Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
Nice Tom Tom!

If someone in 1979 had said to me , "you know this song is a hit , it just needs to sit on the shelf for twenty years" I'd have thought them nuts. It's quite a testament . Britain's had a history of reintroducing songs hasn't it. Much more open to revisiting older music than the states. I see this song resurfaced to promote the soccer season that year.

It's pleasant enough , upbeat, sing songy. A bit of a cake walk , but I always liked it . I'd rank it as one of Thom's better songs.😎

I don't know why, but even now listening to the Spinners version , I'm still wanting Dionne to jump in, just to amp it up a bit I guess.

Glad it finally found appreciation, that's cool when that happens. I wonder if someone called Thom Bell and told him he was number one in England !!!!
"Really? 😮 With what song?"
I wonder if someone did! That would have been so great to hear!

I don't know why it didn't hit when it was first released, it sounds like a hit to me. Then again maybe I'm saying that because it was eventually a hit.

I don't know why it became a hit in 2003, I think there might be a reason, maybe I should look into it!

Anyway thanks for bringing "Are You Ready For Love" up Boogie, it is one of my fave songs [[and has been since I was a kid in 2003)