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  1. #1

    My first meetings with Diana Ross and Mary Wilson

    I thought you guys might find these stories amusing. Back in the mid 80's I started learning about Motown history and the Supremes mostly because I read both of Mary Wilson's books back in the day. I was a country boy who went to college in Western NY--and this was my first time meeting New York City people. I thought they were hot chit. Anyway I had a good friend from college named Tom and he was a bouncer at the Ritz at the time, and he was the main guy who turned me on to a whole new world of underground dance music and the NYC club scene. I felt so grown up and cosmopolitan! Hee hee! Anyway one summer [[maybe 1985) I was home from college on summer break in my dopey farm town and Tom called me. Tom knew everybody at the clubs and he told me he'd been invited to a certain "gender bender" pop star's birthday, at, I think it was, either the Palladium or Danceteria. It might have been Boy George's birthday party. Okay, yes it was definitely his party. Hopefully I won't get in trouble by posting this. More in a second...

  2. #2
    Continued... Tom asked me to come with him so of course i said okay! When we got to the club it was wall to wall people. You could barely wriggle through the crowd, people were shoulder to shoulder to the point where it was really uncomfortable. Tom turned to me and said he was going to fight his way through the crowd to get us a drink. He no sooner started on his way when [[what seemed like) a four ft tall black lady came barreling through the crowd, shoving us out the way!! We were both saying who was that B word, and then we overheard someone exclaim it was Diana Ross! Tom and I were very annoyed at what she did, neither of us was a fan, so we devised an evil plan to get back at her! The reason DR shoved us was because she was trying to force her way to the stage there--Boy G was, it was rumored, going to do a song and DR wanted that spotlight! She got to the stage, perched herself on it facing the crowd, and when BG did his song, DR just sat there swaying her hands over her head! This only annoyed Tom and me more so we got as close to the stage as we could, and armed ourselves with cups of ice. Being the horrible little brats we were at that time, we started chucking ice cubes at her! We kept missing so DR didn't even probably know what we were up to but then it happened! One of us managed to lodge a cube right into that giant wig and I swear to GOD DR just glared at the crowd, but had no idea who threw that cube! Afterwards, both Tom and myself wanted to be the one who threw it, but I don't think we ever learned for sure! Hee God we were horrible! Next up: My first meeting with Mary Wilson!
    Last edited by BobbyC; 06-06-2020 at 04:09 PM.

  3. #3
    After my infamous "meeting" with Diana Ross, I graduated college and was working as a waiter at the Tralfamador Cafe, main Street, Buffalo. The Tralf was a very, very nice nightclub where all the acts who played NYC would want to play because it was so close to Manhatten [[well, 500 miles but who's counting) and Rochester and they could save money that way. We waiters got to see the shows for free and I saw Dennis Edwards, James Brown, Rick James, Phyliss Hyman, Donnie and Marie and others there at the club over the months I worked there. One night Mary Wilson came to town I had to go, since a friend of mine had turned me onto Mary's book just a while before, and I was fascinated by the Motown story. Mary did her show--she was sensational, the crowd was very into her, and I recall she did a Donna Summer song [[I think it was She Works Hard for the money but could be misremembering it). I also recall she did Stoned Love. Once the show as over, I decided to go backstage and meet her. This was a breeze since I knew all the people working that night. Mary came breezing out from her dressing room eventually, accompanied by a tall black guy with what appeared to be a mullet hairstyle! It was Tony Turner, although I wouldn't find out who he was for years--his books hadn't come out yet at that time. Anyway, when he introduced us Mary just said "Ohhh you're CUTE" and she kissed me on the cheek. I walked home that night wondering did that really just happen? But it did. I then started thinking okay one Supreme kissed me and said i was cute but the other shoved me out the way! This began what has become a life long fascination for me.

  4. #4
    Oh yeah. How I found out that the guy who was working with Mary was Tony Turner. Years later in the 90's I spoke with Tony Turner on the phone for several hours. I wrote him a fan letter telling him how funny I thought his book was! He called me! At some point I brought up the fact that I had met Mary and seen her show at the Tralf. TT thought about it for a second and asked me if the Tralf was a theater in the round kinda place in Buffalo, and when I replied yes it was, TT said "Oh yeah I remember those shows!" I was amazed! Anyhow, Mary played, if I recall correctly, four shows, two per night, and the place was SRO. I asked the promoters some time later if they'd made a profit on Mary's shows, and they told me "OH hell yes, we made a killing!"

