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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    Bitch kiss my muthafuckin ass on this Saturday afternoon. You act like somebody accused you of something. Are you personally taking up the banner of Mary Wilson and any criticism that comes her way? If so, it would've been nice if you were up front about that so I could ignore you and focus on the folks who could discuss the issue without the snark. Btw, this is what drama looks like, stupid ass.
    Nice mouth. You kiss your mother with that?

    You are RIDICULOUS. Black men being killed by white cops. Rioting in the streets. Thousands of people dying of Covid. And your biggest worry is that Mary Wilson shrugged off the R and B charts? Get a life.

  2. #52
    I've received a couple of complaints on this thread. I see a little rudeness coming through. I guess I need to remind everyone that this particular room was formed so those that seem to love fighting about the Supremes can have at it, leaving me out of it. I do wish this wouldn't happen, but that was the deal.Carry on.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I've received a couple of complaints on this thread. I see a little rudeness coming through. I guess I need to remind everyone that this particular room was formed so those that seem to love fighting about the Supremes can have at it, leaving me out of it. I do wish this wouldn't happen, but that was the deal.Carry on.
    Thanks for checking in Ralph. We certainly got what we asked for?

    Thankfully internet warriors that hide behind a keyboard worrying about what a 76 year old woman says about something that happened 50 years ago bothers me zero. I have bigger fish to fry. Although I do request that I'm not called bitch. Most address me as THE bitch.

  4. #54
    Thank you for understanding, Mary.

  5. #55
    I must admit that, in spite of the agreement, this sort of behavior bothers me. It shows disrespect for my forum. Please consider using better manners.

  6. #56
    Ran theres no point in even discussing this one any further...I will just see you in the head teachers office no doubt.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Nice mouth. You kiss your mother with that?

    You are RIDICULOUS. Black men being killed by white cops. Rioting in the streets. Thousands of people dying of Covid. And your biggest worry is that Mary Wilson shrugged off the R and B charts? Get a life.
    Lady quit lying. You don't give a shit about any of that stuff. I can smell the Trump on you. You're concerned about all of those things, but you keep bringing your ass into this thread to be nasty about the criticism of a documentary. How concerned could you possibly be with any of the stuff you mentioned and still be so bothered to disrupt this thread with your bullshit? Suck a dick.

    You and I have differing opinions about what Mary said. I have had no problem respecting your right to disagree, on this or anything else. Me and Mows have mostly been in the minority on this issue. Most everyone else in the thread who disagreed with us were able to do so without being condescending or dismissive, all except you and one other person, who didn't linger on it. Again, you seem to have taken my posts in this thread as some kind of personal attack against you. It was never that...until I cussed your ass out. It was criticism of Mary WILSON's words. Perhaps you saw me mention Mary and assumed I meant Brewster. I didn't. I was referring to MARY WILSON, daughter of Sam and Johnnie Mae, co founder of the legendary Supremes. Might you admit this was your mistake?

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Thanks for checking in Ralph. We certainly got what we asked for?

    Thankfully internet warriors that hide behind a keyboard worrying about what a 76 year old woman says about something that happened 50 years ago bothers me zero. I have bigger fish to fry. Although I do request that I'm not called bitch. Most address me as THE bitch.
    I just wrote the nastiest response to this and even I had to delete every word. I'll keep it much shorter and simple than what I just erased, and say this: You're 76 years old and you have yet to learn how to respectfully disagree with others. It's not a good look. One of the great things about this forum is that it allows the exchange of thoughts and opinions that may not always align with our own. We should all make a conscious effort to ensure that this space is one in which people are free to say "I didn't like that" without getting responses that seek to insinuate that the opinion holder can't sleep or needs therapy because they didn't like something. Nothing about that came from a place of kindness and at 76 I'm almost certain that you knew that. To then play victim when your negativity elicited a negative reaction speaks to maybe some other type stuff going on with you that's really none of my business.

