Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
also i would absolutely NOT put all of the blame solely on Diana. did she "hog the spotlight?" probably. she had since the group was conceived so why wouldn't she? F and M most certainly knew and understood this element of Diana's personality. Perhaps Flo just got sick of that behavior and when combined with the political aspects of the situation was just fed up

still that does NOT remove Flo's guilt in HOW she handled this situation. this is some of the most unprofessional behavior possible and quite frankly she DESERVED to be thrown out. She skipped rehearsals, she skipped recording sessions, she skipped publicity events and, most damning, she skipped a performance!! unacceptable!!!

If any one of us just simply didn't show up for a major work requirement, or showed up drunk to work, you would be terminated. that's whether you work at McDonald's or in a finance department or a barber or a cook etc.

No one is saying that Flo should have simply sat around, being used by motown. The professional thing to do would have been to have left. if she was no longer finder personal or professional satisfaction in her job, then it's her responsibility to change the situation.

I put all the blame on Diane. She was laying up with Berry Gordy and snitching on her "friend" Florence Ballard, complaining about her daily to Mr. Gordy. She should not have done that.