Quote Originally Posted by 9A View Post

Sometimes I share these precious " Remember When" topics with Ralph. He laughs at
how we morphed from tossing 78's to bubble gum. He, too, has had bubbles pop all over his face. Guys, we are isolating. There is just so much news we can watch!! You didn't mention wax mustaches, lips or buck teeth. Also, I seem to remember an wax triangular instrument whistle with pipes. Also, candy lipstick. crazy as that sounds.

Of course I remember the novelty candies. I think somewhere they are still sold.I vaguely remember the striped Wrigley's. My favorite was always Spearmint or Doublemint. Juicy Fruit was a little soft and didn't crack [[snap?) as well but was

[[Don't tell Ralph I shared this -- He and his buddy's would chew Black Jack or Grape gum to mask the smell of cigarettes from teachers and parents.)

Now I am wondering whether Bazooka was 2 cents. I only had a penny for gum. My mother gave my 25 cents to go the the Saturday matinee at the movies. My brother and
I would stop at a drug store on the way and I would buy two 5 cent candy bars, one for each movie, and gum. It took extreme self-control to save the second candy bar or box for the second movie. Sometimes it was not a double feature, but had a string of cartoons. That was the best.

I'm sure you don't remember the Superman or Lone Ranger serials.
What??!! No shout out to Bubblicious?!
And yes I remember the Adventures of Superman and Batman [[of course the reruns)...Ultra Man [[coming back to tv soon).