Results 1 to 37 of 37
  1. #1

    Obama's top donors got gov't jobs

    According to a new investigation by iWatch News, almost 200 of Obama's top donors have received jobs in the administration, federal contracts for their businesses or invitations to "elite" White House meetings and social events

    Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-31727_16...#ixzz1PN502U6v

  2. #2
    Are you telling us that this just didn't happen in the W. Bush Administration? Are we supposed to look at this and now say that Obama is corrupt as a president because this allegedly happened? What is your agenda?

  3. #3
    Get of Baracks nutsack.

  4. #4
    Skooldem the way I see it, you have four choices

    1. Vote for a Republican who will continue the same failed Republican polices while piling on more.

    2. Hold your nose and vote for a Democrat who is not perfect but has done more [[albeit not enough) for the middle class, minorities and the poor than the last president did in 8 years.

    3. Vote for some unknown [[as of yet) Indie candidate who, if they were to miraculously win would have to rely heavily on either a Democrat or Republican Congress to get bills passed.

    4. Not vote at all and then complain and insult because you’re not happy with who is in the White House

    Your choice, your decision, choose wisely.

  5. #5
    smark21 Guest
    OMG! Never before in the history of world politics has there been a situation in which an elected official appointed people who donated lots of money to the campaign to positions. This is unprecedented! Shocking! Impeach President Obama now!

  6. #6
    I,just like many of you here, would post this news for any other President. To say you wouldn't, would be a lie. I have always been a little suspicious when it comes to government and government officials. I don't trust any of them. I suspect many of you "use" to be the same way. I have never been a "fan" of any President or politician. Have liked some, supported, and voted but never felt like I need to be their mouthpiece, or cheerleader, or support everything they do. Why would I be different now? Why should it be different now? All a politician can get from me is my vote. I have stated so many times that I have been a lifelong democrat, and voted for President Obama. This attitude many of you have is similar to what use to disgust me about republican zombies and supporters of George Bush Jr. during those years. Or the Clinton years. I just can't get with that mentality. Everything just so one sided. I never thought I would feel this way about my fellow democrat supporters. Its all one big game to these politiicans. Every other day its the same old shit from these politicians. There are some people/supporters that get into this whole game too. One day its the democats who do something messed up, then the next day its the repubs. They turn the blind eye when their party messes up, but shout from the roof top when its someone from the other party doing the same thing. Some things are down right hypocritical. Yet there are still some supporters that will defend. I will continue to criticize what I don't like about politicians, regardless of who they are.

  7. #7
    Can't speak for anyone but me Skooldem and although I support President Obama, I haven't been a cheerleader in more than 40 years.

    If I find something positive to say about a Republican I'll post it, which I have done from time to time..... Rare, very rare but it does happen.

    The next 17 months are going to be nothing but lies, lies and more lies coming from the Republican Party, counteracting those lies is what I intend to do. Why, because those lies repeated over and over become the truth to those that are not informed and I DO NOT WANT a Republican in the White House.

    You want to go negative be my guest but please don't lecture me about who I choose to support. I want the same thing you and everyone on this forum wants. A person who cares more about me and the middle class than he does about 1% of the population. Unless you happen to be in the 1%....and since there is only one person that fits that bill who is in the running...

    If you can show me any Republican that has shown the type of commitment for the 99'ers that President Obama has, please enlighten me. In the meantime, I'll "defend" the One that brought me to the dance.

  8. #8
    This is one time I have to agree 100% with the person's post above mine. Ditto.

  9. #9
    I feel you on this one. Even though his donors got appointments I think the point is they have been [[politicians) doing this for years! I am NOT one to play the race card and never have been but ever since President Obama has taken office I have never in my life seen a president have his every move being watched as if though he were the devil incarnate. When Bush and Company were doing their dirt [[Halliburton, kickbacks, no weapons of mass destruction, etc) everyone turned a blind eye. As Ms M said above the accomplishments of this president are in print for all to see but the mass media does not report it or if they do its forgotten. Considering what O has gone through he has held his composure in front of the camera and Im am shocked the man has not had a nervous breakdown or gotten nutty. I would venture to think what would have happened if Palin and McCain had gotten in office. It is a well known fact that some companies who could hire people are not doing it because they want to wait until President Obama is out of office and they are Repulican CEO's.

