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  1. #1

    If Florence had stayed...

    I sure can hear her singing Stoned Love!

  2. #2
    Oh she would have sounded wonderful on it.

    However, everything that she would have recorded at Motown would have been better than with ABC...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Jean was a much more talented and skilled singer than Flo.

  4. #4
    I think Florence was a good singer but her problems would have continued to cause problems in the group. It may have made Diana Ross leave earlier perhaps in 1967-68 because the unit was starting to break down because of the tensions. I can only ponder then if Motown would have supported a new group of Supremes then with Florence in the lead with Mary and somebody else. I don't think they would have.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jim aka jtigre99 View Post
    I think Florence was a good singer but her problems would have continued to cause problems in the group. It may have made Diana Ross leave earlier perhaps in 1967-68 because the unit was starting to break down because of the tensions. I can only ponder then if Motown would have supported a new group of Supremes then with Florence in the lead with Mary and somebody else. I don't think they would have.
    jim, that is one of the most intelligent comments I've ever read regarding the Florence/Supremes scenarios. I have nothing else to add. Thank you.

  6. #6
    Just saying she would have sounded great on Stoned Love.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Just saying she would have sounded great on Stoned Love.
    I think she would have done a credible job on Stoned Love. Jean really owns this song and Mary, Scherrie and Lynda have all done credible jobs singing it as I am sure Florence would have.

  8. #8
    Flo had an entirely different style of singing than Jean. Flo's voice is much thicker and heavier. I think she would have done better with a much heavier r&b sound. more in line with what Glady's was doing. the Frank Wilson material for the 70 Sups was ethereal and light, even though the productions were big.

    I think Clay MacMurray and his "soap opera soul" would have been a better match

    As for the future of the group, I don't know what all would have happened. Flo had a lot of emotional demons and so it's possible she would have still crumbled. I don't know that Flo remaining in the group would have changed much of the course for the DRATS. Cindy really didn't do a whole lot other than fill the 3rd slot - certainly no fault of hers though. Berry was looking for a period of time to groom Diana, expand her horizons and more firmly establish her as a mega star. Flo's departure really didn't have that major of an impact on their records - she already wasn't on You Can't Hurry Love and rumor has it she wasn't on Reflections either. HDH's departure and the changing musical scene is what really lead to the DRATS chart irregularity.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    Flo had an entirely different style of singing than Jean. Flo's voice is much thicker and heavier. I think she would have done better with a much heavier r&b sound. more in line with what Glady's was doing. the Frank Wilson material for the 70 Sups was ethereal and light, even though the productions were big.

    I think Clay MacMurray and his "soap opera soul" would have been a better match

    As for the future of the group, I don't know what all would have happened. Flo had a lot of emotional demons and so it's possible she would have still crumbled. I don't know that Flo remaining in the group would have changed much of the course for the DRATS. Cindy really didn't do a whole lot other than fill the 3rd slot - certainly no fault of hers though. Berry was looking for a period of time to groom Diana, expand her horizons and more firmly establish her as a mega star. Flo's departure really didn't have that major of an impact on their records - she already wasn't on You Can't Hurry Love and rumor has it she wasn't on Reflections either. HDH's departure and the changing musical scene is what really lead to the DRATS chart irregularity.
    I disagree. They didn't have many hits after Florence left. Some would say that was due to HDH also leaving. Then that would mean that Diana Ross was not as essential to them getting hit after hit as her fans like to believe. They had nothing but flops with Diane on lead prior to HDH taking them on.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    I sure can hear her singing Stoned Love!

    I would have loved to hear Flo sing "Somethings You Never Get Used To". I wonder how Flo and Mary would have sounded on "Touch". I also thing Johnny Bristol would have done an excellent job producing Flo on lead and as a solo artist.

  11. #11
    A flop by Diana sold more than the biggest hit of the 70s Supremes

    A major hit by Diana sold more than the entire 70s Supremes entire outputs - especially their albums

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    A flop by Diana sold more than the biggest hit of the 70s Supremes

    A major hit by Diana sold more than the entire 70s Supremes entire outputs - especially their albums
    That is mainly because her boyfriend put the full force of the company behind her records in promoting them. I highly doubt he would have promoted records by Florence Ballard.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jim aka jtigre99 View Post
    I think Florence was a good singer but her problems would have continued to cause problems in the group. It may have made Diana Ross leave earlier perhaps in 1967-68 because the unit was starting to break down because of the tensions. I can only ponder then if Motown would have supported a new group of Supremes then with Florence in the lead with Mary and somebody else. I don't think they would have.
    No Mr. Gordy or Motown would have done that. He made it clear that all of his attention was focused on Diane.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Circa 1824 View Post
    Jean was a much more talented and skilled singer than Flo.
    She was an extremely much better vocalist than Diana Ross. He should have put his money on her. It would have gone a lot further......

