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  1. #101
    Scherrie is so sweet. I have loved her voice for so many years.

  2. #102
    Scherrie is a true professional: She brings a rare dignity to show business. Additionally, her voice and styling have no equal.

    p.s. "I Can Never Recover" sounds like an Invictus track! Think about it......
    Last edited by longtimefan; 05-10-2011 at 11:40 PM.

  3. #103
    "I Can Never Recover" is an excellent song! Scherrie sounds GREAT!

  4. #104
    Johnny congrats on a wonderful show tonight! Andy-Mary-Susaye and Scherrie and you kept your cool interviewing all of these major stars! wooo hooo and then you get to do again next week! Thank you so much for an enjoyable evening

  5. #105
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Yes it DOES sound like Invictus! Good Ear!

  6. #106
    Thank you Scherrie. You are amazing!

  7. #107
    Thank you!! A truly SUPREME show!! Wonderful!

  8. #108
    Thank you Johnny! Great show and I did buy it. It's a great compilation of great music made by great lady's!

  9. #109
    What a night! I'm exhausted. I may never recover! Thank you, John and Andy. Thank you ladies. Thanks everyone. Supremes Forever!
    Last edited by sophisticated_soul; 05-11-2011 at 12:00 AM.

  10. #110
    Great show tonight Mary, Susaye, Scherrie and Andy were awsome. Thanks so much Mj. I only wish that Cindy could ahve been part of tonights show. Mj your heart is really softening towards Mary and I like that. Thanks a gain for a fantastic show.

  11. #111
    Thank you everyone! We had a great time! Sorry I wasn't on with Mary, it was the way we did the call in, but we rectified it for Susaye and then Scherrie. What fun that was, three amazing women. Thank you everyone. I still can't believe we made it happen! Outstanding!

  12. #112
    It was simply 'supreme' to hear from these three wonderful ladies. What a treat to hear Andy as well.

    What I am confused about: is the Midnight Johnny that interviewed Mary Wilson this evening the same midnightjohnny that posts here on SDF?

  13. #113
    I want to thank all my friends here for taking the time to share in this wonderful experience. Your support for Mary, Susaye and Scherrie and the new release...for Andy, Harry, George and Kevin...and for "Nightflight" is so appreciated....you'll never know. I also want to thank Mary, Susaye and Scherrie for their time and generosity...they are gracious, loving ladies.
    Andy....thank you for all you did [[and do) to help this very special show EXTRA special.

  14. #114
    john, sorry i missed the show. will u b repeating this show in the future???? thanks davidh from baltimore

  15. #115
    truly another "supreme event" in the history of these girls! who would have thought we'd get to hear them, MSS, together again on the same night?! thanks to all who made this possible. this was just as cool as the anthology signing/release party in Los Angeles. the new supremes blog sounds interesting as well as next week with George Solomon. isn't it a weird feeling that both Mary and Scherrie are just getting around to listen to the new set, and here Susaye and us fans about died in the process
    but i know that Scherrie and Mary have said in the past that they rarely listen to themselves from the old days.

  16. #116
    I didn't post this last night

    There were 4 tracks from Freda. There is a thread on SDF which tells you what they are.

  17. #117
    marybrewster. It is the same Midnight Johnny

    I'm ever so pleased cos I recorded it. I think I missed the first 10 minutes before Mary came on line. The file is an audio file and the size is 42,221 Kb. I am happy to send it to anyone. However, I am told it might not go through email.

  18. #118

    Thank you for the info on Invictus. Mind blowing info.

    Rock Wilson, Eric ?, Joyce and Pam Vincent and Telma Hopkins..wow

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by redlabs View Post
    john, sorry i missed the show. will u b repeating this show in the future???? thanks davidh from baltimore
    David....so sorry you missed the show....I'm sure I will replay the show in the future.

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post

    Thank you for the info on Invictus. Mind blowing info.

    Rock Wilson, Eric ?, Joyce and Pam Vincent and Telma Hopkins..wow
    John...my brain fog is beginning to clear. So glad you got most of the show recorded. Re: Invictus....you KNOW how much I love that music. I could have talked a whole show about Invictus with Scherrie. The back up vocals? Yeah...I have wanted to know that for so long...those background vocals are the best! If you listen, you can truly hear Telma and the Vincent sisters...so I wasn't really surprised about that. And Jerry Plunk of Flaming Ember DID verify it, too. But I always wondered about the guys. Rock Wilson, Joyce Vincent's [[former?) husband and someone named Eric. And Scherrie DID say that she and about 10 other vocalists were called on to do backup on Freda's "Band of Gold"...now THAT was a cheeky surprise! Cheers, John!