    I personally have no problem with you pointing out who has gotten positions in the Obama administration and whether you are Rep, Dem, or Independent everyone has a right to free speech. Im going in the direction of a Democrat though I cannot vote for the Republicans knowing that during their whole debate all they seemed to talk about was getting rid of President Obama it was hilarious. Although I am no fan of Ron Paul at least he was consistent in what he said. I almost got taken in by him some time ago but I learned better that he and his father [[and I am not sure of this) but based on some of the things they have said I suspect they are down low racists. No offense to any Ron and Rand Paul fans on the board Im sorry.
    Its evident that Michelle Bachmann is being coached, Newt Gingrich is no longer the Daddy of the republicans and Mitt Romney is relying on looks and denying a healthcare program that is working to please his constituents that he instituted!

    I agree pretty much with what Ms M said but I never thought you had an agenda.

  10. #10
    I cannot, in good conscience, EVER vote republican! Not after the continued vile race-baiting they use. Oh, I know some democrats aren't much better, but they can't hold a candle to the things the far-right have said and done. And, they say racist things daily on right-wing talk radio, commercials, and on Fox news. The operatives are always using race, and many in their rank and file are nasty racists. They are the lowest form of hypocrite when it comes to deficit reduction, government intrusion in our lives, and denying their own positions if it means opposing that "Kenyan Muslim" who was illegally voted into office by illegals. They take food out of the mouths of hungry families and give tax-breaks to wealthy corporations. They wage war of moderate wage-earning workers by busting unions. They'd rather let grandma die than to hurt insurance companies. The list does on...

  11. #11
    There is a certain irony in the way political parties have operated over the years. The last half way decent Republican to occupy the White House was Dwight D. Eisenhower but after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, many ultra conservatives lost their ever loving minds. People like Nixon, Atwater and Dixiecrats like Pat Buchanan and Jesse Helms jumped on that crazy train and started pushing the Republican Party further and further to the right.

    Years later, another “civil rights” type moment comes along and the ultra conservatives once again are losing their ever loving minds....and this time, they have gone so far to the right they are falling over a cliff and taking the country with them. The only thing that has truly changed in their world over the last 40 plus years is “political correctness” and Sarah Palin and her “dog whistles” blew that out the window the moment she sat foot on the national stage.

    The reality on the ground doesn’t always operate in the perfect world we would like and there is not one man or woman that can be all things to all people in a country as diverse as this one BUT….no Republican on the national stage in the last 40 plus years has come close to making a consistent effort, to do what’s best for the average citizen in this country. They have the skills to lie their way into office, they have lofty sounding talking points that don’t have a chance in hell of helping average people in the long run and their only goal is to destroy anything and anyone that gets in the way of preserving their “privileged” status quo.

    I will not be a mouth piece for ultra conservatives. It goes against everything I believe in as a citizen of the US, a woman and as a member of a minority race. If that means I have to look the other way when someone who is making an effort to help me falls short of my expectations…oh well, that’s life. But looking the other way when someone is deliberately stabbing me in my back is insane and illogical.

    Unlike some I have a long memory and I remember the people who jump all over the the negatives of Barack Obama but conveniently forget to post his many positive accomplishment in just two short years. Show me the positive accomplishments of those that oppose him, and you will not only have my attention, I will bring the pom poms out of month balls to cheer you on!

    Do I think people who don't bother to look for the good in this President have an agenda, you betcha and that agenda does not align with mine.

    Politics is more than a game, it affects my life...legitimate compromises I can handle even if I may not like them but playing nice against BS when my life is at stake is a fool hardy notion imo.
    Last edited by ms_m; 06-16-2011 at 12:35 PM. Reason: see highlighted text

  12. #12
    Why does someone have to post anything in a politicians defense? I am not on their payroll.

