Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
On this we agree. Some of what has been described is absolutely crazy, and she's supposed to ignore that? I get that there was a better way to handle things, but I really think people are missing what Florence was really dealing with. The least of her Motown problems was not singing a lead. What was going on between her and Gordy was deeper than that.
It was done intentionally! The issue was NOT about handling things differently. That was the bullshit line they put out there starting in the late 70s in regards to the Florence Ballard story. Into the 80s, they tried to put the brunt of the blame of Florence because of how she had "handled" things. The truth is they slowly tortured that girl. Even tried to make her think she was losing her mind or that she had gotten as big as a house. I dare anyone to show me a picture of Florence Ballard fat as one of the Supremes!