  5. #5
    Mary is one of the nicest and most fun people in the world! She loves to party and have fun and is a joy to be with and she is not a narcissist. If it’s a one on one, she engages as much with you as you do with her. If it’s in a group setting, she make sure everyone feels included. Her mood changes slightly after the first bottle of bubbly, but she still is genuine and fun but at that point and after the more she drinks the less her words are censored and she can spill some terrific loads of dirt. She isAlways a joy to be around. I’ve never met diana ross so I don’t have any idea what she would be like but I hope to someday.

  6. #6
    I have several friends who have known Ross for years and they all say the same thing: She has changed for the better--she's chilled out over the years. Good for her! My secret shame is that I love the bad old stories, though! I find them so over-the-top that they are hilarious. God bless her! I love Tony Turner too. Someone online said he's died--does anybody know if that is true? I hope not.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    I have several friends who have known Ross for years and they all say the same thing: She has changed for the better--she's chilled out over the years. Good for her! My secret shame is that I love the bad old stories, though! I find them so over-the-top that they are hilarious. God bless her! I love Tony Turner too. Someone online said he's died--does anybody know if that is true? I hope not.
    Tony Turners very much alive and working as a greeter at my local Walmart in Panorma City, California.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    I have several friends who have known Ross for years and they all say the same thing: She has changed for the better--she's chilled out over the years. Good for her! My secret shame is that I love the bad old stories, though! I find them so over-the-top that they are hilarious. God bless her! I love Tony Turner too. Someone online said he's died--does anybody know if that is true? I hope not.
    i love the old stories, too. Not the fake, sensationalized BS, but things like her pushing that giant monitor off the stage at Wembley, and, not meaning to start anything, that choosing Sherry and lynda to go out with is everything that I want from her in that it is sneaky clever devious brilliant, narrowly focused, dogged determination. Right or wrong is not the point here, it’s that very spark in her that made the Supremes and her solo career what they became. A teenager who went to beauty school and modeling school and study fashion and costume illustration while joining the hexagons, the swim team and maintaining a B average. That can-do thought process I just admire so damn much – even if it takes her down the wrong alley sometimes. I think she would be fascinating to know, although I don’t know if she would be fun or not. Mary is a blast! Cindy is very sweet and not exactly what one would call humorous, sherry and Linda are very very nice and lynda really does speak her mind fully aware she may be ruffling an occasional feather. I’ve hung out with Susaye with Mary and Scherrie twice and she’s also very nice but she wasn’t as animated as the other two - Plus one night she wasn’t feeling well I think she had a toothache or just had a tooth pulled or I can’t remember but she was not feeling up to par after the show.
    Last edited by TheMotownManiac; 06-07-2020 at 08:09 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Tony Turners very much alive and working as a greeter at my local Walmart in Panorma City, California.
    im so glad he’s alive and gainfully employed - one hears so many rumors of his demise.

  10. #10
    Thank you so much BobbyC and MotownManiac for sharing your experiences with everyone. I really enjoy reading them and appreciate your humour.
    I have only ever had one Diana Ross experience but sadly it’s a negative so am reluctant to share. Maybe she was having a bad day as we all do periodically. Perhaps one day.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    Thank you so much BobbyC and MotownManiac for sharing your experiences with everyone. I really enjoy reading them and appreciate your humour.
    I have only ever had one Diana Ross experience but sadly it’s a negative so am reluctant to share. Maybe she was having a bad day as we all do periodically. Perhaps one day.
    i would love to hear it when you’re ready. It seems Miss Ross has certainly had her share of bad days LOL. i’ve heard that she’s mellowed an awful lot, but then again you never know.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    I would have loved to be friends with DR, but would she be fun to be around. Or, would I be walking on egg shells all the time?

    My impression is that she had almost no friends just to hang out with. She did not seem to want or need friends. Has she dated anyone in the past 30 years?

    I did notice DR has softened as she ages, yet photos show she still goes most places by herself.
    Last edited by Circa 1824; 06-07-2020 at 09:27 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    He no sooner started on his way when [[what seemed like) a four ft tall black lady came barreling through the crowd, shoving us out the way!! We were both saying who was that B word, and then we overheard someone exclaim it was Diana Ross!
    Are you sure it was not a drag queen? lol
    Last edited by Circa 1824; 06-07-2020 at 09:34 AM.

  14. #14
    Motownmaniac--I love your posts and you are always fair. I never see you bashing anybody! But I have to disagree on one thing--I LOVE the "sensationalized BS!!!" People over the years have tried to convince me that Tony Turner wrote a bunch of lies but the way I see it is who cares? First off I don't think he lied--I think he exaggerates certain stories to make them more interesting and hilarious. I sincerely doubt anyone thinks TT is the go-to guy as a Motown historian! When I want that, I read Taraborelli. When I want to laugh, I read TT. He is the John Waters of Motown!

