I was on my way to get gas from Rusty but I stopped by Grady's on the way and got a bowl of his black beans and beef liver stew and now, I have more gas than I can use. I'm actively negotiating with Goodyear to see if they want to purchase some for the blimps but I'm holding out for filling up five and they only want to buy enough for three. If I fill up three, I still have to get rid of the rest of it and that might not be a good thing. The last time I had this much gas, I went to the beach and farted in the water moments before nine Blue Whales beached themselves on the shore. If it wasn't for all of the buzzards circling ten feet over my head, I might have gotten away with it. I'm seconds away from an environmental disaster of huge dimenision if I sneeze or hiccup, so I might have to go ahead with the three blimp deal. Heck, I might give them a buy-three-get-two special just to feel better. Besides, I have another few bowls of stew and I can't eat them until I make room. I tried to buy some bicarb from the drug store but they're out of the industrial strength formulation and the regular stuff only makes my problem worse. Anyway, it's too hot to drive the Lincoln with the windows down and driving with them up so I can use the air conditioner is a potentially fatal blunder at this point. What if I run over a pothole? Sneeze? I'll figure it out. Tell Rusty I'll be there as soon as I can figure out a safe way to do it. If I recall correctly, Rusty is a smoker and striking a match anywhere within 20 yards of me could leave the hood flat. Thanks for the head's up! I'm dropping off another 3,000 absentee ballots on the corner of Tupac Lane and Weezy Jefferson Blvd. at midnight. If you could fill 'em out and have them back on the corner in a plain unmarked box by Friday, I'd appreciate it. Make sure you don't leave any fingerprints on them or put my name on the box anywhere. I don't want people to think I'm dirty dealing. Peace out!