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I disagree. They didn't have many hits after Florence left. Some would say that was due to HDH also leaving. Then that would mean that Diana Ross was not as essential to them getting hit after hit as her fans like to believe. They had nothing but flops with Diane on lead prior to HDH taking them on.
    true - their chart activity was definitely not as strong as the DMF era. but they moved into bigger clubs, did the tv specials, commanded a higher concert fee, etc. It is too bad that more care wasn't placed on their vinyl output rather than the pabulum we got

    HDH's departure really dealt the girls a blow. but even if they'd stayed, I'm not sure how they would have combated the explosion of other musical styles and forms that emerged in the later 60s. the harder-edged acid rock and San Fran sounds, the heavier r&b music, etc.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    true - their chart activity was definitely not as strong as the DMF era. but they moved into bigger clubs, did the tv specials, commanded a higher concert fee, etc. It is too bad that more care wasn't placed on their vinyl output rather than the pabulum we got

    HDH's departure really dealt the girls a blow. but even if they'd stayed, I'm not sure how they would have combated the explosion of other musical styles and forms that emerged in the later 60s. the harder-edged acid rock and San Fran sounds, the heavier r&b music, etc.
    One way they could have sustained interest in them would been to switch up leads from time to time similar to what the O'Jays did in the 70s.

  17. #17
    Yes and apparently HDH was considering this per a previous post, especially if the fans tired of the usual. The Supremes was so successful because of Florence ,Mary, Diana and HDH.

  18. #18
    problem is though that by 67 Berry wasn't interested in the Supremes outside of a launching pad for Diana. The idea of expanding the group's versatility and style to incorporate multi-leads would never have occurred during the DRATS era. Look at how under-utilized M and C were in TCB and especially in GIT? for Christ's sake - in TCB Cindy couldn't even sing her 1 line of Mrs Robinson without Diana joining in. Certainly wasn't because she sounded weak or bad. I have a bootlet of the Mrs Robinson segment with each girl singing separately and they sound great.

    Once Jean joined, they did start sharing more but I do agree they should have done more with it and earlier in the MJC era. Of course that would have required them to find something for mary to sing other than that damned Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You lolol

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    HDH... even if they'd stayed, I'm not sure how they would have combated the explosion of other musical styles and forms that emerged in the later 60s. the harder-edged acid rock and San Fran sounds, the heavier r&b music, etc.
    Correct, I'd say.
    HDH's Hot Wax/Invictus stuff wasn't that different from their Motown stuff. With a few notable exceptions, I really felt most of it was inferior to their Hitsville output. Perhaps, had DRATS recorded, say, "Band of Gold," it might have charted, but I cannot imagine their doing any other post-HDH numbers with any success. That style was becoming dated and HDH were really just riding the tail-end of it before it ran its course. Likewise, the glitz-and-glamour shtick which all but defined DRATS was becoming hackneyed as well. Eventually, it all died not with a bang but a whimper.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    One way they could have sustained interest in them would been to switch up leads from time to time similar to what the O'Jays did in the 70s.
    That would’ve been a good idea if they had group members that could handle leads but they didn’t. I think it’s been proven that mary wilson and Cindy Birdsong did not have voices that would sell records…… Certainly Marie had opportunities… No one in the industry has ever shown any interest in promoting mary wilson as a radio artist…… There’s a reason for that.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No Mr. Gordy or Motown would have done that. He made it clear that all of his attention was focused on Diane.
    Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane
    Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane
    Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane
    Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane Diane

    Shes always on your mind. LOL

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I would have loved to hear Flo sing "Somethings You Never Get Used To". I wonder how Flo and Mary would have sounded on "Touch". I also thing Johnny Bristol would have done an excellent job producing Flo on lead and as a solo artist.
    Out of the many combinations I have put through my mind, I admit I have never thought of Flo on something she never get used to… And I agree she might have done a wonderful job on it.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I disagree. They didn't have many hits after Florence left. Some would say that was due to HDH also leaving. Then that would mean that Diana Ross was not as essential to them getting hit after hit as her fans like to believe. They had nothing but flops with Diane on lead prior to HDH taking them on.
    Record sales and historians credit Diana With selling the Supremes. If you’re axiom about HDH is correct, then Levi and Martha were not essential to their groups getting hits either… As they suffered much worse And never saw the top 10 again after HDH left. DR&TS Sold tons more singles and albums then the other groups did after HDH left

