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  1. #1

    How Men Mishandled Aretha Franklin's & Whitney Houston's Legacies


    Quite interesting and I'm interested in the responses here.

    I agree with the article in general of course.

  2. #2
    “The Bobby Brown story” portrayed Whitney the same way the Temptations movie portrayed David Ruffin. A buffoonish self centered junkie who had no regards for the protagonist! Since Whitney is gone now, she can’t give her rebuttal. So we’re just left with what the movie tells us. And don’t get me started on how they skewered Janet.

  3. #3
    I agree. Anyone who thinks the Bobby Brown Story had truth in it suffers from the same delusions of grandeur Bobby suffers from.

  4. #4
    That just tells you the level of respect he had for his wife.

  5. #5
    Now Bobby Browns doing having a Hollywood Medium connect him to Whitney and Bobbi Kristina and of course its all gonna be on TV. The man has not a lick of shame.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Now Bobby Browns doing having a Hollywood Medium connect him to Whitney and Bobbi Kristina and of course its all gonna be on TV. The man has not a lick of shame.

    He can't let these women rest in peace, can he? I know his spirit is disturbed because HE knows what he did was wrong but he just won't admit it! Does he really think the spirits of Whitney and Krissy are gonna accept what he's doing? REALLY?!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    He can't let these women rest in peace, can he? I know his spirit is disturbed because HE knows what he did was wrong but he just won't admit it! Does he really think the spirits of Whitney and Krissy are gonna accept what he's doing? REALLY?!
    And if he really wanted to contact them he shouldve done it privately and not on TV. This all for publicity and its real shameless imo.

  8. #8
    That fake little twink is no more psychic than the pet rocks my nephews made for sale in kindergarten.........
    Bobby Brown, like many celebrities, will do anything for a buck. If Whitney had half a brain, she’d have left him some money, a small percentage of her estate, to avoid the need of this very thing - but no one in her camp could think past their next cup o noodles, let alone this type of thought process. What a shame no one in her circle had an IQ above 100.

  9. #9
    People be killing me. Bobby didn't do anything to Whitney that she probably wouldn't have done to him had the roles been reversed. Of course Bobby Brown is going to be portrayed in a certain light in The Bobby Brown Story. What's interesting to me is that beyond this being an issue of gender, it's an issue of favorites. Bobby portraying Whitney this way, true or false, is upsetting because it's Whitney Houston. Whitney portraying Bobby in a less than flattering light, true or false, had she gotten around to doing a movie or book, is just fine because she's Whitney Houston. I've known people like Whitney and Bobby my whole life. I've watched people take sides and to hear them tell the story the monster is the other side, never the side they've chosen. Then there's me, sitting back, observing the entire situation and trying to figure out how anyone could take a side when the two people in the middle of the madness are different faces of the same damn coin. She aint shit and neither is he, but for some reason everyone else around them wants to ignore the shit stains of the favorite and focus on the other one. That's the way this whole Whitney/Bobby thing comes across to me. Love Whitney and Bobby like I do, two artists who have been singing the soundtrack to my life nearly as long as I can remember, but these were two junkies living the junkie life, both making excuses for themselves and one another. The absolute saddest thing in this is that these two people had a daughter together who was forced to take a backseat to her parents' addictions and dysfunction. Sorry but I'm not getting up in arms about a man telling his one sided story. Bobby has a right to his "truth" the same as Whitney did. But the fact that neither of these people put their daughter above it all is the real travesty here. But who's favorite Houston-Brown was Bobbi Kristina? Nobody's, which is why you won't hear much about Bobby AND Whitney being the villains in that baby's story.

