Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
I agree in that they were viewed more as a singles act in the UK. Having said that, it is rather odd the albums didn’t sell a little better considering how high their singles were consistently charting on these shores.
Had Smokey Robinson been able to produce the follow up to his Floy Joy set i think the flow of hit singles may have continued.
Further albums with the Tops were weak and far to many. The Webb project was career suicide and proved the proverbial nail for this particular line-up. Such a shame.
I also believe the 60's Supremes and Diana as a solo artist would have charted higher many times had they appeared on UK tv to promote their songs. I realise they could only be in one place at once, and the USA was obviously the main market to target, but you only need look at Diana's 90's chart action when she had a regular presence on UK tv to see just to see how much more successful she/they could have been in the 60's, 70's and 80's had they been visible to the public.