    You and I have corresponded within this forum for years now and I have never had this experience with you. What you did in this thread came out of left field from my POV. If this was the result of some past offense on my part that I might be unaware of, please let me know. But other than that, my words in this forum did not deserve what you gave them.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I must admit that, in spite of the agreement, this sort of behavior bothers me. It shows disrespect for my forum. Please consider using better manners.
    You may not have liked my response, but it was a response just the same. Respectful posts don't get responses from me like the one I gave in this thread. That is not typical of how I go about interacting with people in this forum, and there's approximately 5 thousand posts that bear witness to this. She [[Brewster) was wrong and she got called out. The end.

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by mowsville View Post
    Ran theres no point in even discussing this one any further...I will just see you in the head teachers office no doubt.
    The sad thing is that the subject isn't one that we can go on for much longer, but I hate to give somebody the satisfaction of thinking they forced us into silence. But to purposefully drag it out just to spite takes too much energy and would be time consuming. And life is too short for that. So I'll move on with you. But I aint going into nobody's office.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    Your description of Mary makes her sound like she has the current qualifications to be President

    By being so accessible for interviews, Mary has kind of been the unofficial spokesperson for Motown and especially the Supremes. As such, maybe she should be a little more prepared for interviews. But look on the bright side. At least she is cutting down a little on the Princess Margaret and Ave Maria bits.
    Speaking personally, i kind of miss Mary’s engaging re-enactment of the Princess Margaret incident. It certainly is a classic tale, and one that proves funnier and funnier with each re-telling.
    Mary’s own unique take of an English accent is really something rather special. The line “Is that a vig your wearing” gets me every time.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    Speaking personally, i kind of miss Mary’s engaging re-enactment of the Princess Margaret incident. It certainly is a classic tale, and one that proves funnier and funnier with each re-telling.
    Mary’s own unique take of an English accent is really something rather special. The line “Is that a vig your wearing” gets me every time.
    I'm sure you've seen the clip of Mary telling this story on Letterman? I think he says something like "I didn't know PM was German?" WHOOPS! Cracks me up.

    Mary's "Ave Maria" is over the top. Kind of eccentric in a Little Richard sort of way.

  13. #63
    I still don't think it's a big deal what Mary said. The Supremes, as much as y'all hate to hear it, are getting OLD. Virtually every member still alive right now are in their 70s [[Cindy is an anomaly at 80 though Diana, Mary and Jean are fast approaching 80 as well). Are we really expecting these women to remember everything???

    To me, what's important is the Supremes changed pop history. Not R&B history. Why is this argument THAT important? They were gonna be in the history books regardless if they made the R&B charts or not. Are we really gonna complain about someone thinking they never made the R&B charts? That's the hill we're gonna die on???

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    Mary talks off the top of her head, she is so used to just saying anything that reality and veracity are not great concerns to her. At one time she knew the Supremes sold a lot of R&B records because it was in her books - Maybe she forgot, personally I think she just doesn’t give a shit and she just says stuff. I can’t tell you the number of contradictory phrases I’ve heard her utter over the years. Sometimes she contradicts herself even in the same interview, but I think she gives the best interviews of anybody at Motown

    I don’t believe it is the job of the documentary makers to check the truthfulness of what interviewees will say, at least I’ve never seen that done before. Of all the things that Mary has said over the years that are not true in interviews, I’m struck dumb that this would be something that would bring the topic to light.
    Someone finally said it. Mary is getting old, she's gonna forget things. How should we hold her accountable to that? That's like people arguing that Diana was dumb for suggesting LIHANYG was released in 1965 lol [[and this was a couple years after it was released). People are gonna say what they think happened, wrong or right. The Supremes are not the only ones that this has happened to but somehow, people like to put them on the microscope. Otis Williams could say the Temptations only made the pop charts ten times and no one would say "what's wrong with him?" But Mary has to be criticized for this? I don't get it.

  15. #65
    Wow... just checked page 1.

    Guys, it's not that serious.

    It really isn't.