    People, black people in particular need to wake up and stop thinking that democrats care about them.

    As Harriet Tubman once said...."I freed thousands of slaves. I could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves."
    Last edited by skooldem1; 06-16-2011 at 12:56 PM.

  13. #13
    The whole government is morally corrupt and crooked. Anyone who so passionately defends it is suspect to me.
    Last edited by skooldem1; 06-16-2011 at 12:48 PM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    The whole government is crooked and anyone who so passionately defends it is suspect to me.
    I passionately defend the President that's in charge of a "crooked govt" that was crooked before he was even born. I do it because it's the only government I have at the moment.

    When I look at what's happening in the world around me...in spite of this "crooked govt" imperfections, it's the best one I've seen that can offer me the things I've become accustomed to. When I can't take it anymore, when there is no fight left in me to deal with it, I'll leave and settle for second best.

    Since you seem unwilling or unable to help make a difference by helping the one decent leader we have against this "crooked govt,", why are you still here, why not simply leave?..... and please, do me a favor and take all your friends that feel the same way with you.

  15. #15
    You know Skooldem, people like you who avail themselves of all the "privileges" of this imperfect country and refuse to stand up for what's good about it, are beyond suspect imo they are hypocrites...and here is a little secret, I don't have a problem with hypocrites per se, hell I can be one but I do have a problem with people that are not honest about being a hypocrite. People who work hard and wrong to disparage those who are trying to make a difference in a eff'd up system.

    If the crookedness outweighs the privileges you receive, leave. At the very least get out of the way of those that are trying to work in the reality of the system. All your venting about how imperfect and crooked things are doesn't change a dayum thing...Sure, you have every right to vent, it's one of the many privileges that comes with being in the USA but how does that advance the ball forward, how does that make a dent in a system you seem to hate but continue to live in?

    The ones that work at making things right only seem to get a inch at a time but at least their getting that inch. What do you and the people that do nothing but complain about the system bring to the table that moves the ball further ahead?

  16. #16
    Politician means 'corrupt', 'liar', 'trained to lie', 'trained to double talk'.

    They all go in their with the best intentions but it is a system where there is endemic lining of the pockets of your friends; but hey, are you going to line your opponent's pockets? And they will be lining their own next time around.

    And our system is better than that of Iran, China, Russia, Serbia, Argentina etc? Those guys are more corrupt.

    But anyone who thinks this is a lily white, pure system of idyllic looking after your neighbour ~ has it terribly wrong.

    It would probably be very frightening to know what any President and Cabinet Member knows about the foibles and risk of the American financial system or security risks we face each day.

  17. #17
    Oh lawd here we go, a Canadian all in the American kool aid....

    Imo you do not have the gravitas to talk about America, a country you don't live in, when your own county is facing it's own set of political conservative problems. Unless of course you have been lying to us all these years about where you are.

    ...but hell, at least we are not rioting in the streets over a frigging soccer match.
    Last edited by ms_m; 06-16-2011 at 02:04 PM.

  18. #18
    I feel truly sorry for some of you. My my. What's with all the temper tantrums?? Why are some so defensive and ready to attack anyone who doesn't view this administration through rose colored glasses???? I was the same way 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, etc. No one has told me why I should be different now.

  19. #19
    hahahaha....Save your pity, what you see as a temper tantrum and defensiveness, most adults with a thinking brain see as constructive dialogue against BS.

    I'm dayum near 60 years old and a history lesson from you, someone who bitches about a decent Dem, while staying eerily quiet on the bad Tepubs is wasted on someone like me.... but continue on. There are more than enough people who you have managed to fool by your type of dishonest rhetoric. I'm sure they love your enlighten and just moral fortitude while you suck at the teat of the big bad corrupt govt.

  20. #20
    How noble of you. Have you always been this patriotic? I try to stay out of your way and let you do you, but I wish you would just shut the hell up sometimes. You come across as a crazy woman who gets offended if someone talks about her boyfriend. How about you continue to fight for your man, and just leave me and anyone else with a different opinion alone.

