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  1. #1

    From Diana Ross on Facebook

    We're being called to claim and take responsibility for our lives and our future. No one is going to save us we must take care of ourselves.

  2. #2
    What do you think of that message?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    What do you think of that message?
    Sounds like a call for Americans to vote as if their lives depend on it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SatansBlues View Post
    Sounds like a call for Americans to vote as if their lives depend on it.
    That makes sense.

    I hope people follow that advice and interpretation.

  5. #5
    Makes sense to me too. Look after yourself and help others when you can.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    We're being called to claim and take responsibility for our lives and our future. No one is going to save us we must take care of ourselves.
    Is she leaving the Supremes????

  7. #7
    I think Diana was in a mystic when she posted this.

  8. #8
    I think she is in that spiritual place quite a lot of the time. But perhaps she is influenced by the politics of Tracee and Rhonda.

  9. #9
    I wouldn't read too much into this. She is not really a social media person, but she occasionally posts some random statement just for the hell of it.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    Is she leaving the Supremes????
    Ha ha !

    sounds like she's sick of the blame game especially concerning covid and this society's increasingly dependent , "save me, feed me gov't", mentality.

    She probably wants to get back to work and being Diana Ross !!
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 10-21-2020 at 01:38 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Ha ha !

    sounds like she's sick of the blame game especially concerning covid and this society's increasingly dependent , "save me, feed me gov't", mentality.

    She probably wants to get back to work and being Diana Ross !!
    Yeah, I'm sure the last thing she wants is a coordinated, logical, and effective government response to a pandemic that is spread from person-to-person where individuals can't choose whether or not they get the virus.

    Her leaving the Supremes is the more likely explanation, in this case.

  12. #12
    Its a world pandemic . The whole world is trying to figure out how to handle it. No one, the world over has the exact answers. Stop blaming.
    Like Diana says: Take care of yourself. Be responsible. Wash your hands. Wear a mask if it makes you feel safer. Live life. Wash your hands again. , stand back.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Its a world pandemic . The whole world is trying to figure out how to handle it. No one, the world over has the exact answers. Stop blaming.
    Like Diana says: Take care of yourself. Be responsible. Wash your hands. Wear a mask if it makes you feel safer. Live life. Wash your hands again. , stand back.
    Compare any developed country to the US. Go ahead, I'll wait.

  14. #14
    What country's handling of covid do you want to copy???
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 10-21-2020 at 03:14 PM.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    We're being called to claim and take responsibility for our lives and our future. No one is going to save us we must take care of ourselves.
    Diana's statement could be taken in a number of ways: her Response to the Black Lives Matter Movement, her response to the Pandemic or encouraging people to Vote in the upcoming election.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Motown Eddie View Post
    Diana's statement could be taken in a number of ways: her Response to the Black Lives Matter Movement, her response to the Pandemic or encouraging people to Vote in the upcoming election.
    Agreed . The message is focused on taking personal responsibility , however you want to apply it.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    What country's handling of covid do you want to copy???
    Look at rates of infection and control mechanisms for Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and just for giggles, throw in KENYA. See what you get. They all did better than the US both stemming the infection and preparing the population. Compare also their information / messages about what needed to be done. Look at the prevalence of mask usage in each country. Look at the effectiveness of the initial lockdowns. Some countries were so good at implementing their remediation strategies that the effectively eliminated the virus [[New Zealand).

    Then look at what Trump has said in public. Compare that what he said to Woodward ON TAPE in private.

    Once you've considered this, tell me again there is no blame to go around. Trump certainly tried to blame Obama for H1N1. 14k people died b/c of H1N1. Johns Hopkins has us currently at 221,500 for COVID, which is probably a gross underestimate.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    Look at rates of infection and control mechanisms for Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and just for giggles, throw in KENYA. See what you get. They all did better than the US both stemming the infection and preparing the population. Compare also their information / messages about what needed to be done. Look at the prevalence of mask usage in each country. Look at the effectiveness of the initial lockdowns. Some countries were so good at implementing their remediation strategies that the effectively eliminated the virus [[New Zealand).

