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  1. #101

  2. #102

  3. #103

  4. #104
    Again, it would just be nice if once- ONCE- somebody was just real and said, "I feel this way about the story because it's Diana Ross and I hate her guts". What's so hard about that? It's not like anyone fakes liking her & so revealing this kind of sentiment would somehow send the forum spiraling. Just tell the truth & shame the devil: any story regarding Diana Ross vs anyone, some here are always going to take the side of "anyone" no matter what. Will there be one to keep it real this morning?

  5. #105
    I'm not a Diana hater, in fact her and Flo are my favorite Supremes and always have been. But I gotta say it sounds like she's being a big baby in this situation. The TSA is just doing their job. I have friends who work for them and I can't tell you the amount of stress they go through every day. People seem to forget what happened in our country nearly 18 years ago.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by floyjoy678 View Post
    I'm not a Diana hater, in fact her and Flo are my favorite Supremes and always have been. But I gotta say it sounds like she's being a big baby in this situation. The TSA is just doing their job. I have friends who work for them and I can't tell you the amount of stress they go through every day. People seem to forget what happened in our country nearly 18 years ago.
    She might have been acting like a big baby, as I said in a couple of posts. And I'm sure TSA have a very stressful job. The police have a very stressful job also, but should we flippantly overlook complaints against them? [[Well there's a segment of society that actually flippantly overlooks complaints against them, especially when the complainer is Black.) No one has forgotten 9/11 and no one alive then ever will. But sorry, I'm not as afraid of another hijacked plane situation as I am of other threats the government isn't concerned about. TSA are human beings which means they are as fallible as the rest of us. Are they not guilty of wrong doing ever?

  7. #107
    It sounds like anything Diana does she is a "Hot News Topic"
    So it would appear that she is not some washed up has been that no one cares about. Diana is definitely still Supreme and actually if she experienced something like this before I can see those flashes going back through here head and she has every right to say she was not treated fair and complain. It must be a slow news day or the LADY still has it.

  8. #108
    Here's a letter from Ms. Anita Hill as published in today's New York Times. For a few of us my posting of this will be relevant:

    "Last month, Joe Biden called me to talk about his conduct during Clarence Thomas’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 1991. There has been a lot of discussion recently about whether he has offered me the right words. Given the #MeToo movement and Mr. Biden’s bid for the presidency, it’s understandable why his role in the hearings is being debated anew.If the Senate Judiciary Committee, led then by Mr. Biden, had done its job and held a hearing that showed that its members understood the seriousness of sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence, the cultural shift we saw in 2017 after #MeToo might have began in 1991 — with the support of the government.
    If the government had shown that it would treat survivors with dignity and listen to women, it could have had a ripple effect. People agitating for change would have been operating from a position of strength. It could have given institutions like the military, the Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission greater license to take more decisive action to end the scourge of harassment. And research shows that if leaders convey that they won’t tolerate harassment, people within an organization typically obey.
    Instead, far too many survivors kept their stories hidden for years.
    Thousands of women and many men have shared with me their stories of being sexually harassed since my testimony 28 years ago. These stories are especially troubling because they are so common. Yet they had long gone unseen, with the public viewing behavior from sexual extortion to sexual assault as a personal issue to be dealt with in private.The world didn’t really begin to come to grips with the prevalence of sexual abuse until 2017, when the millions of survivors who became the #MeToo movement demolished the myth that sexual violence was insignificant.
    The #MeToo movement taught us that it happens to people of all ages, races and ethnicities, whether poor, middle class or wealthy. While no group is immune, some groups like women of color, sexual minorities and people with disabilities are more susceptible than others. So are contract and gig-economy workers, who lack traditional employment protections. Low-income and tip workers, who might face retaliation that could mean losing their livelihood, are particularly at risk.
    As the #MeToo revelations laid bare the truth of the overwhelming size of the problem, victims dared hope that our political leaders would take up the challenge of confronting it.
    But that hope was dashed last year.
    Christine Blasey Ford faced yet another Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018 considering yet another Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, whom she had accused of sexual assault. And yet again, the process appeared to be concerned with political expediency more than with the truth.
    After Dr. Blasey’s courageous testimony, many saw the callous and ham-handed approach of Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, the committee’s chairman, as a replay of the Thomas hearings.

