I ran into a little situation. Apparently, you need valid ID to register as a candidate and my expired Mud Valley Public Library card somehow doesn't count. I'm on the corner trying to get cars to stop and give me money so I can appeal the decision but these fools out here clearly don't care about the way democracy has been stolen from the peeps. I tried to clean one guy's windshield and explain to him why I needed $150 and he told me to get off of his bleeping car. Made me waste a squirt of watered down Windex and when I asked him to at least reimburse me, he ran over my foot. Now I know why healthcare is such a big deal. Anyhoo, the cops came and tried to run me off the corner and I had to ask them if they ever thought about the salvation of their everlasting souls and if they wanted to know about Carlton, the Zen Master from Temple Boombasticoo [[and offer them a pamphlet and to sit down with them for four hours to explain why they could make a ton of loot by recruiting Carltoni prophets) before they decided they needed to be somewhere else. And it was close, too because Temple Boombasticoo obtained a restraining order against me since they ended their 40 day fast last year and found out I had eaten everything in the fridge and most of what was in the cupboards. They're a little touchy, if you ask me. Regardless, I have this situation and between it and all these dang baby mamas trying to get their hands in my pocket, I have to relocate for a few weeks before I kick start my campaign. Grady asked if I wanted to hang out at his joint but I found out when he talks about "sliders", he is referring tot he floors of his restaurant which are so greasy most people can't walk across them without falling. I slipped and fell and before I could threaten to sue him, he sued me for bleeding on a restaurant floor [[which he said was unappetizing and cost him customers) and seeing as I bled like a pig, I think he would have won if it went to court. Regardless, I'll chill somewhere until I can get my library card renewed and by then, I should be able to get into the next debate.