  16. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    I still don't think it's a big deal what Mary said. The Supremes, as much as y'all hate to hear it, are getting OLD. Virtually every member still alive right now are in their 70s [[Cindy is an anomaly at 80 though Diana, Mary and Jean are fast approaching 80 as well). Are we really expecting these women to remember everything???

    To me, what's important is the Supremes changed pop history. Not R&B history. Why is this argument THAT important? They were gonna be in the history books regardless if they made the R&B charts or not. Are we really gonna complain about someone thinking they never made the R&B charts? That's the hill we're gonna die on???
    It's okay that you're unbothered by the error. Is it really burning your spirit that Mows and I feel differently? I know you about as well as anyone can know someone in a forum such as this, and so I'm pretty sure your spirit isn't burning about it. But will someone explain to me at which point are we allowed to have opinions about the Supremes and anything connected to it without it being turned into some kind of drama? I didn't like what Mary Wilson said and I think I did a pretty good job of explaining why. But I keep getting the feeling that folks think I said Mary Wilson should be beheaded or something. Mary Wilson is still my girl, I just feel like she f'd up on this. Is that not allowed anymore?

  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Someone finally said it. Mary is getting old, she's gonna forget things. How should we hold her accountable to that? That's like people arguing that Diana was dumb for suggesting LIHANYG was released in 1965 lol [[and this was a couple years after it was released). People are gonna say what they think happened, wrong or right. The Supremes are not the only ones that this has happened to but somehow, people like to put them on the microscope. Otis Williams could say the Temptations only made the pop charts ten times and no one would say "what's wrong with him?" But Mary has to be criticized for this? I don't get it.
    Maybe I've outgrown my time here. I'll be on pins and needles with every opinion I hold on the Supremes from now on, which will make my time in this forum pointless.

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Wow... just checked page 1.

    Guys, it's not that serious.

    It really isn't.
    On this we can agree. A day later brings a new perspective.

  19. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    On this we can agree. A day later brings a new perspective.
    ”Can you feel a brand new day”.
    I can appreciate both sides on this one. Oprah herself has often mentioned the fact that during that turbulent time in history the Supremes were pivotal in promoting black acceptance and recognition in the media. For that reason alone, the groups R&B chart success assumes added relevance.
    On the other side Mary, is usually asked to comment on the amount of pop number 1’s the group achieved and records they hold so may not have been quite aware or thinking clearly when she made that comment. Plus she is 76 lol.
    Last edited by Ollie9; 09-14-2020 at 06:17 AM.

  20. #70
    Yeah I never hear too many R&B questions being asked to Mary besides being in that documentary about soul music.

  21. #71
    The Supremes were absolutely instrumental in popularizing R & B to the white market and they also created a whole style and sound. To have it suggested that it was not successful R & B is just not accurate and it is wrong to suggest that.

    Mary doesn’t think enough before she speaks and she really should take more care.

    Diana and especially her daughters go out of their way to respect their roots

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    The Supremes were absolutely instrumental in popularizing R & B to the white market and they also created a whole style and sound. To have it suggested that it was not successful R & B is just not accurate and it is wrong to suggest that.

    Mary doesn’t think enough before she speaks and she really should take more care.

    Diana and especially her daughters go out of their way to respect their roots
    Could you give some examples how Diana goes out of her way to respect her roots? I don't mean that as a shitty question or response. I just don't see it. So I'm curious what others see that I don't.

  23. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    The Supremes were absolutely instrumental in popularizing R & B to the white market and they also created a whole style and sound. To have it suggested that it was not successful R & B is just not accurate and it is wrong to suggest that.

    Mary doesn’t think enough before she speaks and she really should take more care.

    Diana and especially her daughters go out of their way to respect their roots
    I think I credit Dionne Warwick with popularizing R&B to the white market. Songs like "Don't Make Me Over", "Walk on By" and "Message to Michael" were perfect examples of pop and soul integrating. But Motown definitely pioneered it very well too.