  21. #121
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Strange the much desired Freda tracks have not appeared on the previous 4 Cellarful collections.

  22. #122

    If you can get to hear MJ's show, Scherrie mentioned that her mum and Mr Gordy did not come to an agreement with the terms of a contract. Her mother's consent was required as Freda was only some 13 or 14 years old. So there isn't a contract allowing Motown to release them.

    That doesn't mean it's not possible to release them in the future but it would mean a few people getting together to sort out a few "technicalities"!

  23. #123
    Wow, what a show! I'm still recovering. Talk about High Energy! John, you and Andy pulled off what could have been a logistical nightmare and did it with style and class. Again, thank you both very much. I know a lot of hard work went into planning this historic event! And again, thank you, to the ladies for giving of their time and giving the fans such a very special, special treat. It was a wonderful program.

  24. #124
    Ramone Verona Guest
    I'll say a "logistical nightmare".
    With all three of these women still working in entertainment, to find them all available to call in for a night radio show is just something!
    And what about Andy saying he'd love to do a "lost & found" on the 70s?!
    He indicated there was plenty of material.
    I'm not interested in winning any earrings, but how about a lifetime of free future Motown releases!

  25. #125
    No response to Cindy questions. Hope shes ok.

  26. #126
    Thank you again everyone for listening in. There will be more next week, I'm looking forward to that one as well!

    Luke, Cindy was unavailable last night. We were able to get it together with a very short window. Mary was asked to do it 24 hours before the show, and Scherrie and I were on the phone just 5 minutes before air, otherwise it only would have been John, myself and Susaye. I hope to have Cindy on Part 2 or even another time.

    And yes, it could have been a logistical nightmare, but it miraculously worked! I think it's because it was so spontaneous!

    Thanks again everyone!

  27. #127
    smark21 Guest
    The segments with Mary and Susaye were fun and intersting, but did anyone else think Scherrie seemed to get a bit sad or regretful, particularily when she was talking about how she feels she hasn't been using her gifts and talents in recent years and not being able to give back, as well as letting her piano playing and music writing fall by the wayside?

  28. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    The segments with Mary and Susaye were fun and intersting, but did anyone else think Scherrie seemed to get a bit sad or regretful, particularily when she was talking about how she feels she hasn't been using her gifts and talents in recent years and not being able to give back, as well as letting her piano playing and music writing fall by the wayside?
    Yes I felt the same vibe from Scherrie. For some reason I think if she had to do all over she would be solo doing her own thing or like what she's doing with Tour DeForce

  29. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by sophisticated_soul View Post
    Wow, what a show! I'm still recovering. Talk about High Energy! John, you and Andy pulled off what could have been a logistical nightmare and did it with style and class. Again, thank you both very much. I know a lot of hard work went into planning this historic event! And again, thank you, to the ladies for giving of their time and giving the fans such a very special, special treat. It was a wonderful program.
    Joseph...thank you so much. Recovering is right...it may take days. Thanks for being there....

  30. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by rod_rick View Post
    Great show tonight Mary, Susaye, Scherrie and Andy were awsome. Thanks so much Mj. I only wish that Cindy could ahve been part of tonights show. Mj your heart is really softening towards Mary and I like that. Thanks a gain for a fantastic show.
    rod...you said exactly what has happened about my heart softening towards Mary. All the things that I have not been happy about that Mary did [[which I had made no bones about previously)...well...it seems that doing a lot of thinking about it...and talking with some wise folks...it has allowed me to see all that mess in a bit of a different way...I can see those things with a different perspective. I was able to gain that perspective before I spoke with Mary on Tuesday. And then speaking with her...which is something I will always cherish....well, suffice to say....I have been softened. And they say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks...
    not so true. Thanks, rod, for being part of this....and for your comments and support...

