Quote Originally Posted by nathanj06 View Post
Yeah, this is quite a story. I'm not a musician or anything but what could possibly be the rush to get this song out and just wait for Martha to return to complete a particular take? I'm just sorry this record didn't chart better even into the top 10. It still remains one of her best in my book. In the meantime I searched my computer and found multiples of the mono single, the alternate and the original. On amazon, the "GOLD" version says single/mono and it is clearly stereo as posted above so now I have it, although sad it doesn't have that fantastic voice/sax blend as discussed. I do like the alternate with that "clicking" sound whatever that is. Then another version is more uptempo. Either way, makes for a great story and a great recording by Martha and whoever. Oh, and thanks for the info bradburger.
I think we need the wisdom of Solomon on this subject to explain it in more easy to understand terms - c'mon George where are you?