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Could you give some examples how Diana goes out of her way to respect her roots? I don't mean that as a shitty question or response. I just don't see it. So I'm curious what others see that I don't.
    I was also wondering the same and had originally written the same question and decided in the end not to post it, as I felt like it was a baseless and baiting comment that was made to turn this into another unnecessary Diana vs Mary debate. Mary forgetting the Supremes' R&B charts statistics is one thing. Trying to infer that she does not respect her roots is a completely different thing, and not only untrue, in my opinion, but also irrelevant to this topic. As a white male, I would first of all never feel inclined to make a statement about a black person "not acknowledging their roots", whether true or not. Also, we are talking about two legendary women here [[Diana and Mary, since Jobeterob brought them both into this with his comment), who made music history in a civil rights context. So to try and infer whether someone is actively and publicly "respecting their roots", when they themselves are an integral part of black history, is ludicrous.

    I can understand the frustration in this thread, because we as fans and even historians, want to ensure historical accuracy. At the end of the day, Mary made a mistake and as we all know, very few, if any, of the Supreme ladies, remember all of the historical details as perfectly as we do. We've heard and read inaccuracies in various interviews over the years. At this point, this thread has become more of a "I'm right, dammit" type of argument, instead of a respectful discussion, which I guess is cool, if that's what you're all about. Not sure how that's helping anyone though.
    Last edited by carlo; 09-18-2020 at 03:37 PM.

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    I was also wondering the same and had originally written the same question and decided in the end not to post it, as I felt like it was a baseless and baiting comment that was made to turn this into another unnecessary Diana vs Mary debate. Mary forgetting the Supremes' R&B charts statistics is one thing. Trying to infer that she does not respect her roots is a completely different thing, and not only untrue, in my opinion, but also irrelevant to this topic. As a white male, I would first of all never feel inclined to make a statement about a black person "not acknowledging their roots", whether true or not. Also, we are talking about two legendary women here [[Diana and Mary, since Jobeterob brought them both into this with his comment), who made music history in a civil rights context. So to try and infer whether someone is actively and publicly "respecting their roots", when they themselves are an integral part of black history, is ludicrous.

    I can understand the frustration in this thread, because we as fans and even historians, want to ensure historical accuracy. At the end of the day, Mary made a mistake and as we all know, very few, if any, of the Supreme ladies, remember all of the historical details as perfectly as we do. We've heard and read inaccuracies in various interviews over the years. At this point, this thread has become more of a "I'm right, dammit" type of argument, instead of a respectful discussion, which I guess is cool, if that's what you're all about. Not sure how that's helping anyone though.
    This particular thread was seriously derailed a few days ago, but thankfully things appear to have calmed down. I am just about to watch the episode in question .A very good friend of mine was involved in the production of this programme and he was amazed when i told him the fury and vitirol Mary's comments had caused, but he said it was not his place to correct Mary or edit her comments. Only a very small fraction of Mary's contribution was used for the programme, and maybe the full footage would have told a different story.
    At the end of the day it is hardly a life and death matter. People are losing their lives everyday, and that really is a life and death matter. Let's keep it real folks, and let's keep it positive.
    Much love to you all.

  26. #76
    A couple of people asked about Diana and her daughters connection to their roots; here is a Tracee post from Facebook:

    Tracee Ellis Ross
    13 hrs ·
    “Our spirits, I promise you, are bigger than the systems we face; and I promise you our purpose is greater than the oppression that tries to grab hold of us. Those systems, they may have stolen Breonna’s life but but they will never steal her light. That oppression may have taken her life but it will never steal her legacy because we will fight for that.” ~ @mspackyetti

    I feel at a loss with language right now, but please go to @mspackyetti’s page and watch her latest IGTV about #breonnataylor

    Rhonda posts similarly and perhaps even often than Tracee.

    Now it is the daughters, not Diana - but they are all family and also quite connected to the Obamas.

    As a side note, my recollection is Mary Wilson supported Hilary who would have been a great president whereas the Ross's supported Obama.

  27. #77
    Both Diana and Mary are Democrats, last I checked.


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