Quote Originally Posted by blackguy69 View Post
Mary still wasn’t confident enough to do the full lead. She did have her spotlight plus where did our live go and her shared leads.
while i'm sometimes critical of Mary's decisions with the group and some of the lead vocals, i'm not critical of her NOT doing the leads in Hawaii and here at the Copa with the MLC lineup.

The lead parts are for a higher voice than Mary's. I'm sure she knew the lyrics and notes but the score and orchestral parts are in a key for a soprano. Mary's an alto. so yeah, she wouldn't have taken those lead parts. even when she was a solo artist and doing songs like Stoned Love, during the choruses she often still sang the alto part.

Also Lynda would have probably had some basic familiarity with the general melody of the songs. Certainly of the MOR and non-Sup material they were doing. Whereas the backgrounds are typically complex harmonies which she would not have know.

I agree that stepping into the lead duties would be incredibly difficult and Lynda is to be highly commended for doing so. What M and C were doing in the background though is harder than lead and they're often not given credit. people dismiss them as "just" background singers. well honey - background is HARD. so kudos to them