  10. #10
    No one is saying Whitney wasn't complicit in how Krissy turned out, but I seriously believed Whitney tried harder than Bobby to right that wrong and never could because you can never predict how one's addiction will spiral. I think Whitney put too much on hoping religion will save her and that helped to play a part in how she turned out and how if she thought she was helping her daughter, it only ended up harming her. Bobby harmed her by abandoning HER. Now I do agree that they were both guilty as f*ck during her early years. But do I think Whitney mean to do it? No. Bobby on the other hand didn't think twice of even helping Krissy when he could've. He should've stood up to the plate the minute he found out Whitney had passed and finally be the father Krissy wanted him to be but as we see, he didn't. Does Bobby have the "right" to tell his story? He sure does. But he should assume everyone would see his side and make him out to be the good guy is all I'm saying and all I was saying in the original post and subsequent follow-ups.

  11. #11
    It's hard to say someone should've tried harder when that someone wasn't the custodial parent. Again, this is shit I've seen up close for years. Whitney and Bobby were Hollywood but they weren't any different than the folks I know. He got excuses and playing the blame game and Whitney did the same. They might agree that they were both f'd up, but they'll point the finger at the other and say the other one was more f'd up. Lol As far as Bobby and Bobbi Kris after Whitney passed, Bobbi Kris was grown with baggage. She wasn't gonna let Bobby do anything more than she wanted him to, and he had no legal right to force her. If it's true that she was preparing to go visit her dad when she was "found", who knows how different the story might've played out. But I've seen it more times than I care to count: by the time children like Bobbi Kris become teenagers, they have built up resentment that is hard to erase. I think Bobbi Kris was closest to her mother so the resentment might've been less, but again Whitney had custody, Bobby didn't, so whatever her resentment was toward her mom, we'll never know.

  12. #12
    Krissy also saw incidents where her father abused her mother and when she asked Whitney if it was true that Bobby spit at her [[she didn't see that part) and she said "yes", Krissy was the one who told Whitney to divorce Bobby. So yeah she would naturally take the mother's side but after her death, she looked for Bobby to be there and he simply wasn't. The one time he tried was shortly before she drowned in that tub and subsequently died.

  13. #13
    This sounds awful - awful stuff by troubled people. We should be glad we avoided all this in our own lives - if we did.

  14. #14
    I skimmed through the article and it seems like a male-bashing rant. I'm not cool with that. Why didn't some women step up and take charge of their family members' legacies instead of bashing men? Wasn't Aretha all about empowering women? Hmmm???

    I will say that men have done right with the recorded legacy of Aretha's music. I am quite happy with how her catalog has been treated. Not so much for Whitney Houston.

    All I see for Whitney's legacy is the cat-fighting and constant Bobby-bashing going on. We all know about her personal issues, but she deserved better than what she has gotten since her untimely death. And, that isn't because of men. There are a lot of women in that family causing the drama.
    Last edited by soulster; 10-02-2018 at 10:54 AM.

  15. #15
    Nah, don't skim, she had some good points but maybe the language is rubbing y'all off wrong but she was right. She said what she said.

    I just think they could've done Aretha's funeral better than they did. All those egotistical preachers making it about them and not about a woman who changed the face of pop culture, music and in some parts, the civil rights and feminist movements.

    As for Whitney, yeah she hasn't been handled right at all BUT at least the funeral [[after some hiccups and *coughthatpedoRKellycough*) for Whitney ended on a regal note for her.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I skimmed through the article and it seems like a male-bashing rant. I'm not cool with that. Why didn't some women step up and take charge of their legacies instead of bashing men? Wasn't Aretha all about empowering women? Hmmm???

    I will say that men have done right with the recorded legacy of Aretha's music. I am quite happy with how her catalog has been treated. Not so much for Whitney Houston.

    All I see for Whitney's legacy is the cat-fighting and constant Bobby-bashing going on. We all know about her personal issues, but she deserved better than what she has gotten since her untimely death. And, that isn't because of men. There are a lot of women in that family causing the drama.
    Thank you!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    I just think they could've done Aretha's funeral better than they did. All those egotistical preachers making it about them and not about a woman who changed the face of pop culture, music and in some parts, the civil rights and feminist movements.
    And, who allowed that to happen? The family was understandably grieving, but it was also their job to vet the speakers and the pastor who facilitated the proceedings. I'm not being insensitive. I've been through several family deaths. It was on us to make sure the pastor and other speakers didn't bring their own agendas to the services. It's also what happens when you die without a will.

