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  1. #51
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    The trouble is you can't really reach Diana with much, even these days. But I am sure she is no stranger to negativity and stalkers, probably in a way we don't even begin to understand.

    Good point about sales. It has nothing to do with liking an artist. And it is only a factor and not definitive of anything. Milli Vanilli sold 15 million copies of songs they never sang on! I'm sure Jean Terrell sold a few thousand at best. And I always heard Partners sold pretty well but I've never believed it.

    I think the answer about it being raised is that it often is part of the "unhappy debate" and we all know the cards that get played: DianE is a bitch, she kicked Flo out and put Mary down and slept with Berry to become a superstar and make millions; the answer is Mary couldn't sing and wouldn't work and Mary sold ONLY a few thousand copies while DianA sold millions etc. It goes on and on. And it's been such a waste and it's caused so much damage to the name and helped ensure "the Supremes" are generally ignored by the Grammys, AMAs, etc.; by everyone other than Andy.

    And then the real nuts take it to a level of mental illness on Youtube and I guess on other forums.

  2. #52
    smark21 Guest
    When it comes to debating the merits of older music, sales from the time should never come into play by anyone who wants to be taken seriously as a music fan. Just because something sold well in its time does not necessarily mean it's good. Conversely just because something was obscure in its time doesn't mean it was good as well because it didn't catch on with the low brow masses. To me, Take Me Higher is one of Diana Ross' better albums, but it was not a huge sales success. And so what if it wasn't? I like it and I think she delivers some excellent performances on some good, solid material.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    The trouble is you can't really reach Diana with much, even these days. But I am sure she is no stranger to negativity and stalkers, probably in a way we don't even begin to understand.

    Good point about sales. It has nothing to do with liking an artist. And it is only a factor and not definitive of anything. Milli Vanilli sold 15 million copies of songs they never sang on! I'm sure Jean Terrell sold a few thousand at best. And I always heard Partners sold pretty well but I've never believed it.

    I think the answer about it being raised is that it often is part of the "unhappy debate" and we all know the cards that get played: DianE is a bitch, she kicked Flo out and put Mary down and slept with Berry to become a superstar and make millions; the answer is Mary couldn't sing and wouldn't work and Mary sold ONLY a few thousand copies while DianA sold millions etc. It goes on and on. And it's been such a waste and it's caused so much damage to the name and helped ensure "the Supremes" are generally ignored by the Grammys, AMAs, etc.; by everyone other than Andy.

    And then the real nuts take it to a level of mental illness on Youtube and I guess on other forums.
    Good conversation; let's keep it going with a question on vowels.....

    Why is it that when certain individuals call Diana "DianE", they are labeled "bitter" or "disrecprectful"? I have heard both Berry and Smokey refer to Diana as "DianE" a million times over, yet they are never called on the carpet.

    I'm sure you've all heard DRATS sing "Hi-Ho"; doesn't Diana call out "Oh Mary? Cindy?" and doesn't Mary and Cindy respond with "Isn't that DianE?"

  4. #54
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    Most of the time it is not disrespectful at all and certainly not from Berry and Smokey.

    But coming from certain fans that Mary was referring to, it is clearly meant disrespectfully.

    When we are talking about the music, I agree with Smark about sales. But when we are talking about the careers, sales are both interesting and they certainly are relevant when you talk about influences and reaching the people. But yes, Take Me Higher and Force Behind the Power are possibly better than Diana 1980 and the later outsold the former by millions.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Most of the time it is not disrespectful at all and certainly not from Berry and Smokey.

    But coming from certain fans that Mary was referring to, it is clearly meant disrespectfully.

    When we are talking about the music, I agree with Smark about sales. But when we are talking about the careers, sales are both interesting and they certainly are relevant when you talk about influences and reaching the people. But yes, Take Me Higher and Force Behind the Power are possibly better than Diana 1980 and the later outsold the former by millions.
    Not that it bothers me but I'm curious as to why you called me a man yesterday. LOL


  6. #56
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    Sorry about that.

    The only reason I did was that I believe Chestersong referred to you as a man.

    And your name was Roberta, so I wondered.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Sorry about that.

    The only reason I did was that I believe Chestersong referred to you as a man.

    And your name was Roberta, so I wondered.
    Oh. Sorry, but I don't know Chestersong. Anyway jobeterob, I am all woman.