    Hey MM--do you remember the time Diana beat the crap out of some tabloid paparazzi with her high heel and ended up flat on her azz in the middle of the street? Hee hee--that's our girl! If Tony Turner told that story, people would say he made it up! And yes I remember when DR had that meltdown onstage where she kicked the monitor! One reviewer said something to the effect of that kick would have made Pele proud!

  15. #15
    Circa--no, it was the real thing. Or Miss Thing, however you want to say it!

  16. #16
    Circa--oh come on! Spill it! my story wasn't exactly positive, but look at the bright side! Even today I can boast that I have been shoved out the way by Diana Ross! How many people can say that.

  17. #17
    Re: Diana Ross' personality. I've read pretty much every word written on her and as another poster already noted, you can kinda put all the info together and come up with a pretty good overall picture. DR for most of her life was absolutely focused on making herself the biggest star in the industry. She pretty much achieved that and managed to keep it for decades after her contemporaries faded away. I never got the impression that DR didn't have or want friends--I think she was so driven with her career that her old friends just got left in the dirt. With the little time she had left for people outside of her career, she focused on her family. EVERYBODY says DR is a fantastic mother, her kids even say it. But friends? The only person I've heard say they were friends with her, outside of old Motown friends, was Suzanne DePasse who claimed DR was her best friend. She was also asked once who was the biggest pain in the azz to work with, and she said Diana Ross. It's that kinda thing that makes DR fascinating! I'm not a fan of her music but I'm a huge fan of her story!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Circa--no, it was the real thing. Or Miss Thing, however you want to say it!
    i know it was the real thing ... I was just joking.
    Last edited by Circa 1824; 06-07-2020 at 10:29 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Her life has been a total mystery to all but a verrrry few people. I always thought she greatly feared being truly known. She seems to trust almost no one with that information, and thus stays very distanced. Even her own autobiography was empty.
    Last edited by Circa 1824; 06-07-2020 at 10:36 AM.

  20. #20
    I know, Circa!!!

  21. #21
    Circa--I am with you 100%. I recall DR doing an interview where she said her drive came from deep insecurities and people laughed at her. Not me! I can totally see what she was saying. DR wanted to be a huge star/entertainer. She knew she wasn't the prettiest star out there. She was a good singer but lots of singers were better. Despite those things DR pressed on and achieved most of her dreams--but I would imagine DR never felt like she was good enough but faked it until she made it. Fascinating psychology.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Actually, a 4-foot Diana Ross drag queen would have been fun because they were usually 6’10”. lol
    Last edited by Circa 1824; 06-07-2020 at 12:36 PM.

  23. #23
    That's how I knew it wasn't a drag queen!

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Circa--I am with you 100%. I recall DR doing an interview where she said her drive came from deep insecurities and people laughed at her. Not me! I can totally see what she was saying. DR wanted to be a huge star/entertainer. She knew she wasn't the prettiest star out there. She was a good singer but lots of singers were better. Despite those things DR pressed on and achieved most of her dreams--but I would imagine DR never felt like she was good enough but faked it until she made it. Fascinating psychology.
    Well that’s all opinions. She was one of the most beautiful woman out there. IMO. And one the best singers out there. In fact my favorite! What did she fake? With that drive and talent

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Circa--oh come on! Spill it! my story wasn't exactly positive, but look at the bright side! Even today I can boast that I have been shoved out the way by Diana Ross! How many people can say that.
    A bigger claim still, is you have to be but a handful of people to have ever thrown ice at her !! Oh, dear! lol!!

  26. #26
    Diana and Mary have been nothing less than super sweet and cordial to meet.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    Diana and Mary have been nothing less than super sweet and cordial to meet.
    I think it fair to say that each individual has their own personal experience which forms their opinion.. Some might be positive, some not.