    As for Whitney, yeah she hasn't been handled right at all BUT at least the funeral [[after some hiccups and *coughthatpedoRKellycough*) for Whitney ended on a regal note for her.
    Whatever. I'll bet you still play your old Bill Cosby albums.

  18. #18
    Passed on reading this at first , just another hit piece on men , a predictable nod to the current "women [[and only women) rule best" mantra.

    One rogue preacher at Aretha's funeral and she indicts all men that participated?? While what he said was extremely inappropriate to the occasion, I think the message itself is what bothers her most since a good portion of the article is about her own failed family unit. [[ And isn't she a bit too concerned about what the departed husband's new love interest thinks of her?) .
    Anyway Aretha had ample time to make any specific arrangements she desired , in the same way MCCain made sure Obama would be at his . If there were women Aretha wanted involved she neglected to secure that. [[BTW where was Aretha's own pastor and church at this service? Did they participate?)
    If the author wants to comment on how women also sullied the service , she could start with Ariana's scant clothing and the wayshe paraded her booty back and forth at the eye level of several men seated behind her to the point one of them couldn't contain himself and felt the need to hug at her a bit too intimately.
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 10-03-2018 at 12:42 AM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Passed on reading this at first , just another hit piece on men , a predictable nod to the current "women [[and only women) rule best" mantra.

    One rogue preacher at Aretha's wedding and she indicts all men that participated?? While what he said was extremely inappropriate to the occasion, I think the message itself is what bothers her most since a good portion of the article is about her own failed family unit. [[ And isn't she a bit too concerned about what the departed husband's new love interest thinks of her?) .
    Anyway Aretha had ample time to make any specific arrangements she desired , in the same way MCCain made sure Obama would be at his . If there were women Aretha wanted involved she neglected to secure that. [[BTW where was Aretha's own pastor and church at this service? Did they participate?)
    If the author wants to comment on how women also sullied the service , she could start with Ariana's scant clothing and the wayshe paraded her booty back and forth at the eye level of several men seated behind her to the point one of them couldn't contain himself and felt the need to hug at her so intimately.
    Another great commentary. I guess man bashing is the latest trend, fad or whatever. The only minister that went off code during Aretha's funeral was the eulogist, Jasper Wiggins who delivered her father's eulogy in 1984. Everyone else did a great job I thought. Some of the female singers appeared to be competing to see who could out scream the others. Gladys Knight and the young lady that sang "Ave Maria" were perfect in my opinion.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Krissy also saw incidents where her father abused her mother and when she asked Whitney if it was true that Bobby spit at her [[she didn't see that part) and she said "yes", Krissy was the one who told Whitney to divorce Bobby. So yeah she would naturally take the mother's side but after her death, she looked for Bobby to be there and he simply wasn't. The one time he tried was shortly before she drowned in that tub and subsequently died.
    Was she looking for him or was he ignored? Seen this story too many times. No way that girl's heart wasn't hardened, and understandably so.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I skimmed through the article and it seems like a male-bashing rant. I'm not cool with that. Why didn't some women step up and take charge of their family members' legacies instead of bashing men? Wasn't Aretha all about empowering women? Hmmm???

    I will say that men have done right with the recorded legacy of Aretha's music. I am quite happy with how her catalog has been treated. Not so much for Whitney Houston.

    All I see for Whitney's legacy is the cat-fighting and constant Bobby-bashing going on. We all know about her personal issues, but she deserved better than what she has gotten since her untimely death. And, that isn't because of men. There are a lot of women in that family causing the drama.
    I didn't take the article as male bashing, but I didn't think the article did a good job of making a case that either of these women's legacies are being mishandled by men. The writer highlighted a situation between Whitney and Bobby where she admitted to protecting his image while married by not revealing the truth behind the scenes. But isn't fair to point out that Bobby did the same for her? Surely when they were together he didn't tell the world about the Whitney we really didn't know [[but heard rumors). They protected each other until they no longer cared to. IMO that has nothing to do with their genders.