    Best to you.


  8. #58
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    I wish it would mean that you'd be treated a bit better on here..........but unfortunately, it won't do a thing on this forum!

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    I wish it would mean that you'd be treated a bit better on here..........but unfortunately, it won't do a thing on this forum!
    LOL. I'm a tough girl jobeterob. You don't need to worry about me but your thought is sweet and appreciated.


  10. #60
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    Good lady; I would just add that apparently Diane is a tough old broad too, that's been in the business forever as well; but as Mary is saying ~ there is a level of behaviour beyond which it is not necessary to go.

    The Supremes are just people too; now older women with grandchildren, who managed to accomplish something in their field. And to have any of them treated so shabbily by apparent fans is beyond the pale and shameful coming from fans.

  11. #61
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    And don't forget the fans' behaviour too. All that fawning that was so evident in Fan Club newsletters of the time was some 50 years ago. Nowadays, it's ok as a bit of fun and in moderation but not constantly. It gets very tedious when it is posted on SDF by the same person.

  12. #62
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Can I still throw my boxers at Scherrie and Lynda?
    Or is that not in fashion anymore?
    They might still have some sweat on them from when my wife threw them at Tom Jones.
    She screamed something at him I can't print here.

  13. #63
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    Stop it!! The thought of it is putting me off my dinner and I have slaved over that cooker all day!

  14. #64
    Ramone Verona Guest
    You've been slaving over Tom Jones?!
    Isn't he like 97 now?

  15. #65
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    I think you're reading stuff too quick. That reference was probably 1997, it wasn't talking about his age being 97. I seem to recall on some TV show that Tom Jones was aged about 70.

    He seems to be doing pretty well, his voice is still good and he can put on a great concert.

  16. #66
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Please don't tell my wife.
    That bloke ruined America for men!
    Didn't he sing some song called: "It's Not Unusual For Me To Love Everyone"?
    All she said in the bedroom was "be tender", "we've got all night", "lets light candles".
    I mean I gotta get some sleep to work and pay all the kid's dental bills!
    Tom Jones.....pa-Fooey!

  17. #67
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    You're drifting off topic again!

    I am struggling to keep up with your postings today. Be nice to this old man PLEASE!

  18. #68
    Ramone Verona Guest
    I just said I wasn't going to be nice to Tom Jones!
    I wrote "pa-fooey" and everything!

  19. #69
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    I looked back again at the title of this thread and on second thoughts, maybe Tom Jones isn't totally off topic!

    I hear it's very warm in Bournemouth England at this time of year, but then Mary Wilson would know that, as would Tom Jones!

  20. #70
    Ramone Verona Guest
    I would visit Bournemouth if it wasn't for the language barrier.

  21. #71
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    You're reading too quick again! There's no AGE barrier in Bournemouth...

    ..... although I have to admit that it does have a reputation for attracting those who wish to retire, a bit like Florida. Judge Judy reckons all people move down south as they get older..and she told us in a UK interview that she lives In Florida and commutes to the west coast of America to do her shows.

  22. #72
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Speaking of Judge Judy, my wife is Fe Fi Fo Fumming again.
    Guess she can smell the blood of messaging with an Englishman.
    She wants me to go do some yard work.
    Did I tell you I married her because she likes children?
    Yup. Likes them with gravy, or ketchup. Sometimes mustard, or a la mode.

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I wish people would stop the bashing individual former Supremes and just enjoy their wonderful music.
    Isn't that what's it's all about? The MUSIC? I am not a "fan" of anyone, really. I don't put anyone on a pedestal. I just care about the music first and foremost. I don't follow any of the stupid bickering.

    Now, I may get pissed at the behavior of Ross, but it was said by a record industry person I know long ago: it's better to not know anything about your favorite artists. He was right. These artists are just people like you and me, and will disappoint every time.

    It's really stupid to see the fans argue and have "bitch-slaps" over any of them.

  24. #74
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    The sad part is that some of the smaller things that were considered minor or superficial grew to humongous lies and carried on and got bigger as time went on. The truth is there is several ways that a person will view the same incident and it will never be the same for everyone. However, did we need to know any of it? Did we help make it better or did we as fans become divided?

  25. #75
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    And those minor things that happened have been used by the people Mary is referring to; in the mythical Supremes world they live in, some of these incidents rank with the JFK assassination ~ like when the dogs died; they believe Diana had them machine gunned, especially Mary's.

