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  1. #1
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    Coward Trumpy avoids President Obama, Hillary and The Bush Family.

    While Melania, the Obamas and Clintons are attending the funeral of Barbara Bush this draft dodging, racist, misogynistic, lying sexual predator is sitting on the toilet of his Mar a Lago master bathroom tweeting lies and crap about The NY Times and Comey.

    Hes such a coward. Too scared to face the Bush Family, Hillary and President Obama. He really is the most despicable POS on this here earth.

  2. #2
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    I feel sorry for his wife. She's probably happy to get away from Washington - I mean, Mar-A-Lago - but the only people she's spent any time with are President and Mrs. Obama. And she's probably uncomfortable around them. Add to that, her husband has trashed the son of the woman being buried. That has to be awkward as a MF.

    With that being said, she's enjoying the perks of being a rich man's wife, so I'm not shedding any tears for her.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I feel sorry for his wife. She's probably happy to get away from Washington - I mean, Mar-A-Lago - but the only people she's spent any time with are President and Mrs. Obama. And she's probably uncomfortable around them. Add to that, her husband has trashed the son of the woman being buried. That has to be awkward as a MF.

    With that being said, she's enjoying the perks of being a rich man's wife, so I'm not shedding any tears for her.
    You damn right I ain't shedding any tears for her ass, either. She spouted that birther crap as loudly as her worthless piece of a husband and, last I checked, her immigration status was as shady as all hell. And Michelle better wear a tinfoil hat so that hag doesn't steal any more of her thoughts.

  4. #4
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    Melania is just an innocent gold digger caught up in the game.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoTom123 View Post
    Melania is just an innocent gold digger caught up in the game.
    Au contraire, mon frère. I'll grant you "gold digger caught up in the game," but never innocent when she sat up on TV spouting that racist birther crap. She's as much of a zero as her sorry-assed spouse.

  6. #6
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    She's checking the pre-nup to see when she can bail and get more than a hooptie and a SNAP card.

    By the way, Spanky the Moron tweeted that his buddy Cohen wouldn't flip on him this morning instead of going to the funeral that he wasn't invited to attend. Dumbass isn't smart enough to realize that for someone to flip, there has to be a crime that they're aware of. He's building Mueller's obstruction case for him and doesn't even know.

  7. #7
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    ^THIS. You get all the stars in the Internet universe, Jerry. He’s dumber than a box of hair.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I feel sorry for his wife. She's probably happy to get away from Washington - I mean, Mar-A-Lago - but the only people she's spent any time with are President and Mrs. Obama. And she's probably uncomfortable around them. Add to that, her husband has trashed the son of the woman being buried. That has to be awkward as a MF.

    With that being said, she's enjoying the perks of being a rich man's wife, so I'm not shedding any tears for her.
    Trump knows what he's done, so that's why he skipped out on the funeral. Not only that, Trump knows what he's done to everyone he's had contact with, or has opposed, and knows it's all starting to catch up with him. That's why he gets so defensive. Man, I hope Richard Cohen turns state's evidence against him.

  9. #9
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    I would have sympathy for Melania is she left that disgusting cheating PIG but this photos going to make Trumpy real mad. This photo shows class and dignity and REAL Presidents.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I would have sympathy for Melania is she left that disgusting cheating PIG but this photos going to make Trumpy real mad. This photo shows class and dignity and REAL Presidents.
    Someone on Twitter said that's the faces of everybody left on the group chat when you finally drop the guy that everyone hates.
    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 04-22-2018 at 09:44 PM.

  11. #11
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    And if that one doesn't make Spanky see orange, this one most definitely will.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I would have sympathy for Melania is she left that disgusting cheating PIG but this photos going to make Trumpy real mad. This photo shows class and dignity and REAL Presidents.
    Yet, they'll forever talk about how much they hate Hillary for not leaving Bill.

  13. #13
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    *Welp* Unfortunately, I don't have any Shania Twain records to throw away.
    Shania Twain Apologizes for Saying She Would Have Voted for ‘Honest’ Donald Trump

    “I do not hold any common moral beliefs with the current president,” the country singer-songwriter now says in a statement

    Rosemary Rossi | April 22, 2018 @ 6:37 PMLast Updated: April 22, 2018 @ 6:40 PM
    Getty Images

    Shania Twain has apologized for saying in an interview that she would have voted for Donald Trump had she been able to.

    “I would like to apologize to anybody I have offended in a recent interview with The Guardian relating to the American president,” she said in a statement to People.com Sunday.
    The Canadian-born country music superstar came under fire Sunday after telling The Guardian that she would have cast her vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, had she been able to vote.

    “I would have voted for him because, even though he was offensive, he seemed honest,” she told The Guardian. “Do you want straight or polite? Not that you shouldn’t be able to have both. If I were voting, I just don’t want bullshit. I would have voted for a feeling that it was transparent. And politics has a reputation of not being that, right?”