  24. #24
    back to the initial topic of the thread

    had flo stayed in the group, I think we all agree she would have been lead after Diana left. to be honest, I don't think flo had the juice at the point to lead a group. as Mary has said, being a lead singer is different than singing lead on a song or two. it requires an onstage persona and presence. perhaps as they were prepping D to go solo, they would have started doing more with Flo to prepare her. but maybe not

    had she taken over the group and with Mary still there, I wonder if they could have made a more abrupt image change. with two original members, maybe there would have been enough continuity with the group and they could have. Could they have gone into a more r&b concept and image without losing all of their pop base?

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by jim aka jtigre99 View Post
    I think Florence was a good singer but her problems would have continued to cause problems in the group. It may have made Diana Ross leave earlier perhaps in 1967-68 because the unit was starting to break down because of the tensions. I can only ponder then if Motown would have supported a new group of Supremes then with Florence in the lead with Mary and somebody else. I don't think they would have.
    Yeah. And Florence's voice wasn't like what it was when she first joined Motown. Like if you check her solo material, I doubt she could've hit the notes Jean hit in Stoned Love. It was made for Jean. I just can't see Flo doing it. Flo had a rougher R&B quality that resembled Etta James more than a Motowner. I'm sorry. Flo was a good singer and definitely contributed to the legacy of the Supremes with her own inimitable style but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm sure she would've done a decent job though and had she lived past February 1976 and made her comeback and was asked to do it, she could've if she wanted to [[solo). Like in a disco version or whatever. But it would've been in a different pitch obviously.
    Last edited by midnightman; 05-08-2018 at 04:49 PM.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    true - their chart activity was definitely not as strong as the DMF era. but they moved into bigger clubs, did the tv specials, commanded a higher concert fee, etc. It is too bad that more care wasn't placed on their vinyl output rather than the pabulum we got

    HDH's departure really dealt the girls a blow. but even if they'd stayed, I'm not sure how they would have combated the explosion of other musical styles and forms that emerged in the later 60s. the harder-edged acid rock and San Fran sounds, the heavier r&b music, etc.
    Once Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin took over the airwaves, that was it for the Supremes as the leading ladies of pop and soul. They had become more of a living legend than the real actual group they used to resemble when it was just Diana, Mary and Flo.

  27. #27
    I don't think the group would have lasted much longer if Flo stayed. I feel they would have been giving their farewell show by early '68 if she did.

    I do think Flo very much had the potential to be a star but she needed to take care of herself and she didn't. I really believe Motown had plans to market the group individually [[Back in my arms again, more hits cover) but Flo began missing shows as early as June '65. I remember reading an article of Mary and Diana doing a press conference in Atlantic City in the summer of '65 and they said Flo was visiting family. I think Gordy saw Flo's and, to a lesser extent, Mary's unreliability during this time and decided to focus primarily on Diana.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    back to the initial topic of the thread

    had flo stayed in the group, I think we all agree she would have been lead after Diana left. to be honest, I don't think flo had the juice at the point to lead a group. as Mary has said, being a lead singer is different than singing lead on a song or two. it requires an onstage persona and presence. perhaps as they were prepping D to go solo, they would have started doing more with Flo to prepare her. but maybe not

    had she taken over the group and with Mary still there, I wonder if they could have made a more abrupt image change. with two original members, maybe there would have been enough continuity with the group and they could have. Could they have gone into a more r&b concept and image without losing all of their pop base?
    As a REAL Supremes fan, I'm just gonna keep it real: Florence NEVER wanted to be a "lead singer". Her thing was group unity. All for one and one for all. We have to remember the group was put together. It wasn't something they just decided to do. The group was formed because Milton Jenkins wanted a girl group equivalent to the Primes [[Eddie, Paul, Kel Osborne and Wiley Walker or whatever that last man's name was lol). Florence simply just wanted to be a singer and be famous like Jackie Wilson was. Jackie was a lot of Detroiters' goal [[Mary and Diana included) into being professional singers from Detroit because before Jackie, not too many Detroit musicians became big time. That's why when someone wanted to be a famous pop star, they were told "are you crazy? No one breaks out of Detroit as a singer! You might as well get a job in the auto plant in Ford."

