Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
Flo's behavior was unprofessional and, as Sup fan points out, would not be tolerated had she had any other job. I still put most of the blame for all of this in the lap of Gordy. If he were the boss at any other job, speaking and treating those women the way that he did, in today's world he'd be sued for everything he has, but as we know back then women didn't have much recourse when abused by employers. You can't go around telling women they're fat and uneducated because they didn't finish high school and not expect animosity and resentment as a result. Sure Flo could've left the group if it wasn't working for her, but she would've been promptly sued for breach of contract. Gordy could've also manned up and done all he could to make all three of his prized Supremes happy if he truly wanted to ensure that the ship continued to sail on course. But misogyny will cloud good judgment every time.
Women, misogyny??? Brian Jones was left out of the Stones because the others couldn't stand his erratic behavior and there are countless of others exemple in the rock world.