  21. #21
    Noble? LOL...lawd love a duck, you've got me confused with that face you look at in the mirror. Not noble sweetie simply realistic.

    Dude, trying to paint your opponent in a bad light with childish insults as oppose to challenging them with constructive, meaningful and honest conversation is for low information folks, I'm a lot of things Skool and most of it is bad but low info is not one of them.

    But keep bringing it, I'm not learning anything that could possibly be seen as useful information that helps one to grow and open their mind but I am amused.

    Your turn......hahahahahahahahahaha

  22. #22
    Please go back to doing what you do. I asked you nicely to leave me alone.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    Please go back to doing what you do. I asked you nicely to leave me alone.

    but I'm having fun...why are you trying to deprive me of my fun Skool? That not very "democratic" of you... my, my your royal "moral ness"...you're attempting to take away my freedom to have fun.....how crude.

    yo...you really want to be left alone....well back the heck up ...simple solution, eh?

    ...5...4...3...3..1...you're up....ROTFLMBAO

  24. #24
    ....and you don't think your crazy? All of this back and forth cause I had the nerve to post a news story about the current administration? Really?

  25. #25
    Hell yeah I'm crazy and proud of it but I'm an intelligent kind of crazy that seems to go right over your head.

    I'm not annoyed about the article Skool. I'm annoyed because as far back as two years ago you have bashed Obama more than bashing the Repubs. The very people who have helped more than any party to corrupt the government. That's not to say the Dems haven't done there share, hell that's part of the reason I registered more than 30 years ago as a Indie and will stay one but dayum sam, open your eyes to what's going on.

    Playing Faux commentator makes you come off as someone who supports these idiots. Bragging about how corrupt the government is doesn't gloss that seemingly support over.

    I would love a challenging debate on the merits of all the candidates but let's get real....there is only one that's credible enough to finish what he's started and if we put him back in, he will NOT be constrained by political BS since he can't ever run again after. THINK MAN.....THINK

    Don't let your emotions get in the way of working to keep the Repubs out of office. If you can't do that...don't do anything at all.

    Fighting the lies and BS of these fools and the low information voters they swindle is hard enough without having to fight someone who claims to be on the "left" side of history.

    You're a smart man, don't let your negativity get in the way of seeing the forest for the trees....unless you want a Repub...because too often you sure act like it and whining about what you want in terms of a "moral" government as oppose to dealing with the one we have is simply illogical to me Skool Dem.

    Get pissed with me, Barack Obama and the entire American government....call me names, insult and THEN get over it....but again...you want to have an honest discussion about politics and politicians, then open your eyes to reality.

    We live in a eff'd up time and finding the best possible solution no matter how imperfect it may be is the only way we can truly have a better way of life than the one we have right now.

    Maybe your life is all roses and rainbows but if you don't give a sht about those whose life is not as great as yours.....I'm truly wasting my breath talking to you.

  26. #26
    "bashed". Just how many threads or "negative comments" have I started in 2 years/ 730 days in the clubhouse about the President? Lets keep it real ok. You are just as bad as republican supporters. How many times do I have to say that I voted for Barack Obama????? I mean really, it doesn't matter what I may say, its about the vote. For me to be lectured and attacked because I post things regarding "the establisment" and people here to take it personal, its them not me who has the problem. I'm suppose to do what now, because who is in the white house? Sorry sista it don't work that way.

    Just for agruments sake, lets say I posted 10 negative articles. You obviously see that as troubling. Now on the flip side, how many pro-president/democrat postings have you made in 2 years. HUNDREDS, yet you don't see anything wrong with that? LMAO. A bit obsessive are we? Are they paying you?
    Last edited by skooldem1; 06-16-2011 at 04:23 PM.

  27. #27
    Oh please...we have an archives and I've proven I'm dayum good at doing research...you really want to go there....

    Why the hell do you think people question these types of post from you? At least the people that KNOW the deal.

    If you balanced it out with the other side of the story we would not be having this conversation and I would have ignored the thread but you don't do that Skool. Then you get get all pissy and call people names instead of intelligently defending your actions when you're called out.


