We didn't play that game but we had a brutal activity called "Bebogees". We'd start by swearing everybody in until midnight.

Tick, tock,
This game is locked
And won't open again until 12 o'clock

After that, every time someone was heard saying a word that began with the letter B, the people in the game would start to punch him as hard as they could in the back and chest until he realized what was going on and shouted "bebogees!". If we were in a particularly horrible mood, we required the person to first whistle before saying it. Have you ever tried to whistle while three of your best friends are punching you in the body? The worst was when we played it in the summer time because we stayed up and out until well after dark, so the midnight pledge held until we all went home.

Bebogees was more violent than "Smear the Queer" and "Buck, Buck".