    Even worse, a new generation was forced to conclude that politics trumped a basic and essential expectation: that claims of sexual abuse would be taken seriously.
    Bad behavior has not gone away, notwithstanding the valiant efforts of the people in the #MeToo movement. A recent anonymous survey by the Department of Defense revealed that sexual harassment and assault in the military rose by 38 percent from 2016 to 2018. The Pentagon estimated that 13,000 women and 7,500 men were sexually assaulted in the 2018 fiscal year.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one in three women and one in four men experience sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. And according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, claims of sexual harassment increased by more than 12 percent from fiscal year 2017 to 2018.
    It is no stretch to estimate that one in three American households are dealing with the economic, health or safety difficulties that accompany sexual violations.

    Despite the grim reality, I remain hopeful, knowing how far we’ve come. If we acknowledge the severity of the problem and demand processes in which all sexual harassment and assault survivors are heard and not dismissed or punished for coming forward, our leaders will step up.
    Survivors and their supporters need acknowledgment and justice. Words of condolence can never substitute for action aimed at ending the harm. There are measures that would show that our government is ready to respond to survivors.

    The Senate leaders should adopt a fair and transparent process for responding to complaints raised about prospective presidential appointees with investigations conducted by an independent party.
    Congress also should pass bills like the Be Heard Act, introduced in April, which would extend federal protections against sexual harassment and discrimination to contract, gig and other nontraditional workers, with special attention to low-income workers.
    At a minimum, our representatives have to keep our military personnel, who pledge to protect our country, safe from sexual harassment and assault. Hard stop.
    In the long term, our leaders need to address the larger inequalities that enable sexual misconduct to flourish.
    Sexual violence is a national crisis that requires a national solution. We miss that point if we end the discussion at whether I should forgive Mr. Biden. This crisis calls for all leaders to step up and say: “The healing from sexual violence must begin now. I will take up that challenge.”

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    When the commoners reacted on TMZ with more of a "welcome to the real world" response than a "me too!" movement, Diana back peddled and created a post on facebook that turned the whole thing into a love fest.

    The Ross Dress For Less/ fannypack storyline worked much better.
    This’d commoners you refer to were the lowest of the low bigots I’ve ever encountered online. Did you read the comments? Nothing about HER - mostly just her race. If that’s common to you, i’m Sorry for you.

    ‘Diana didn’t backpedal at all, she clarified her support for the process, not the way this person dealt with it. No one on this forum knows HOW she was treated, but act like they do. It’s funny how desperate some nutcasians can be. This was WAY before TMZ came on the story.

    ‘’Funny how some commoners froth at the mouth over a story like this. One nutcase going apeshit making up stories right and left as if the tape was accessible. Silly peeps.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    She was not mistreated. The video tape showed that the TSA employees followed procedure to the letter.
    Stop acting like a know-it-all - you know zilch about the tape is what procedures were followed.

    ‘’This from someone who still believes Bill Cosby got a raw deal. LOL

  11. #111
    Marv's a gadfly. Getting a life outside Diana Ross might make him less bitter.

    As I've said a number of times, the Forum would probably die without him because discussion would fade.

    Stupid positions are taken just to provoke discussion.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Marv's a gadfly. Getting a life outside Diana Ross might make him less bitter.

    As I've said a number of times, the Forum would probably die without him because discussion would fade.

    Stupid positions are taken just to provoke discussion.
    A rare disagreement with you as regards the middle sentence. Saner discussions would flourish.

  13. #113
    We know how Marv rolls. We also know how the TSA rolls but I guess if one defends the actions of Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Pedro Ferrer and Ike Turner, TSA is not far behind.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    We know how Marv rolls. We also know how the TSA rolls but I guess if one defends the actions of Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Pedro Ferrer and Ike Turner, TSA is not far behind.
    You summed It up beaiutifully. Thank you.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    We know how Marv rolls. We also know how the TSA rolls but I guess if one defends the actions of Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Pedro Ferrer and Ike Turner, TSA is not far behind.
    can someone help me off the floor --- so true !!!

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Your real problem shouldnt be bi*ching about Diana Ross your problem should be getting all your friends together and buyin some tickets for your precious Mary Wilson. Shes playing this Saturdayn night and needs a real big boost in ticket sales. Its harldly 1/3 sold and If I lived in the New York area id be taking friends top see Dr Reeves.

