13.) Frank Cascio [[b. 1980) [[1993-2004): Unlike most boys Michael befriended, Frank Cascio was a rarity, a mainstay. And he knew him longer than '93. According to his book, "My Friend Michael", Frank first met 25-year-old Michael as a 4-year-old. Frank had no idea who Michael Jackson was but they became friends no less. Michael also knew his father Dominic well. By the mid-80s, Michael would travel to New Jersey to visit his friend and his family, which eventually included four other boys and a girl. It wouldn't be until 1993, however, that 13-year-old Frank began spending more time at Jackson's Neverland ranch where they also hung with Jordan Chandler. Eddie Cascio, Frank's brother, often tagged along as well. After Michael was first investigated for child abuse charges, Frank and Eddie traveled with him throughout the Dangerous world tour, which raised suspicion with authorities. The Cascio parents however defended MJ.

By 1994, Frank and Eddie accompanied Michael's time as did, occasionally, Wade Robson. And the Cascio boys remained with him when Michael released the HIStory album. By 1996, Frank and Eddie, along with another brother, Dominic, traveled with Michael but Frank, now 16, became the closest of the Cascio boys to be with Michael. This closeness carried on as Frank became a young adult. In 1999, when Frank was 19, Michael hired Frank to work in his team. Frank eventually helped to organize Michael's 30th anniversary concerts at Madison Square Garden. But Frank also saw different sides to Michael as he became an adult, he realized that Michael had a serious dependency on prescription drugs and he also began drinking wine, "or Jesus Juice" heavily. He admits to all of this in his book, "My Friend Michael". He also admits to sleeping in bed "hundreds of times" with Michael and sharing a Jacuzzi with him [[though he claims they were clothed???). Again, why do this with a TEENAGE BOY??? Frank also admitted there were times Michael "didn't trust him" if he started telling people of his drug issues and they would have "screaming matches" that ended with them apologizing and sleeping in the same bed when Frank was a young adult.

In 2003, Frank was there when MJ was accused of sexual molestation a second time and criminally charged. Frank last saw Michael at Neverland in January 2004. When MJ heard Frank was skeptical of testifying at the trial, Michael berated him and accused him of "betraying" him. Frank decided to move on from Michael, saying his heart broke over his friend questioning his loyalty to him. Frank was never invited to see him when MJ visited the Cascios. In 2007, they had one final meeting where Michael and Frank apologized to each other and made plans to be together on Michael's final tour of London in 2009 when Frank received news that Michael had died. Though he has consistently denied that Michael sexually abused him as a child, he has remained silent during the airing of Leaving Neverland.

14.) Anton S. [[b. 1983) [[1995-2006): Another mainstay, German Anton S. first met Michael when he was 12 while Michael visited an amusement park in Germany. Michael and Anton spent a lot of time together with Michael even sleeping at Anton's house in Anton's bed. During the HIStory tour, Anton sometimes shared MJ's bedroom at hotel suites. In 1997, he spent three weeks with Anton by himself. That time with Anton inspired him to write the romantic song "Speechless". Michael would claimed he was inspired by a water balloon fight with Anton [[though he phrased it as "these kids") and that he ran upstairs "in their house" to write it. A song that starts off as your love is magical, that's how I feel but I've not yet found the words to explain as written to some KID should be getting your antennas up! Jackson continued to visit Anton until 2006 when the young man was 22-23. Anton also spent time with Michael at Neverland and the two stayed in contact after Michael left the ranch in 2003. Anton was with Michael when he moved to Bahrain in 2005 and later returned to Germany. In 2006, the media flashed 47-year-old Michael and his 23-year-old friend Anton in Germany. Later in June, Anton was again spotted near Michael. He was described by some in the media as his "20-year-old protege". After 2006, they lost contact. Anton has never confirmed NOR DENY that he was molested during his childhood years as Michael's "special friend".

15.) Michael Jacobshagen [[b. 1983) [[1995-1998): Another German boy Michael became friends with, Jacobshagen traveled with Michael throughout the HIStory tour along with Anton and Omer Bhatti. In January of this year, Jacobshagen admitted that Michael was sexually aggressive towards him when he was fourteen. He said MJ would touch all over him and rub his body on top of his in the bed, he also said when MJ would be medicated, the touches became "more aggressive". Jacobshagen also said MJ stripped in front of him before they got in a Jacuzzi and told him if he wanted to get naked, it was okay, Jacobshagen refused. Jacobshagen said he felt Michael was trying to test him to see how far he could go. Jacobshagen also sent him letters calling him his "little Rubba Rubba friend" and sent him a copy of a nude book titled "The Boy" which featured underage boys naked writing inscriptions for him. In the Australian program, Sunday Night on 7, it would be discovered that Jackson had actually circled on several of boys' body parts inside the book[[!). "The Boy" was found in Michael's possession after a 1993 raid of Neverland, along with another underage boy book, "Boys Will Be Boys", which was said to be more explicit. Shockingly, both books are still "legal" to own though BWBB seems suspicious.

16.) Omer Bhatti [[b. 1985) [[1996-2009): Another Frank Cascio. However unlike Frank, this one would be there until the end. Omer first met Michael in 1996 when he was 11. The Norwegian boy got Jackson's attention the same way Brett Barnes and Wade Robson got his: by dancing, and like Wade, he danced on TV impersonating Michael. During a stop in Norway on his tour, Michael met him at a hotel suite and soon had the boy travel with him on his HIStory tour. According to reports, Omer was Michael's "best man" at his "wedding" to Debbie Rowe in October 1996. Shortly afterwards, Omer traveled with Michael - ALONE - to Neverland. Because he knew the media would be suspicious about another boy accompanying him [[as Chris Rock would say, ANOTHER KID?!), Michael gave Omer the assumed name of "Michael Joseph Winter". He also would claim to both Frank Cascio and members of his family that Omer was his "son". Inexplicably, the Jackson family BOUGHT INTO THIS LIE! You would see certain members, including, shockingly enough Joe Jackson, saying that Omer was his son. Which would be odd since if that was the case, WHY WASN'T OMER ON THE WILL? Simple: because he wasn't HIS SON! He already had a biological father and mother. Despite this, Omer also called Michael "daddy" at times. Frank Cascio knew better but the Jackson family didn't? Yikes.

Anyway, Omer would be present for the births of Michael's three children and, like Frank and Anton, took turns raising the children with Michael. Omer slept in Michael's bed numerous times throughout the years even into adulthood. At times, Omer would live separate lives: the life with his family in Norway and the life with MJ in California at Neverland. Omer would remain MJ's constant companion until a few weeks before Michael's death on June 25, 2009. At Michael's memorial service at the Staples Center, Omer was seated next to Michael's children PER THE FAMILY REQUEST!!!

Omer said something suspicious when asked about MJ's inappropriate behavior with kids and what they did together: I don't wish to say too much about it, but I will say Michael in many ways was very innocent. But you can't expect everybody to have the same view on everything... to him certain things were natural and completely innocent, things that not necessarily all people would view the same way

You tell me if that statement makes sense to you... don't worry I'll wait...