Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
We didn't play that one either. I was getting ready to go to a family reunion this afternoon where I'd see older cousins, cousins that babysat me back in the 60s and for some reason I started remembering the game "Red Rover". You know where you had two lines of kids facing each other, hands clasped and one side chants "Red rover, red over, let Jerry come over" and then you would have to run to try to break through their chain or you'd be caught and they'd get a point.
Please tell me that you played Curb Ball, the ultimate sport for black city kids. That was where you threw a ball and tried to have it hit at just the right angle on the curb that it bounced right back to the kid who threw it. I still see kids playing curb ball.

And Smear the Queer was a form of rugby where one kid had to play against up to 12 or so other kids. Very violent but also great exercise and great fun.