likes and retweets. He probably didn't think anything he said was crossing a line. Even the fact that if he plans on pursuing a career as an assistant, an interview like this might hinder his job prospects. But that doesn't occur to someone who isn't thinking beyond his own feelings right now. I feel for the guy. He went to work for someone he was a big fan of and the day he started, he found her dead. We have to have some compassion.
    ive just had a long talk with an “insider fan” Who also kNew Mary etc. he’s very upset about this and explained why in a manner that penetrated my iron cranium. None of it upsets me, I feel for the guy and truly am happy folks know where Mary was in her experience when she passed. I also understand, now, why this bothers so many people and I’m sorry it caused anyone any distress. I’m going to edit my original post with a warning that a lot of people found the recording offensive. The last thing I want to do is to make the shock of mary’s passing worse for anyone.

  22. #22
    Rick, I understand your position, but to keep within my own rule, whatever is posted on DRATS stands. I'm sure there is no damage to the memory of Mary.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    We're all also very sensitive. For many of us Mary was like family, so we expect people to tread carefully. Rob says the guy was misguided, that's what I think. I think he's from the "Tell all" generation, where your deepest, private, inner most thoughts are displayed on the Gram and Twitter for people to validate with likes and retweets. He probably didn't think anything he said was crossing a line. Even the fact that if he plans on pursuing a career as an assistant, an interview like this might hinder his job prospects. But that doesn't occur to someone who isn't thinking beyond his own feelings right now. I feel for the guy. He went to work for someone he was a big fan of and the day he started, he found her dead. We have to have some compassion.
    While I can understand why some here are upset, I am largely with RanRan and MotownManiac here. I don't think there's anything damaging for Mary here, and yes there are also some interesting bits of insight into her too. Most of all though, I feel sorry for Nicholas. I don't know him personally but I do know of him for having ran one of the biggest Supremes fanpages on Instagram for the last few years. He has posted about how traumatic it has been losing Mary and one of his closest family members literally weeks apart from each other.

    I also think there's both a life experience and generational gap here. Partial disclosure: I'm in my mid thirties, so I'm probably a bit younger than some of the other fans here. Nicholas is a generation younger than me, and is, as RanRan mentioned, also part of a generation which mediates almost everything through social media. If it's not online, it probably doesn't exist.

    Similarly, I recall in some fan discussion groups some years back, there was some debate over Mary's decision to publicly discuss her son's death on the Sally Jesse Raphael show all those years ago. I recall it also being said then that for someone like Mary who had been in the public eye for much of their life, that was likely a genuine part of how they would grieve and process a traumatic experience like that. I think this goes as well for a young fan who has likely grown up on the internet and various forms of social media like so many my age and younger have.

    I think it's well established that Mary often mentored young fans, however she died before Nicholas could really benefit from it. I truly hope he is able to build from this and open up some new prospects for his future, the way I'm sure Mary would have wanted.
    Last edited by telekin; 03-24-2021 at 09:07 PM.


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