Quote Originally Posted by jack020 View Post
But what about those rumours the last couple of years that she would be doing Glastonbury in the UK? Kylie and Janet are doing it this year!
She gets asked every year and fails to agree terms every year. They have been trying to sign her up for well over 10 years. She came perilously close to agreeing to do it just a couple of years ago until somethinh happened and Barry Gibb stepped in. Negotiations for 2020 or 2021 have been going on since last year. I have not had a recent update except to say that it remains on the backburner. I do believe next years line up is almost complete so i would not be building up any hopes. If an agreement can be reached she may do a select handful of concerts too.
Proms in the park is another event that continue to try to sign her. It is a battle to see which event, if any she signs up for. Knowing Diana it will be her decision, and her decision alone.