Quote Originally Posted by rovereab View Post
I'd like the Marvin and Tammi duet albums in mono. Whilst, as far as I know, the vocals are the same for the 2 formats, the mono mixes are more vibrant - just compare the mono and stereo Two Can Have A Party and You're All I Need To Get By.

Here's wishing!
So true. The mono version of "Give A Little Love" is almost staggering in how much more intense it sounds. Not sure of the technical aspects, but I'm thinking use of some kind of compression really brings EVERYTHING out much clearer and sharper. For example, when the Andantes come in, you can hear much more clearer how they aren't singing "ooooohs", but "HHHooooooohs" I mean you can practically hear the air coming through their vocal chords as they sing. Also, there is a part just before the fade where Marvin and Tammi finish a line, pause and just before they come in again, you can hear someone sort of sigh or exhale. This is already a heartbreaking, tear jerker song, but in mono it REALLY plays on your emotions all the more.