  26. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramone Verona View Post
    Can I still throw my boxers at Scherrie and Lynda?
    Or is that not in fashion anymore?
    They might still have some sweat on them from when my wife threw them at Tom Jones.
    She screamed something at him I can't print here.
    I threw mine at Peter Tork of the Monkees back in 1987. I guess he gets men's underwear thrown at him all the time, he just picked them up and held them up and showed them to the audience.... turned around and gloated to Micky and Davy.... "You see this??... they ALL want ME!!"

  27. #77
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    I would have paid good money to see that!

    Arf arf!
    Last edited by theboyfromxtown; 06-13-2011 at 11:42 AM.

  28. #78
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    Who took you home that night?

  29. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post

    Who took you home that night?
    Hopefully Peter Tork. LOL

  30. #80
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    Good one...I like that!

  31. #81
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    Did any of you get anything from Anthony Weiner?

  32. #82
    Ramone Verona Guest

  33. #83
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    Which version?!

  34. #84
    Ramone Verona Guest
    What do I look for?

  35. #85
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    If those few fans of Mary's that act so badly would take more of an interest in Anthony's weiner, Mary would not have had to post the message.

  36. #86
    This person "Bear" has also been going through Mary Wilson videos on Youtube and making very ugly comments about her. There have comments about her weight, clothes, performing ability, and where she performs. I believe that may have precipitated her comment. It is unbelievable to me that someone has the time to be that ugly about such a nice person.

  37. #87
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Obviously these folks have no responsibilities in their lives.
    Way to take your frustrations out.

  38. #88
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cleoharvey View Post
    This person "Bear" has also been going through Mary Wilson videos on Youtube and making very ugly comments about her. There have comments about her weight, clothes, performing ability, and where she performs. I believe that may have precipitated her comment. It is unbelievable to me that someone has the time to be that ugly about such a nice person.
    Bear posted at a Diana Ross board that he wished Mary had been killed when there was a terrorist attack in Moscow when she was there earlier this year. I challenged him on that and he said he would never forgive her for Dreamgirl. He's one sick mofu.

  39. #89
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    And it happens on here on SDF too.

    It's indicative that the poster has a very serious problem.

  40. #90
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    Speaking of Anthony Weiner...

  41. #91
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    Social media can be used by mentally ill people to do what Mary Wilson asked be stopped ~ but social media can also be used against these people to make them stop.

  42. #92
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    what gets me is this bear spends hours trawling the web just so he can post rubbish.what kind of a wasted life is that?

  43. #93
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    I know this may sound way out there, but I think that person is actually a Mary Wilson fan posing as a Diana Ross fan. They post vulgar comments so that, that Diana Ross website would be closed or great youtube clips of Diana be removed. I've been around for a while, and have never seen comments so vile. This person just all of a sudden appeared out of no where. I think its all done to make Diana Ross and her fans look crazy. The same time I noticed this persons post were around the same time there was a former Wilson employee in our ranks. Not naming names, but....think it over. Or, it could be someone else, who knows? I just have a strong feeling that this person is not who they claim to be.

  44. #94
    Ramone Verona Guest
    I think from what we know here, from what has been privately messaged about, from what we know about yahoo groups and members of them being on here at SDF AND from members here who consistently post little about music but mostly on dividing topics and start those threads......just who those people are and what they are about. Attention Lovers.
    That aren't "sick" or have some brain tumor.
    Just are in dire need of attention and importance.
    They need less internet and more family involvement.
    Last edited by Ramone Verona; 06-21-2011 at 03:45 PM.

  45. #95
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    "They need less internet and more family involvement"

    That's very true Ramone. And bearing in mind the time I spend chasing after you on this board, I need to be the first to take your advice!


  46. #96
    Ramone Verona Guest
    A "Bro-mance" is another topic, altogether.
    Now it's your turn to make dinner tonight.
    And do the dishes!

  47. #97
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    I've yet to find a dish that I can't do!


  48. #98
    Ramone Verona Guest
    I think there's a cymbal crash and kick-drum for that part!

  49. #99
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    It WAS good, wasn't it! HAHA

  50. #100
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    Looks like we are going to need to have Mary speak to the two of you! Just so you don't slip down that internet road of not enough family involvement.........


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