  31. #131
    John...I very much enjoyed your interview with Mary Wilson, in particular...the whole show was simply "Supreme"...thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable evening...john

  32. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by johnjeb View Post
    John...I very much enjoyed your interview with Mary Wilson, in particular...the whole show was simply "Supreme"...thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable evening...john
    John....thanks so much...glad you enjoyed it and got to listen. Credit goes to a cast of hundreds...folks here....folks at Universal....and a large number of Supremes....I'm most happy....but then I haven't listened to what happened during the show yet....

  33. #133
    this was the first interview i've heard or read of Mary's where she sounded as definite that a reunion with Diana and Cindy would not take place. i agreed with her that a lesser reunion of the seventies would not be preferable. the press would only dog her and point out that it was not with Diana Ross. with the exception of Susaye, the girls are looking a bit tired these days.

  34. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by midnight johnny View Post
    rod...you said exactly what has happened about my heart softening towards Mary. All the things that I have not been happy about that Mary did [[which I had made no bones about previously)...well...it seems that doing a lot of thinking about it...and talking with some wise folks...it has allowed me to see all that mess in a bit of a different way...I can see those things with a different perspective. I was able to gain that perspective before I spoke with Mary on Tuesday. And then speaking with her...which is something I will always cherish....well, suffice to say....I have been softened. And they say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks...
    not so true. Thanks, rod, for being part of this....and for your comments and support...

    Bravo. I will say after reading this post, I have a hell of a lot more respect for you. Not that you need my respect, but you probably saw my post above questioning if the same midnightjohnny that posts here was the same midnightjohnny that interviewed Mary. To me, they were two completely different people.

    Not that you've asked for it, but a quick story: a while back, I had a lot of disdain for one Miss Lynda. And then I don't know exactly what happened, but I came to the conclusion of who the hell am I to judge anyone? It's one thing to be candid or critical, but I certainly wasn't "there", so what good were my snarky comments and low blows doing? Especially when, like you, I have the medium to spread love and joy. In my "real life" I promote harmony and goodwill; I think it's just easy sometimes to hide behind a computer screen and become someone that you really aren't, or shouldn't be. It certainly didn't help my "light" shine any brighter, and I'm sure it didn't help Miss Lynda's that some overweight, sassy drag queen was being rude.

    Anyway, I don't want to get too "preachy", but I will say I enjoyed your interviews with these 4 legendary ladies [[Andy being the 4th *smile*) and send you praise.

    My best to you, MJ.
    Last edited by marybrewster; 05-12-2011 at 10:41 AM.

  35. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post

    Bravo. I will say after reading this post, I have a hell of a lot more respect for you. Not that you need my respect, but you probably saw my post above questioning if the same midnightjohnny that posts here was the same midnightjohnny that interviewed Mary. To me, they were two completely different people.

    Not that you've asked for it, but a quick story: a while back, I had a lot of disdain for one Miss Lynda. And then I don't know exactly what happened, but I came to the conclusion of who the hell am I to judge anyone? It's one thing to be candid or critical, but I certainly wasn't "there", so what good were my snarky comments and low blows doing? Especially when, like you, I have the medium to spread love and joy. In my "real life" I promote harmony and goodwill; I think it's just easy sometimes to hide behind a computer screen and become someone that you really aren't, or shouldn't be. It certainly didn't help my "light" shine any brighter, and I'm sure it didn't help Miss Lynda's that some overweight, sassy drag queen was being rude.

    Anyway, I don't want to get too "preachy", but I will say I enjoyed your interviews with these 4 legendary ladies [[Andy being the 4th *smile*) and send you praise.

    My best to you, MJ.
    mary brewster...I know previously, we hadn't always seen eye to eye, but I am very touched and appreciative of what you have said. No....midnight johnny and I are sort of the same person. On the air...I can't always explain [[and probably that's a very good idea) some of the things I say. And here, I have more of an opportunity to say much more [[and THAT may NOT be a good idea *smile). I appreciated your quick story....it allowed me to know you a bit better, and it showed me how much more alike we are than not.
    I'm glad you liked the interviews....thank you, mary brewster...very much...
    My best to you, too...

  36. #136
    I'm not sure why people think MJ would have been anything but professional with Mary?