    All Florence wanted to do was just to be a singer and be famous, even if it was just in Detroit [[as Mary said in "Unsung", "our whole world was Detroit"). When they finally became the IT group of not only Motown or R&B but of the SIXTIES itself, that was too much for someone who grew up as a humble, down-to-earth kid who was one of fifteen growing up in various Detroit ghettos before settling in the Brewster Projects.

    As Unsung showed, Florence was already struggling to deal with the aftermath of being raped at sixteen which led to the constant mood swingings as the group got bigger and bigger. At one point, when Unsung played Florence's interview with Peter Benjaminson, she said that the seeds of the Supremes splintering started early after they began to get famous forcing all three members to be in separate hotel rooms and said the only time they saw each other would be onstage, saying, "so it seems like we were splitting in that matter" and that was before it occurred to Motown that, "you know what, we should make Diana the star". But of course it took a while for that to foster since until 1967, it was all about the group and not a sole member.

    Mary's thing was if Diana was gonna leave as she was rumored to in 1966, she and Flo could find another member and that member could've sung lead and then Flo and Mary could've argued for more vocal leads if they wanted to since usually when a label assigns a member to lead vocal status that it'll be harder for the other members to call for lead parts... if THAT was the case.

    But IMHO, Flo was facing mental pressure and stress and not to mention the alcohol, I don't think she would've survived even if Diana had left first. Being in the Supremes had become toxic for her by 1966 and her unpredictable mood swings meant trouble for Berry, who didn't handle it right.

    But so was Wanda Rogers, who also had substance issues. Difference between Flo and Wanda was Wanda was the lead vocalist of the Marvelettes. Flo wasn't the Supremes' lead singer so it was easier for Berry to wash his hands of a member he felt would not be good for the group's image and the Supremes were the queens of pop music and the nightclub circuit. Flo was crying out for help and no one, not even her band mates [[that includes Mary), didn't listen.

    I think in the end, Florence just wanted to be with Diana and Mary forever and when that seemed like an impossibility, she lashed out and decided "forget it, I rather leave" and that's what happened.

    So I don't know if she would've stayed long either even if Motown decided to make Diana a soloist in 1967.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by floyjoy678 View Post
    I don't think the group would have lasted much longer if Flo stayed. I feel they would have been giving their farewell show by early '68 if she did.

    I do think Flo very much had the potential to be a star but she needed to take care of herself and she didn't. I really believe Motown had plans to market the group individually [[Back in my arms again, more hits cover) but Flo began missing shows as early as June '65. I remember reading an article of Mary and Diana doing a press conference in Atlantic City in the summer of '65 and they said Flo was visiting family. I think Gordy saw Flo's and, to a lesser extent, Mary's unreliability during this time and decided to focus primarily on Diana.
    As evident by the More Hits cover, I think it was clear Motown had plans to have each member branch out. Florence's issues definitely played a factor into why those plans fizzled and they only focused on Diana because she basically just obeyed Berry while the others, Flo MAINLY, began arguing against doing it. As Unsung stated, Flo wanted to go home more than go out on the road.

  30. #30
    It's kinda humorous to speculate on all this stuff. Berry Gordy was a smart man and knew the gamble on Ross would pay off.

    By 1966 it was obvious Flo would eventually leave or have to be replaced. Likewise for Jean Terrell, after the first year she gradually became miserable with the pressures and doing most of the work but Mary and Cindy getting more than she. Neither Flo nor Jean ever attempted to come back after leaving. Jean worked in the FLOs in the late 80s but their work load was significantly less than what the Supremes had been.

    Berry Gordy shaped and molded Diane Ross. Together they created DIANA ROSS. He was relentless on her, often abusive. But she gave him results. No way would Flo or Jean tolerated this.

  31. #31
    Personally I think things would have been a LOT better [[still not perfect) if Mary and Florence would have got a lead or 2 per album as well as live shows [[besides People and Can't Take My Eyes Off You). That alone may have kept Florence with the group though I bet there still may have been some issues.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Yes and apparently HDH was considering this per a previous post, especially if the fans tired of the usual. The Supremes was so successful because of Florence ,Mary, Diana and HDH.
    I know the Holland Bros. worked with the Supremes again in the 70s and with Mary in the 2000s [[yeah I know the album is still unreleased), but haven't they ever worked with Diana Ross again?