    The reaction was swift on social media, with many cheering her on, like:


    I’ve been listening to Shania Twain all day and honestly my soul has never been happier
    9:12 PM - Apr 22, 2018

    Twitter Ads info and priAnd others turning their back on her, like:

    Bryce Tache @brycetache

    Can someone please tell Shania Twain that honest cruelty, bigotry & hate is still cruelty, bigotry & hate.
    8:23 PM - Apr 22, 2018

    Twitter Ads info and privacShortly thereafter, she issued the following statement to People:

    “I would like to apologize to anybody I have offended in a recent interview with The Guardian relating to the American president.

    “The question caught me off guard. As a Canadian, I regret answering this unexpected question without giving my response more context. I am passionately against discrimination of any kind and hope it’s clear from the choices I have made, and the people I stand with, that I do not hold any common moral beliefs with the current president.

    “I was trying to explain, in response to a question about the election, that my limited understanding was that the president talked to a portion of America like an accessible person they could relate to, as he was NOT a politician. My answer was awkward, but certainly should not be taken as representative of my values nor does it mean I endorse him. I make music to bring people together. My path will always be one of inclusivity, as my history shows.”

    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 04-22-2018 at 10:07 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    *Welp* Unfortunately, I don't have any Shania Twain records to throw away.
    "Even though he was offensive he seemed honest"

    Really!!! He bragged about grabbing women by the pus*y and is NOT honest in fact he lies every hour of every day.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    And if that one doesn't make Spanky see orange, this one most definitely will.
    Melanias much happier sitting with President Obama at a funeral that she was sitting beside her pus*y grabbing hateful husband on his inauguration day.

  16. #16
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    Melania Trumps got the option to leave. Theres nothing written anywhere that say she cant leave and ask for a divorce. Id respect her more if she took her son and left that POS but she obviously stays for the money and position so shes not a prisoner IMO.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    "Even though he was offensive he seemed honest"

    Really!!! He bragged about grabbing women by the pus*y and is NOT honest in fact he lies every hour of every day.
    Any time I hear someone say "I apologize if I upset you", it ticks me off. That's not an apology. You can apologize for something that you did wrong that resulted in a problem for someone else. But apologizing for how someone else took it is BS. It's not enough to suggest that "he's not like me" or "I don't endorse him" when you would vote for him. You vote for people that reflect your values and your vote is an endorsement. I used to like Shania Twain but she can climb in the trashcan with Roseann Barr, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Kanye, Steve Harvey, Jim Brown and Martin Luther King III as far as I'm concerned. These pigs give him credibility and normalize his hatred by their association with him.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Any time I hear someone say "I apologize if I upset you", it ticks me off. That's not an apology. You can apologize for something that you did wrong that resulted in a problem for someone else. But apologizing for how someone else took it is BS. It's not enough to suggest that "he's not like me" or "I don't endorse him" when you would vote for him. You vote for people that reflect your values and your vote is an endorsement. I used to like Shania Twain but she can climb in the trashcan with Roseann Barr, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Kanye, Steve Harvey, Jim Brown and Martin Luther King III as far as I'm concerned. These pigs give him credibility and normalize his hatred by their association with him.
    Oh no, not Steve Harvey, I liked him!!! And I'd only just about forgiven him for saying that James Brown was a Motown legend on that Little Big Shots show... What did he do Jerry?

  19. #19
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    Hey jerry,be careful or the [dump]will[fire]you,haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoTom123 View Post
    Oh no, not Steve Harvey, I liked him!!! And I'd only just about forgiven him for saying that James Brown was a Motown legend on that Little Big Shots show... What did he do Jerry?
    Shortly after the election, he tried to sneak into Trump Tower and kiss Spanky's ass. He said that he was promised federal assistance with his charitable foundation if they met, which is BS because the federal government does not give preferential treatment to charities. Unbeknownst to Steve, the Moron called the press and they caught him on the way out. His excuses didn't fly with most of his fans and a great many of us who used to watch "Family Feud", "Steve Harvey", "Little Big Shots" and "$100 Thousand Pyramid" now find other shows to be much more interesting. To make it worse, every time he doubles down on his reasons for going, his foot gets in his mouth. Personally, I think he that after putting him down during the campaign, Steve was afraid that Spanky would put pressure on his producers so he ran to kiss the ring.

  21. #21
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    First off, I want to say that we should be happy that enough people people criticized Shania Twain for her to back off her comments. Would that have happened a year ago? Moreover, she cut her teeth in the country music world which makes this turn of events all the more interesting. There have been several high profile country artists who have come out against Trump.