    Hopefully there will be a surge of last minute ticket buyers. The ladies did very well in Vegas and are hoping it could lead to something, but this is sad and, unhappily, another gig got cancelled for next Friday as the sales were really bleak. The thing is, every time a gig goes south or draws poorly, it makes it all the more problematic for them to get other gigs. Please everyone in Greater NY go see them tonight.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    No, she was not arrested, but detained.
    Oh boy, here we go again! She was ARRESTED! LOL!!!


  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    Hopefully there will be a surge of last minute ticket buyers. The ladies did very well in Vegas and are hoping it could lead to something, but this is sad and, unhappily, another gig got cancelled for next Friday as the sales were really bleak. The thing is, every time a gig goes south or draws poorly, it makes it all the more problematic for them to get other gigs. Please everyone in Greater NY go see them tonight.
    Dont tell me the Sugarhouse casino gig on the waterfronts been cancelled? My cousins from Fishtown were going to see Dr Reeves next Friday night and promised to call me before and after the show and send me photos. Thats a real bummer for them if thats true.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    Hopefully there will be a surge of last minute ticket buyers. The ladies did very well in Vegas and are hoping it could lead to something, but this is sad and, unhappily, another gig got cancelled for next Friday as the sales were really bleak. The thing is, every time a gig goes south or draws poorly, it makes it all the more problematic for them to get other gigs. Please everyone in Greater NY go see them tonight.
    Im sure marv will be there with a busload of friends he never misses Marys shows. I bet hes got tickets for every show at the Carlyle next month. Hehehehehehehehehehehe.

  20. #120
    Was it at sugar house? I thought it was at Parx which is right outside of Philly in Bensalem.

  21. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Im sure marv will be there with a busload of friends he never misses Marys shows. I bet hes got tickets for every show at the Carlyle next month. Hehehehehehehehehehehe.

  22. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Oh boy, here we go again! She was ARRESTED! LOL!!!

    Technically, you are right. She was arrested. [[which is unvoluntary detaining) questioned, and then let go with no charges. No charges, no collusion, no coverup.

    "She has been released after being cautioned," a Scotland Yard spokeswoman said. "It is a black mark, but not a charge. That was deemed the appropriate action

    Whatca doin' here? I would have thought that Mary's Number One fan would be at her concert right about now

  23. #123
    Maybe he’s number two.

  24. #124
    I see the school yard is very active with 5th graders today

  25. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Dont tell me the Sugarhouse casino gig on the waterfronts been cancelled? My cousins from Fishtown were going to see Dr Reeves next Friday night and promised to call me before and after the show and send me photos. Thats a real bummer for them if thats true.
    yes, the show was cancelled


  26. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    Gosh darn it my cousins will be real dissappointed.

  27. #127
    Mayim Bialik is another celebrity who finds TSA real threatening.

  28. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    Hopefully there will be a surge of last minute ticket buyers. The ladies did very well in Vegas and are hoping it could lead to something, but this is sad and, unhappily, another gig got cancelled for next Friday as the sales were really bleak. The thing is, every time a gig goes south or draws poorly, it makes it all the more problematic for them to get other gigs. Please everyone in Greater NY go see them tonight.
    Seems like that place has a lot of problems with ticket sales no matter who shows up there. Sad.

  29. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    That is such a shame. Martha is one of the hardest working ladies in showbusiness and deserves better than that. Thank heavens Diana, Gladys, Dionne and Patti are still able to pull in the crowds, but it is a diminishing market for sure.

  30. #130
    I'll bet if the show was billed as 'Martha Reeves and the Vandellas' it would have sold better. Dr. Reeves still has some name recognition.

  31. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    We know how Marv rolls. We also know how the TSA rolls but I guess if one defends the actions of Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Pedro Ferrer and Ike Turner, TSA is not far behind.
    But it's not even about TSA for him, and that's what I was pointing out. You know he don't give a damn about TSA, he only cared that Diana Ross had a problem with them and so that automatically meant that TSA was worth defending. Diana vs bad cop, Diana vs Trump, Diana vs Isis...he'd be posting about how cops keep us safe, how Trump has done more for the Black community than any other president, and how Isis is just misunderstood rather than say "I may not like Diane, but this was wrong". The enemy of my enemy is my friend is apparently the motto, which isn't always a bad motto, but it's a weird one when your enemy is a woman you've never met.