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    problem is though that by 67 Berry wasn't interested in the Supremes outside of a launching pad for Diana. The idea of expanding the group's versatility and style to incorporate multi-leads would never have occurred during the DRATS era. Look at how under-utilized M and C were in TCB and especially in GIT? for Christ's sake - in TCB Cindy couldn't even sing her 1 line of Mrs Robinson without Diana joining in. Certainly wasn't because she sounded weak or bad. I have a bootlet of the Mrs Robinson segment with each girl singing separately and they sound great.

    Once Jean joined, they did start sharing more but I do agree they should have done more with it and earlier in the MJC era. Of course that would have required them to find something for mary to sing other than that damned Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You lolol
    Yeah, I'll admit, I got tired of her singing that song "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" LOL! Still it is a nice thought, to imagine if they had become a bit more diversified.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    back to the initial topic of the thread

    had flo stayed in the group, I think we all agree she would have been lead after Diana left. to be honest, I don't think flo had the juice at the point to lead a group. as Mary has said, being a lead singer is different than singing lead on a song or two. it requires an onstage persona and presence. perhaps as they were prepping D to go solo, they would have started doing more with Flo to prepare her. but maybe not

    had she taken over the group and with Mary still there, I wonder if they could have made a more abrupt image change. with two original members, maybe there would have been enough continuity with the group and they could have. Could they have gone into a more r&b concept and image without losing all of their pop base?
    I think they could have gone more R&B. By the late 60s, Aretha had proven that Soul/R&B was popular across the board. If Flo and Mr. Gordy had a better working relationship, it could have happened.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Once Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin took over the airwaves, that was it for the Supremes as the leading ladies of pop and soul. They had become more of a living legend than the real actual group they used to resemble when it was just Diana, Mary and Flo.
    That's true. People had begun to look at them as a show biz institution and we know what that means LOL! Supper clubs and Vegas. The Bob Hope Specials and hanging out with Sammy Davis Jr. and the like. Not what the younger set could really get into.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by aarondillon2011@gmail.com View Post
    Personally I think things would have been a LOT better [[still not perfect) if Mary and Florence would have got a lead or 2 per album as well as live shows [[besides People and Can't Take My Eyes Off You). That alone may have kept Florence with the group though I bet there still may have been some issues.
    The issues would have been, Diana did not like to share according to what I have read. Still that would have been great and made them more of a group again.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by floyjoy678 View Post
    I don't think the group would have lasted much longer if Flo stayed. I feel they would have been giving their farewell show by early '68 if she did.

    I do think Flo very much had the potential to be a star but she needed to take care of herself and she didn't. I really believe Motown had plans to market the group individually [[Back in my arms again, more hits cover) but Flo began missing shows as early as June '65. I remember reading an article of Mary and Diana doing a press conference in Atlantic City in the summer of '65 and they said Flo was visiting family. I think Gordy saw Flo's and, to a lesser extent, Mary's unreliability during this time and decided to focus primarily on Diana.
    She, Flo was a young woman with a lot of talent ,ambition and dreams just like the other two. When she started to see that she was not going to get to live up to her full potential that is when she started acting out. She had no real power in the company, so she did the only things she knew how to do. Understand? She wanted it as much as anyone else, but she wasn't going to get the chance in her own group!

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I know the Holland Bros. worked with the Supremes again in the 70s and with Mary in the 2000s [[yeah I know the album is still unreleased), but haven't they ever worked with Diana Ross again?
    Yes. “We Can Never Light...” was by the Hollands, IIRC.

  39. #39
    Sad to say Florence's voice is over-rated. As a lead, with or without Supremes, I doubt Florence would have had much of a career.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    Sad to say Florence's voice is over-rated. As a lead, with or without Supremes, I doubt Florence would have had much of a career.
    Totally disagree with you here. Compare Diana and Florence when they started. Flo was miles ahead. Had she had the attention, who knows where she could have gone.

  41. #41
    Her voice during the Motown years was incredible.

    But the ABC recordings, clearly something was amiss. Especially considering the material and the voice she delivered, she didn't seem like she was into the songs ABC gave her. :/

    But I don't think her voice stood out considering other stronger singers there like Gladys and Martha. Flo could've easily done a Wanda Rogers thing where she turned a pop song into something more earthy and sultry, which was Wanda's talent and seemed to be Flo's too. They both were able to be diverse like that when they were both in Motown.