    Then look at what Trump has said in public. Compare that what he said to Woodward ON TAPE in private.

    Once you've considered this, tell me again there is no blame to go around. Trump certainly tried to blame Obama for H1N1. 14k people died b/c of H1N1. Johns Hopkins has us currently at 221,500 for COVID, which is probably a gross underestimate.
    President Pussy Grabbers own reckless words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uLJkpH__os

    And Trumps still lying by saying COVID-19 is coming to an end. Vote this dangerous man OUT on November 3.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    President Pussy Grabbers own reckless words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uLJkpH__os

    And Trumps still lying by saying COVID-19 is coming to an end. Vote this dangerous man OUT on November 3.
    Oh, but its not his fault. Poor Donald. Every one is against him. Whine, whine, whine.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    Look at rates of infection and control mechanisms for Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and just for giggles, throw in KENYA. See what you get. They all did better than the US both stemming the infection and preparing the population. Compare also their information / messages about what needed to be done. Look at the prevalence of mask usage in each country. Look at the effectiveness of the initial lockdowns. Some countries were so good at implementing their remediation strategies that the effectively eliminated the virus [[New Zealand).

    Then look at what Trump has said in public. Compare that what he said to Woodward ON TAPE in private.

    Once you've considered this, tell me again there is no blame to go around. Trump certainly tried to blame Obama for H1N1. 14k people died b/c of H1N1. Johns Hopkins has us currently at 221,500 for COVID, which is probably a gross underestimate.
    Yes New Zealand did a great job, helped greatly by the fact they are an isolated island country.

    Every one else is in and out of trouble no matter what they try . What's Kenya's magic formula? Whatever it is , we should certainly copy it to a tea. [[ do they even test ?)

    Don't forget The US is the most aggressive tester , so of course we will detect more cases. [[What percent of those were asymptomatic?). We also have a system where's its advantageous$ to attach "COVID" to illnesses.

    What has Biden said as his plan that is any different than what Trump is doing?

    To quote Diana Ross:

    No one is going to save us we must take care of ourselves.

    RE: Trump and Woodward: Nancy Pelosi combating "public fear" on February 24:

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Don't forget The US is the most aggressive tester
    That is an absolute, demonstrable lie repeated ad nauseam by Trump. Controlled for population, we don't test the most, but more importantly, we don't even turn the results around in enough time to do contact tracing. You can't get a test anywhere, anytime... another lie. Either he's too stupid to realize that you have to control by population size when comparing countries on testing or he knows and is openly lying and killing Americans. We're in the throes of an emerging, devastating third spike in the US. His response? We've turned the corner. Field hospitals in Wisconsin right now. Wisconsin in the USA. Field hospitals.

    How many people have to die before Trump supporters realize they've been conned?

  22. #22
    Hey thanx , did you ever list which country has it figured out ?

    If so , I say let's copy them exactly.

  23. #23
    My interpretation is that Diana is either referencing the pandemic or the upcoming election, or both.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Hey thanx , did you ever list which country has it figured out ?

    If so , I say let's copy them exactly.
    I already gave you the list. Any of those countries is doing far better controlling this pandemic than the US. Canada is doing better. South Korea is doing better. Taiwan is doing better. Germany is doing better. Switzerland is doing better. And yes KENYA is doing better. They are all testing, they are all locking down when necessary, they are all promoting social distancing and heavy use of masks. And I know I'm probably forgetting other countries, but those are the ones I just pulled the data for the other day. All of those countries are doing better.

    I would run into the streets giddy if we followed the plan of any one of those countries. [[Edit: Hell, I'd be delighted if we just listened to our own experts). It would nose dive both our infection and death rates.

    My question to you is: So why aren't we? Who is keeping us from doing the right things when it comes to the pandemic?
    Last edited by thanxal; 10-21-2020 at 05:05 PM.

  25. #25
    Oh and while we're asking questions, I have a few:
    Who said the virus was a hoax?
    Who said it would “miraculously go away” after Easter?
    Who made fun of the other candidate for wearing a mask?
    Who said to “inject bleach” to deal with COVID? Or shine “lights” in the body?
    Who said children don’t get COVID?
    Who said children don’t spread COVID?

