Ryan Clark had very choice words for Brown last night. He said that he advised the GM that he would regret giving Brown a max deal because he had already displayed me-first diva tendencies before he got it. Clark said that Pittsburgh has to get rid of him because he doesn't embody the team-first virtue that the franchise has maintained for decades and threatens to be much more trouble than he's worth.

Personally, I am 100% on LeVeon Bell's side. Not that I would appreciate it if it happened to my team but I understand why he did it and respect him for sticking to his guns in spite of pressure from everywhere. He's going to get a deal that makes up for it in Indy and they're going to be the Patriots 2.0 for the next five years. Plus, he's a homeboy so I want him to do well. But I'll never understand what's going on with AB.

AB makes me really appreciate Julio. With that said, a bunch of Falcons fans were clamoring and suggesting that we needed to cut Julio since he missed training camp in order to get more loot. Compared to Antonio, I'd let the team garnish my check if it meant we could hold onto Julio. His attitude is as welcome as his stats.

Since you are a Pittsburgh fan, please contact the team and tell them that both Atlanta and Miami have enough headaches as it is and I'd appreciate them flushing Antonio down some other sewer. Such a shame.