i think Take Me is a strong album but looking across what was hot in 1995, it's easy to see why it didn't chart. There's nothing new or groundbreaking here. it's all solid productions and nice enough. But here are some top groups and songs of the time

Gangsta Paradise
Waterfalls and Creep
Take A Bow
Scream and You Are Not Alone
On Bended Knee and a bunch of other Boys II Men
Brandy had a bunch of big hits

and around this time people starting to rediscover disco and the 70s music. a remix of Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive had already been released.

so while there was quality music here, what market was Diana and Motown going after? were they thinking they could get a big pop hit out of this content - that's a bit foolish IMO. none of the material on this album was new or different enough to make it break through what was going on in the contemporary music scene. Especially since she hadn't had a pop hit in over 10 years.

were they going for adult contemp? ok that's fine but what did they do to tackle that niche market?

were they going for dance? well the title track did ok on the dance charts and I Will Survive was rather popular. but since Gloria had recently done a remix of the song, the impact was lost. Plus motown didn't/wouldn't release it in the US as a single.