    I thought bringing Aretha into the mix was an even bigger stretch. Of course while she was living, there wasn't anyone who was in charge of Aretha's legacy like Aretha. In death she had some men who did some grandstanding at her funeral, but none of them attempted to diminish her legacy. Of course that does not apply to Jasper, who clearly crossed the line by taking digs- whether intentional or not- at Aretha and her family in his attempt to audition for a position as one of the GOP[[and Trump)'s go to Negro clergyman. But the idea that his 30 minute eulogy could somehow overshadow what the Queen did in a 62 year musical career is preposterous.

    As far as the women in Whitney's family is concerned, who other than Pat is ever causing drama? Most of them folks seem to mind their business. I love me some Cissy and Dionne. [[Though Dionne can be a bit cantankerous at times.)

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post

    I just think they could've done Aretha's funeral better than they did. All those egotistical preachers making it about them and not about a woman who changed the face of pop culture, music and in some parts, the civil rights and feminist movements.

    As for Whitney, yeah she hasn't been handled right at all BUT at least the funeral [[after some hiccups and *coughthatpedoRKellycough*) for Whitney ended on a regal note for her.
    Aretha's funeral wasn't on the men. That disorganized mess of a service's tone was set before any of us tuned in. IMO the big problem with what was said was how long it was said. Judge Mathis was up there for 3 hours. Lol Aretha's pastor from New Bethel reminded everybody at the beginning of the service to keep to the allotted time for remarks and nearly everybody who got up to speak after her pastor completely ignored the instruction. I thought that was disrespectful not only to Aretha but to the people at the funeral who had to sit through all those hours of that. I remember being annoyed by the ones who brought up the president. Why that trash deserved a mention- any mention- at the Queen's final appearance is beyond me. While it was certainly pertinent to tie in Aretha's political savvy and desire to be involved in social responsibility to any remarks about her, the opportunities to take potshots at Trump said less about Aretha and more about the person making the statement. Interestingly enough, the ones who spoke who seemed to not take long were the members of Aretha's actual family, and they were the ones who I would've been able to overlook had they spoken for a lengthy time. But trying to frame Aretha's service in the conversation of "look what the men did to her" doesn't work for me. Aretha hasn't had a "look what the men did to her" moment since she was married to Ted White.

    Whitney's funeral was definitely the more respectful of the two. The speakers kept their remarks about Whitney the woman they knew and loved. I don't remember being annoyed by anyone speaking except for when Rev Winans called the Winans clan up to sing an impromptu song even after he pointed out that the service was running a bit long.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And, who allowed that to happen? The family was understandably grieving, but it was also their job to vet the speakers and the pastor who facilitated the proceedings. I'm not being insensitive. I've been through several family deaths. It was on us to make sure the pastor and other speakers didn't bring their own agendas to the services. It's also what happens when you die without a will.
    I've been through this a time or two myself and I've never seen my family have to tell the eulogist to stick to the subject and leave their agenda at home. I'm sure the Franklins had no idea that this was the potential outcome of bringing in Jasper Williams, especially when he'd done such a great job for their family previously. I don't blame them at all.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I remember being annoyed by the ones who brought up the president. Why that trash deserved a mention- any mention- at the Queen's final appearance is beyond me. While it was certainly pertinent to tie in Aretha's political savvy and desire to be involved in social responsibility to any remarks about her, the opportunities to take potshots at Trump said less about Aretha and more about the person making the statement.

    Any pot shots taken at no-show Obama? No, I didn't think so.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I didn't take the article as male bashing, but I didn't think the article did a good job of making a case that either of these women's legacies are being mishandled by men.
    and then not doing a good job at making the case is precisely a phony exercise in male bashing .
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 10-03-2018 at 02:56 PM.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Any pot shots taken at no-show Obama? No, I didn't think so.
    Not really other than Michael Eric Dyson took a clear jab at him from the pulpit at the funeral. There was however, a lot of flack about why Min.Farrakhan was there but did not speak or not allowed to speak. Many videos were made about that issue.


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