    I'm brash, snarky, opinionated and sometimes down right mean when dealing with ignorance and will own up to everything negative that can be proven to be true, so do us both a favor and play this dumb arse game with someone that doesn't know YOUR HISTORY on this forum....I'm not the one!

    I'm not amused anymore. You don't have the balls to come clean with your BS.

    Later...and please feel free to have the last dumb arse word on me!!!!

  28. #28
    Your are misinformed. Lets be mature and agree to disagree..... again. Although I admit there is part of me that wants you to show proof of me bashing the president. With this group of groupies here, all it takes is one post of something not rosey about the President for them to brand you a republican, hater, or basher. Just curious, how many post over how many years does it take to classify someone as a basher? By the same token, If I were to match that number- my bashing post as you call them, with your post , where you cheerlead the democrats- can I call you a an obsessed fanatic, an Obama zombie? Is it necessary to label? Is it necessary to tell me what I should think and where I should go just because we may disagree????? But you think I'm the one with the problem.

  29. #29
    and please feel free to have the last dumb arse word on me!!!!
    I rest my case...

  30. #30
    No no. You haven't even presented a case. Just a lot of talk. You don't decide when something is over, or who can have the last word. For the record- until this post, it was YOU who felt the need to have the last word. So who are you kidding here.
    Last edited by skooldem1; 06-16-2011 at 05:26 PM.

  31. #31
    Twas a hockey game dear!

    The fright of it is that Canadian lawyers actually do know more than most Americans about what is going on in the USA.

    This is a bit much to read but I'm thinking I am tipping toward Skooldem on this one!

    And it's just an opinion and a forum; people are entitled to em and rarely change em, especially when they get ranted at!

  32. #32
    Your'e right and I'm wrong about the game but a riot by any other name is still a riot "dear."

    And you just skip right along with the insanity, "sweetie", living here is not the same as some claim to fame as a lawyer on the other-side of our border but If you think I am invested in who takes what side of a discussion I find myself in, you're sadly mistaken. I stand up and stand by the things I believe in no matter who agrees.

    Thanks for playing and have a wonderful day.

  33. #33
    smark21 Guest
    What is the purpose of starting this thread? It's like announcing that rain falls from the sky and the sun sets in the west. Since the dawn of politics, big donors have always received cushy jobs, favors and contracts. Skooldem if you are genuinely shock and upset by this news, then you have been very naive until now. Time to grow up and accept the world for what it is, not what you want it to be.

  34. #34
    Agree Smark21 but as you probably know, folks on the left have a bad habit of eating their own.

    Speaking in general terms, Republicans play to win. Democrats fantasize about some mystical, moral superior position and complain. The morality bit sounds nice in PC society but it’s not the type of thing that wins elections.

    Best political line I’ve heard today:

    "Social victories are always won by the sixteenth-inch. Lazy losers have no place in that struggle."

    I sat back TWICE as a loser by keeping silent while the electorate voted Bush Jr in office. No way in hell will I let that happen again by staying silent.

    ....and for anyone who has a problem with that, if that makes me an arse hole, b#$CH or any other name, phrase or inaccurate description you want throw in the mix, you ain't seen NOTHING yet because with this election, if I go down, I go down fighting...bet on it!

  35. #35
    Ms M thats the ticket! I sat back quietly as well and that is why I am not going to let it happen again either. Many good things have happened with this presidency but the ONE thing I have seen is that people who normally dont get involved or inform themselves of what is going on politically have started to do so. Also the TRUE racists have come out of hiding and have shown their true colors when in past years they were behind closed doors doing their dirt. I have heard people say that people just voted for Barack Obama because he is black! Nope we are a minority the whites and others put him in along with help from the blacks. You thought the same thing I was thinking that at least the Eisenhower presidency had some decency behind it and there were some progressive Repubs who still exist to this day. Oh I forgot to tell you I was wrong and you were right I see Cenk who was a youtube star on MSNBC now so he does have some clout. My man is Ed Schulz, Lawrence o Donnell and Rachel Maddow who is the best of the bunch as far as commentators go. I cant sit back and watch this fiasco of rich lets not help the poor, outsource jobs and get richer crowd exist anymore its sad! Did you hear what Mitt Romney said today? He looked at a group of people and told them "Im unemployed too" the nerve of him!