  32. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    But it's not even about TSA for him, and that's what I was pointing out. You know he don't give a damn about TSA, he only cared that Diana Ross had a problem with them and so that automatically meant that TSA was worth defending. Diana vs bad cop, Diana vs Trump, Diana vs Isis...he'd be posting about how cops keep us safe, how Trump has done more for the Black community than any other president, and how Isis is just misunderstood rather than say "I may not like Diane, but this was wrong". The enemy of my enemy is my friend is apparently the motto, which isn't always a bad motto, but it's a weird one when your enemy is a woman you've never met.
    I know, it's frigging weird...

  33. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    But it's not even about TSA for him, and that's what I was pointing out. You know he don't give a damn about TSA, he only cared that Diana Ross had a problem with them and so that automatically meant that TSA was worth defending. Diana vs bad cop, Diana vs Trump, Diana vs Isis...he'd be posting about how cops keep us safe, how Trump has done more for the Black community than any other president, and how Isis is just misunderstood rather than say "I may not like Diane, but this was wrong". The enemy of my enemy is my friend is apparently the motto, which isn't always a bad motto, but it's a weird one when your enemy is a woman you've never met.
    Yep......once again youve summed it up beautifully. Its just real bizzare that a middle to elderly aged man would spend hours every SINGLE DAY obsessing over a woman hes never met.

  34. #134
    Name:  bitmoji-20190513012144.jpg
Views: 985
Size:  12.0 KB

    Sometimes I close my eyes and hold my breath but it still reminds me of Norman Bates.

  35. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    And in 5 years, it'll all be done for all of them.

    That's why it's kind of unpleasant to see how some people carp so badly about this old women - because nobody will be singing for anyone beyond about 80 years of age and even that is bizarre.

  36. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Yep......once again youve summed it up beautifully. Its just real bizzare that a middle to elderly aged man would spend hours every SINGLE DAY obsessing over a woman hes never met.
    I do genuinely feel sorry for him. His behaviour is pitiful. To have so much hatred for a woman he does not even know is downright worrying and frightening. I hope he can find peace one day.

  37. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
    I do genuinely feel sorry for him. His behaviour is pitiful. To have so much hatred for a woman he does not even know is downright worrying and frightening. I hope he can find peace one day.
    True peace comes the minute you release hate and negativitty from your heart.

  38. #138
    Marv is good [[and sometimes great) when he can be. I've actually enjoyed him on other threads but certain topics like this one in particular, we're gonna butt heads and I just decide it's best to stay out of his way, you know?

    Anyway, this thread has run its course. Let it die and let's stop reviving it.

  39. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    If Diane does not want to endure what everyone else that flies has to, then maybe she could travel in her own custom bus like Aretha did to her little oldies shows around the country.
    I'm happy she's taken my advice! LOL!!!

  40. #140
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I'm happy she's taken my advice! LOL!!!

    you must google “Diana Ross” many times each day.

  41. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by Circa 1824 View Post
    you must google “Diana Ross” many times each day.
    Ain’t that the truth! Only a die hard fan would be able to find the things he finds. And he claims he doesn’t like her. Lol. I call it obsession.

  42. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Marv is good [[and sometimes great) when he can be. I've actually enjoyed him on other threads
    Really? What about Luke

  43. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Seems like that place has a lot of problems with ticket sales no matter who shows up there. Sad.
    Not really. Over the years, I have seen many acts there that filled every seat, Gladys, Diana, Stylistics, Blue Magic, Johnny Mathis, the Supremes, Mc Guires Sisters in a comeback performance, and even Mary Wilson [[although with her performance they closed off one section of the theatre and kept the revolving stage stationary. The venue is one of my favorites except for the travel and traffic to get there. Its size, in the round stage, and seating emits a feeling of intimacy for the performer and the audience

    The most recent time that I was there was for Johnny Mathis and he filled every available seat. Johnny is in his eighties, has not had a hit in years, and still can fill seats. That is what icons like Johnny, Diana, Bette, Cher, etc. do. Johnny appeared there again this month. He had no problem filling seats.

    The venue is fine and should not be blamed for poor ticket sales. The bookers or managers have to calculate better to match performers to venues as their popularity increases or decreases.


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