Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
^Amen. I was in a McDonald’s a year ago when a young girl was sitting with her little sister. The older girl got exasperated with the little one and yelled, “SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!” at top volume. I just cast a glance at her; she goes in on me: “What the fuck you lookin’ at?” Being a grown-ass Georgia-born-and-bred son of a preacher, without hesitation I went OFF: “I’m looking at your filthy mouth! Don’t you EVER use that kind of language with an adult! Where’s your respect?!??” The mother shows up and asks me what she said. I tell her, then the mother, in protective mama-bear mode, goes in on me: “Don’t you speak to my child like that.” I read her her rights: “I respect that, but she needs to watch her language and respect her elders. It’s offensive!” She backs down a little and says, “Well, as a mother, I’m here.” And gently corrects the child at last.

These kids do nothing but navel-gaze into their devices all day and have no social skills of any kind. And the parents who co-sign their bad behavior should have THEIR asses whipped.
I will bet you 5 bucks that the girl learned that language from her mother! Her mother uses that type of language around her kids. I remember a plaque my own mother had on the wall when I was a kid and it said "Children learn what they live......".

They do not socialize with other children they way we did. They text and email instead of going outside and finding other kids to play with.