    He is worth 200 million dollars if not more and has spent the last five years campaigning because he can AFFORD too and Miss Bachmann gets farm subsidies who are these people? Rich and preaching we want to take away food stamps and tell people who can and cant keep their children. I am not pro abortion but I DO believe its a choice and given certain circumstances in my own life I would never tell someone to keep or not keep their child I would be hypocritical. This bunch gives me the willies and they really believe their own press. If I hear tax cuts one more time I think I will puke! None of what they preach is what Jesus or any true Christian would want to do to people. Dont believe me I could show you things these people have said that would make your ears stand on end. Chris Christie against unions! If we didnt have the unions this group of charlatans would have people working at 5.00 an hour! Now in another state [[I cant rememember) the repubs are trying to get rid of the child labor laws! I never thought that rich people really wanted to hurt the poor or be this greedy but I truly do believe it now and again some of the things I have heard this group of right wingers preach is downright scary!

  36. #36
    Yep, I posted that Romney remark on my thread. The man boggles the mind with many of the thing he says and so far, he's the sanest in the bunch.

    Thanks for the shout out on Cenk. Not too many people would have owned up to something like that but don't sweat it. I had an advantage because I watched him when he was a nobody and saw how he manipulated his way through the ranks.

    Not a fan of Schultz and O'Donnell. They do their thing their way and it works for them and their audience but not me. Everyone has their quirky style but I'll give them credit on pushing back against the BS. I like Rachel, she has a brilliant mind, loves politics and history and it shows. She makes you want to learn more. I love intelligence.

    Everyday the Teapubs find a new way to screw the middle class and make them believe their doing them a friggin favor. Why, because not enough people take the time to to research what they have been fed over the years and are still being fed. Again, been there, done that....NO MAS! NO MAS!

    The more I read, the more I discover things I didn't know about what's been happening over the years with these fools in office or in control of Congress...but that's how they have gotten away with it for so long, keeping us dumb down and distracted. Oh hell NO will I ever allow myself to be played again without finding some kind of way to fight back.

    To really get into the heart and soul of things though Stephanie, start reading about how our financial system actually works. Once you start to investigate the financial political picture in this country, you will be even more motivated to fight even harder to keep Repubs out of office...as the saying goes,follow the money.

    Things are not always what they seem and I'm amazed President Obama has navigated this cesspool in the way that he has. I also understand why Republicans feel they must destroy him.

    It's not about race, religion or gender. People spouting all that crap are nothing but the puppets, [[and most don't even realize it) it's the puppet masters who are determined to hold on to their "privileged" way of life no matter who gets hurt in the process....and the sick thing is, they are too greedy and blinded by their delusion and superiority thinking to understand, if the 99'ers go down, they will eventually fall too. Who really makes this country work...the 99er, that's who. Those fools can't stay at the top without the people that hold down the space underneath their arses.
    Last edited by ms_m; 06-16-2011 at 11:03 PM.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post

    People, black people in particular need to wake up and stop thinking that democrats care about them.
    I am Black, and I don't think anyone has our interests, but republicans go out of their way to show their racism.

    Skool, as an huge Obama supporter, I am very critical of him. And, he screws up quite a bit, but no more than any other president. He's just perceived as "different" because he's of color, or Black, however you wanna put it. But, he's very intelligent, and is pragmatic, which I like, and is important. He really is on America's side. He's much more refreshing than what we had in G.W. Bush, who was a far-right ideologue. If there was one thing that Obama winning the presidency has effectively done is bring out the racists. At least a lot of them are out in the open now.

    I also do not base my opinion of a president on how he handles the Arab-Israeli dynamic.
    Last edited by soulster; 06-17-2011 at 12:21 AM.


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