  37. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    I'm not sure why people think MJ would have been anything but professional with Mary?
    The interview was more than just professional imo. Mj showed a side of him that is feelings about and towards Mary has changed. Bravo again MJ, great job by all. I get the feeling that Mary, Cindy, Scherrie and Susaye just might get together and do something

  38. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    I'm not sure why people think MJ would have been anything but professional with Mary?
    Skool...that's very nice of you to say. Thanks! As far as professional...I am not [[wish I WAS getting paid for this gig). I am a volunteer [[doesn't that let me off the hook so nicely *wink)...have been for almost 13 years at WOMR, a non-commercial small radio station out of Provincetown on Cape Cod. And underneath this midnight johnny [[which I rarely use on the air)....right under...lies big, excited Motown fan John Perrone, who is in constant disbelief...that I not only get to play my favorite music [[Motown, Invictus and Philly at the TOP of my list)...but have had the opportunity to meet and chat with some of my favorite artists and folks whole music knowledge and experience I respect so much. I am constantly grateful and feel that I must have done something right... Whenever I do an interview...I try to do it the way I think any of us would...respectfully, thoughtfully, lovingly and with some humor....I love hearing these folks I interview laugh....and they are so funny themselves. And I try to address those more complicated questions [[...there is so much we still would like to know...) with ease and respect...how I hope I would be treated in the same position. So...professional? Not quite...but I appreciate, Skool, that you feel I do a professional job. Thanks so much...again....

  39. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by rod_rick View Post
    The interview was more than just professional imo. Mj showed a side of him that is feelings about and towards Mary has changed. Bravo again MJ, great job by all. I get the feeling that Mary, Cindy, Scherrie and Susaye just might get together and do something

    Rod...thank you so much. One thing about my feelings towards Mary. I have always loved her...and that really never stopped, even though I was dissappointed and conflicted about some things that had been done. I don't think I could have softened my heart toward her had there not been a soft spot lying in there.
    Thank you for the bravo....bravo to you, Rod!

  40. #140
    What exactly did Mary say about a reunion?

  41. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    What exactly did Mary say about a reunion?
    Mary basically said there will not be a Supremes reunion as Diana doesn't want to do one.

    It seems Mary has moved on. I pray her more fanatical fans can do the same.

    I will simply enjoy their fabulous music and pray that all surviving Supremes live out their golden years in great health and much peace and happiness.


  42. #142
    It would be so nice the see the Final Four as I call them, perform together. I would think that some fancy footwork would have to be done to market something like this. The talent certainly is there!

  43. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I will simply enjoy their fabulous music and pray that all surviving Supremes live out their golden years in great health and much peace and happiness.
    Very well put Roberta. Thanks.

  44. #144
    i think having Mary, Cindy,Scherrie and Susaye come together for a single show would be cool. they could all perform solo numbers as well as the Supremes songs they recorded while in the group from that era.maybe,but it sounds good to me.

  45. #145
    Roberta you said it quite nicely and your lovely words mirror my thoughts. Thank you for putting it out there.

  46. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by redlabs View Post
    john, sorry i missed the show. will u b repeating this show in the future???? thanks davidh from baltimore

    I have uploaded the show. You can download it at https://www.transferbigfiles.com/820...HPc1%2bQ%3d%3d

    It is 250 mb's

    Hopefully MidnightJohnny has no problems with this - if so, let me know and I will delete it

  47. #147
    Thank you for your kind words Penny and sophisticated_soul. I just don't understand the hostility towards individual members of the Supremes when collectively we love their music. So many people seem to hold decades old grudges against ladies that were in the Supremes that they don't really know and may never have met. Life is too good and too short to wallow in negativity.

    May God bless you both.


  48. #148
    It's not just Marys fans who have wanted reunon - many people have. Why the touch of negativity?Not necessary. If the greatest girl group ever sang together it would be wonderful. It may well not happen and most fans I know are ok with that.

  49. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    It's not just Marys fans who have wanted reunon - many people have. Why the touch of negativity?Not necessary. If the greatest girl group ever sang together it would be wonderful. It may well not happen and most fans I know are ok with that.
    It would be wonderful but it isn't going to happen. Diana has repeatedly stated no to a Supremes reunion and Mary said the other night that it won't happen without Diana or words to that effect. You are mistaking negativity for honesty.

  50. #150
    what kinds of questions about this set remain for George to answer? i hope he can talk some about the upcoming "More Hits By The Supremes". i wanted an alternate to "Early Morning Love" that has been bootlegging for many years. Mary makes a mistake or two in it and that is why it was probably on Andy's "unflattering to the supremes" list. still, in this day of editing, can't about anything "be fixed"?


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