  28. #28
    Vgal--is that really what you got from my post? That is crazy. I never said she wasn't pretty or a talented singer. Man what is going on these days? People just read into every post as something ugly. All I was saying is that I understand, FROM DIANA'S OWN WORDS, that maybe insecurity drove her to be the best she could be. Jesus--lighten up

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Vgal--is that really what you got from my post? That is crazy. I never said she wasn't pretty or a talented singer. Man what is going on these days? People just read into every post as something ugly. All I was saying is that I understand, FROM DIANA'S OWN WORDS, that maybe insecurity drove her to be the best she could be. Jesus--lighten up
    Yes that’s what I got from your post. Sorry if I didn’t take it the right way. Diana Ross fans do get a bit defensive, when you always hear she didn’t have the best voice or wasn’t the prettiest. All I am saying is that’s just all opinion. I didn’t mean for you to get so defensive about what you said. You can lighten up your self! Sorry I didn’t mean to upset so much.
    Last edited by vgalindo; 06-08-2020 at 12:50 PM.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Vgal--is that really what you got from my post? That is crazy. I never said she wasn't pretty or a talented singer. Man what is going on these days? People just read into every post as something ugly. All I was saying is that I understand, FROM DIANA'S OWN WORDS, that maybe insecurity drove her to be the best she could be. Jesus--lighten up
    That's all he got from it because he is nuts! Diane has driven these guys nuts! Out of one side of his mouth, he says he's sorry and on the other side, he's telling you to go pound salt for just posting what Diana Ross said about herself!

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That's all he got from it because he is nuts! Diane has driven these guys nuts! Out of one side of his mouth, he says he's sorry and on the other side, he's telling you to go pound salt for just posting what Diana Ross said about herself!
    Marv. Please don’t go there! You are the biggest nut on this board!

  32. #32
    Don’t go there. Some of the Diana fanatics on this are just as nutty
    Quote Originally Posted by vgalindo View Post
    Marv. Please don’t go there! You are the biggest nut on this board!

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Motownmaniac--I love your posts and you are always fair. I never see you bashing anybody! But I have to disagree on one thing--I LOVE the "sensationalized BS!!!" People over the years have tried to convince me that Tony Turner wrote a bunch of lies but the way I see it is who cares? First off I don't think he lied--I think he exaggerates certain stories to make them more interesting and hilarious. I sincerely doubt anyone thinks TT is the go-to guy as a Motown historian! When I want that, I read Taraborelli. When I want to laugh, I read TT. He is the John Waters of Motown!

    Hey MM--do you remember the time Diana beat the crap out of some tabloid paparazzi with her high heel and ended up flat on her azz in the middle of the street? Hee hee--that's our girl! If Tony Turner told that story, people would say he made it up! And yes I remember when DR had that meltdown onstage where she kicked the monitor! One reviewer said something to the effect of that kick would have made Pele proud!
    i sure do! It happened in France in the 80s not long after she got married. The whole family was going out to dinner and she held court outside the restaurant I had of time with the press so they could have all the photographs and comments that they wanted as long as they left her and her family alone with her family arrived before and after dinner. When they were leaving the restaurant when paparazzi started snapping pictures and then she snapped and went after him.

    I enjoyed tony Turner‘s writings, but I do believe he makes things up and yes of course his exaggerations are legend, but I adore all that glittered. As far as Randy terrible rally, he makes stuff up also and repeats unverified Info. I wish David Ritz had done a bio on the Supremes or ross. I trust him.

    as far as bashing goes, I don’t think I ever bash anybody, but that doesn’t mean I ignore what I perceive to be negative aspects of the subject matter. If I say Diana is this or Mary is that, it doesn’t mean what is the greatest person on the planet and the other is garbage, it just means that Personal issue with them it’s some thing that I am talking about and in no way sums up their entire being or my opinion of them as a whole. I love diana ross but if I hate something she did, I hate some thing she did. I got a personal message from someone asking how I can be such a hypocrite by referring to Mary’s questionable veracity and yet still, in the loosest sense of the word, I am a friend of hers. I said I don’t really consider that to be hypocritical at all, I could enjoy Mary a great deal and think a lot of good thoughts about her even though I don’t believe everything she says. For good reason.

    we are blessed in this forum to have as members some folks who are less than objective about their favorites to the point that It could be pretty funny sometimes.
    Last edited by TheMotownManiac; 06-09-2020 at 11:10 AM.

  34. #34
    I must have read All That Glittered 20 times! I am reading Deliver Us from Temptations again--is that not the trashiest book title ever? It's almost as bad as All That Glittered. I am telling you TT is the John Waters of Motown.

  35. #35
    MotownManiac--my secret shame is that I used to love reading the mean posts on various forums about MW and DR! They could be frickin' hilarious. One time some guy said you could go see Mary for $5 and a free donut at the local trailer Park convenience store! Hee hee. I think my brain is melting!

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by blackguy69 View Post
    Don’t go there. Some of the Diana fanatics on this are just as nutty
    I never seen someone so obsessed and vile about a woman that he doesn’t even know. So IMO. He’s up there.
    Last edited by vgalindo; 06-09-2020 at 01:46 PM.


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