  26. #26
    Not sure what "doing better" means exactly...

    Who said "I have plan", but doesn't??

    Hey thanx have you checked out this site??


    The US is not doing so bad . We're all in this ....until we get a vaccine ....

    Of course this all depends on whose reporting and their methods for dong so you believe .....

    But it looks like Russia has this thing pretty well figured out. Maybe Trump should just phone up his close buddy and say "Hey Putin , we need your help, come run our CDC."

    After all, to quote Dionne ...isn't that what friends are for ....
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 10-21-2020 at 05:42 PM.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    Oh, but its not his fault. Poor Donald. Every one is against him. Whine, whine, whine.
    Trumps such a drama queen and fights with women every single day via twitter. Those rallies hes holding are reckless, I find him exhausting and childlike and ignorant and vulgar and repulsive. The worst President EVER. Russia put bounties on the heads of our brave men and women in uniform and Pussy Grabber in chief never brought it up once during SIX calls he had with Putin. Hes a coward and a liar and a cyber bully and needs to be sent packing on November 3.

  28. #28
    Great advice. Vote! Save Democracy from The Idiotocracy!

  29. #29
    90 million Americans are without health coverage. How do you end a viral pandemic in a country in which health care is not a right but an opportunity to make a profit?

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by TNSUN View Post
    90 million Americans are without health coverage. How do you end a viral pandemic in a country in which health care is not a right but an opportunity to make a profit?
    Let it run wild and get rid of a lot of people Trump doesn't value.

    It sounds like such a horrible country now - but I'm sure that's only one vision and not the only true one.

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    President Pussy Grabbers own reckless words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uLJkpH__os

    And Trumps still lying by saying COVID-19 is coming to an end. Vote this dangerous man OUT on November 3.
    Vote because your health depends on it.
    Massive Blue Wave will reduce any further attempts at voter suppression.

    Also, where does a teenager, such as the sentenced teenager from Gainesville, GA get ideas to hurt other people!

    We need a Democracy and not 4 more years of living in a hateful Idiotocracy!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post

    Don't forget The US is the most aggressive tester , so of course we will detect more cases.
    I shake my head whenever someone rolls out this fake news.

    This chart allows you to list countries by number of tests per head of population [[and various other factors). The US is not and has never been the most aggressive tester. Back early on [[around March) when Trump was claiming covid was 'nothing more than the common cold' and would be over by Easter, the US were much much further down the list too.

    The one listing by country that the US has consistently for the past six months been #1 in has been 'total number of deaths' - also 'active cases', 'critical cases'. The US has also been very high [[usually top ten) in 'total cases per head of population'.

    Sadly the US President is the major spreader of 'fake news' - even sadder is the fact that so many of his supporters seem to swallow his BS.


  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Levi Stubbs Tears View Post
    I shake my head whenever someone rolls out this fake news.

    This chart allows you to list countries by number of tests per head of population [[and various other factors). The US is not and has never been the most aggressive tester. Back early on [[around March) when Trump was claiming covid was 'nothing more than the common cold' and would be over by Easter, the US were much much further down the list too.

    The one listing by country that the US has consistently for the past six months been #1 in has been 'total number of deaths' - also 'active cases', 'critical cases'. The US has also been very high [[usually top ten) in 'total cases per head of population'.

    Sadly the US President is the major spreader of 'fake news' - even sadder is the fact that so many of his supporters seem to swallow his BS.

    That's their strategy. Lie so much, so frequently, so angrily that it overwhelms people. He just rambled through lie after lie after lie on COVID in last night's debate. It's called "flooding the channel" and that's all President Russian Asset knows how to do.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Levi Stubbs Tears View Post
    I shake my head whenever someone rolls out this fake news.

    This chart allows you to list countries by number of tests per head of population [[and various other factors). The US is not and has never been the most aggressive tester. Back early on [[around March) when Trump was claiming covid was 'nothing more than the common cold' and would be over by Easter, the US were much much further down the list too.