  42. #42
    Look how far Diana Ross came. Flo then could have become the next Aretha/ Barbara/Bette Midler [[comedy).

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Yes. “We Can Never Light...” was by the Hollands, IIRC.
    Really, ok. Thanks.

  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    Sad to say Florence's voice is over-rated. As a lead, with or without Supremes, I doubt Florence would have had much of a career.
    I have to disagree. Flo was a SINGER! She could belt one out. I loved her voice. There was never anything written especially for her to sing other than her background harmony parts. She stood out even then!

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    Totally disagree with you here. Compare Diana and Florence when they started. Flo was miles ahead. Had she had the attention, who knows where she could have gone.
    You can't get some people to understand that. The writers were not directed to write anything for Florence's voice. When she did get a tiny little chance, she tore it up like with the Christmas songs and Sam Cooke's "Ain't That Good News"!

  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Her voice during the Motown years was incredible.

    But the ABC recordings, clearly something was amiss. Especially considering the material and the voice she delivered, she didn't seem like she was into the songs ABC gave her. :/

    But I don't think her voice stood out considering other stronger singers there like Gladys and Martha. Flo could've easily done a Wanda Rogers thing where she turned a pop song into something more earthy and sultry, which was Wanda's talent and seemed to be Flo's too. They both were able to be diverse like that when they were both in Motown.
    It also didn't help that she was 8 months pregnant during those ABC recording sessions. Coincidentally, Mary Wilson was in the advance stages of pregnancy when she recorded her solo album for Motown and you could tell from the gasps and heavy breathing on some of her songs.

  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Yes. “We Can Never Light...” was by the Hollands, IIRC.
    If the Holland brothers were working in the '80s [[I don't know if they were), Mary could've hooked up with them then instead of going to Motorcity.

  48. #48
    Flo Ballard was a singer, but not lead singer material. She could have never, ever been successful as a replacement for Diana in the Supremes.

    The fact is also that Flo was clumsy: look at any clip and she's rarely as tight as Diana or Mary. Some have it, some don't. That's just a reality: Flo was not a dancer. Even Mary has said Flo had a difficult time with choreography.

    Flo would have also looked ridiculous in the costumes 1967-1970. Cindy brought a glamour to the group that wasn't there when Flo was a member.

    What Flo should have done when she left the group was strike while the iron was hot: become a teacher, perhaps a vocal coach. A manager to young talent. Written an autobiography. Became a game show panalist. Retried and focused on being a Mom. Anything but that dreaded ABC release.

  49. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    That would’ve been a good idea if they had group members that could handle leads but they didn’t. I think it’s been proven that mary wilson and Cindy Birdsong did not have voices that would sell records…… Certainly Marie had opportunities… No one in the industry has ever shown any interest in promoting mary wilson as a radio artist…… There’s a reason for that.
    Yes there is a reason for that. Mary Wilson's voice was never going to sell large amounts of records. Neither was Cindy's. They were outstanding backing vocalists, which in itself is not an easy thing to do, but as regards lead vocalists - forget it.
    People can drone on forever about all these so called lost opportunities for Mary's solo recording career, but the truth of the matter is that no record company had sufficient confidence in her ability to sell records, therefore the deals failed to materialise. Her voice was far more suitable to singing torch songs in supper clubs. She was never going to find a large enough audience to become a "radio" voice.

  50. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    It also didn't help that she was 8 months pregnant during those ABC recording sessions. Coincidentally, Mary Wilson was in the advance stages of pregnancy when she recorded her solo album for Motown and you could tell from the gasps and heavy breathing on some of her songs.
    Yes you can. People [[myself included) have criticised the poor quality of her vocals on that album , but we do have to take into account her pregnancy. It would have been better for all concerned had they waited six months to record the album. It would still have flopped because the material was generally of a sub standard quality, but at least Mary would have sounded a little less strained.


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Ralph Terrana

Welcome to Soulful Detroit! Kindly Consider Turning Off Your Ad BlockingX
Soulful Detroit is a free service that relies on revenue from ad display [regrettably] and donations. We notice that you are using an ad-blocking program that prevents us from earning revenue during your visit.
Ads are REMOVED for Members who donate to Soulful Detroit. [You must be logged in for ads to disappear]
And have Ads removed.