    The one listing by country that the US has consistently for the past six months been #1 in has been 'total number of deaths' - also 'active cases', 'critical cases'. The US has also been very high [[usually top ten) in 'total cases per head of population'.

    Sadly the US President is the major spreader of 'fake news' - even sadder is the fact that so many of his supporters seem to swallow his BS.

    We're #2 in total recovery as well

    OK I'll reword it . We're one of the most aggressive testers. Is that better?

    those figures ain't chopped liver for a country of 330, 000,000.

    Everyone I know that has wanted a test has been able to get one [[or more) with no problem , including myself.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Levi Stubbs Tears View Post
    I shake my head whenever someone rolls out this fake news.

    This chart allows you to list countries by number of tests per head of population [[and various other factors). The US is not and has never been the most aggressive tester. Back early on [[around March) when Trump was claiming covid was 'nothing more than the common cold' and would be over by Easter, the US were much much further down the list too.

    The one listing by country that the US has consistently for the past six months been #1 in has been 'total number of deaths' - also 'active cases', 'critical cases'. The US has also been very high [[usually top ten) in 'total cases per head of population'.

    Sadly the US President is the major spreader of 'fake news' - even sadder is the fact that so many of his supporters seem to swallow his BS.

    According to Dr Fauci Trump hasnt attended a Covid-19 task force meeting in 2 months and if turning a corner which Trump keeps touting means 50,000 to 80,000 new cases a day the Trumps crazier than I thought he was. All that was needed was for him to say Monthly to the nation. Wear a Mask cause it saves lives we wouldnt be in this state we are now with 240,000 dead Americans who hes shown no empathy for. Vote him out on November 3rd.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by TNSUN View Post
    Vote because your health depends on it.
    Massive Blue Wave will reduce any further attempts at voter suppression.

    Also, where does a teenager, such as the sentenced teenager from Gainesville, GA get ideas to hurt other people!

    We need a Democracy and not 4 more years of living in a hateful Idiotocracy!
    From a President when he was ask to condem White Supremacist and refused to do so, during the first presidential debate told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." ​Trump is a racist POS whom incites violence.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Let it run wild and get rid of a lot of people Trump doesn't value.

    It sounds like such a horrible country now - but I'm sure that's only one vision and not the only true one.
    It's certainly not the country I thought it was. Of course I understood that a percentage of America's population had beliefs in white supremacy, invalid conspiracies, citizen militia, etc., but I never dreamed that percentage was [[probably) 50% of the population. Among many other thoughts, I wonder ... when an anti-masker contracts Covid 19 do they refuse medical assistance because the effects of the disease are overstated?

  38. #38
    I am 55 YO and have been around white people my entire life--in the north, the south and both coasts. I have yet to meet a white supremacist. Where are all these white supremacists hiding? Please stop demonizing white people, please and thank you.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    I am 55 YO and have been around white people my entire life--in the north, the south and both coasts. I have yet to meet a white supremacist. Where are all these white supremacists hiding? Please stop demonizing white people, please and thank you.
    Im sure youll find many of them at Trumps rallies or in the Trump family.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    I am 55 YO and have been around white people my entire life--in the north, the south and both coasts. I have yet to meet a white supremacist. Where are all these white supremacists hiding? Please stop demonizing white people, please and thank you.
    Hi Bobby;
    The Counter Extremism Project [[CEP) has identified eight especially virulent white supremacist groups, which principally espouse white ethno-nationalism and/or National Socialism [[neo-Nazi). Neo-Nazi groups, such as the National Socialist Movement [[NSM), Hammerskin Nation, and Atomwaffen Division [[AWD), generally make no effort to hide their belief that the white race is superior to others. Their ideologies also usually include anti-Semitic and homophobic components that are in line with Nazi dogma. In contrast, groups such as the League of the South and Identity Evropa propagate their radical stances under the guise of white ethno-nationalism, which seeks to highlight the distinctiveness––rather than the superiority––of the white identity.
    Hope that helps.

  41. #41
    And white Supremacists are the greatest threat according to the DHS.


  42. #42
    Today she said “I want everyone to get out there and vote” and there’s a picture of what I believe is her grandchild underneath


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