    Now, since I live in a staunchly republican/conservative and pro-Trump area, I know a lot of people who voted for the guy. They aren't racists or sexists, and aren't evangelical. Some of them even voted for Obama...twice. From talking to them, they truly believed Trump's rhetoric that we weren't great as a nation. They didn't like his bigotry or the way he talked about women, but they liked the parts about China, and pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. They bought the spiel about unfair trade policies, and jobs. He appealed to the people who didn't think the economic recovery that President Obama presided over was moving fast enough for them. But, they also display a certain disconnect. They were somehow able to hold their nose and vote for him because they bought the line about "crooked Hillary", in part, thanks to Russian troll bombers and Fox news. [[Everywhere you go, someone has Fox news on, and act like MSNBC doesn't even exist, except that they just don't like Rachel Maddow.) They thought Clinton would take their guns away. They like the tough talk, something they feel they didn't get from Obama. These people don't want quiet diplomacy. They want simple-minded Clint Eastwood. And, yet, these people took leave of their moral sensibilities and voted for him. Mexicans are rapists? African-Americans are lazy? Ya gotta grab 'em by the pussy?

    So, when many people look at Trump, and they don't look too closely, especially those who may not pay too much attention to politics. All they see is the guy who likes to say "You're fired!", and how he's not a politician, and how he says he's going to "drain the swamp". This is where Ms. Twain comes in. Being Canadian, maybe she didn't understand just how unpopular the guy really is down here and around the world. Maybe she watches Fox news.

    I have exactly one Shania Twain CD. This will not cause me to get rid of her stuff. I did dispose of Bill Cosby, Ray Stevens, Ted Nugent, and Pat Boone's material, however.
    Last edited by soulster; 04-23-2018 at 04:18 PM.

  22. #22
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    I don't consider all of his followers to be racists, xenophobes and/or misogynists. But I consider them to be enablers of racists, xenophobes and misogynists and for that reason, they are just as Deplorable. I'm suspicious of how many people have a mostly progressive world view but somehow decided to become single issue voters in 2016. All for healthcare, accessible education, free trade and immigration/justice reform? "Yeah, but I'm pro-life, so I'm voting for Trump!"

    Get the f*ck out of here with that. They know that they didn't vote for him based on a single issue just like they know that they didn't vote for him because of the economy. The economy is not much better than it was in 2016 but it's reported differently. Anybody who gives a damn knows that you can get more information than what the network news provides. If anything is so important that you'd put someone in office who is dangerous to great swaths of the nation, you should at least base the decision on facts and not on conservative TV/radio and fake Facebook and Twitter posts. I have no respect for Spanky's voters and hope his policies affect them hardest.

  23. #23
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    You know jerry,for the first time in my whole life,i think about nuclear war[i was too young to understand the cuban missile crisis]of course i do now but i've always felt that only a madman would push us to the brink of annillation,but in the back of my mind i often wonder-is today the day?

  24. #24
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    I used to count being born after the civil rights struggle as a particular blessing in my life. Now, it's back and I'm compelled to fight for the next generation. We'll never see societal barriers fall in our lifetimes and I'm mad as hell about it. I always thought that we were making slow progress. Spanky the Fat Nasty Orange Turd Moron has erased that. Last week, they voted to eliminate protections that keep banks from charging higher interest rates for black loan applicants when all criteria is the same with white applicants. And Betsy DeVos ended an investigation into why schools in Texas suspend black kids at a rate that four times higher than white kids. We're on a course to set a record for police shootings. Some fool shot up a Waffle House and killed four young people of color and the news won't even call him a racist. Can you imagine if he said "Allahu akhbar!" when he did it. Do you think that would be on the news?

    We are right where we were before. Discrimination is going to be legal again. Income disparities are enormous. Educational opportunities are being denied. Make America Great Again? B*llsh*t. Make AmeriKKKa Grate Again. Mission accomplished.

  25. #25
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    Damn i didn't know that the racist nut job shot people of color yesterday,of course they'll just say that he was mentally unstable,america is a scary place today.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I don't consider all of his followers to be racists, xenophobes and/or misogynists. But I consider them to be enablers of racists, xenophobes and misogynists and for that reason, they are just as Deplorable. I'm suspicious of how many people have a mostly progressive world view but somehow decided to become single issue voters in 2016. All for healthcare, accessible education, free trade and immigration/justice reform? "Yeah, but I'm pro-life, so I'm voting for Trump!"

    Get the f*ck out of here with that. They know that they didn't vote for him based on a single issue just like they know that they didn't vote for him because of the economy. The economy is not much better than it was in 2016 but it's reported differently. Anybody who gives a damn knows that you can get more information than what the network news provides. If anything is so important that you'd put someone in office who is dangerous to great swaths of the nation, you should at least base the decision on facts and not on conservative TV/radio and fake Facebook and Twitter posts. I have no respect for Spanky's voters and hope his policies affect them hardest.
    And, his policies will affect them hard. But, they will still affect others way worse. Putting forth a policy that able-bodied White men will have to work for their decreased food benefits? They are the very core of his voters! The poor, White and male working class.

    Since I live here in good ol' Arizona, the biggest single issue for the Chump voters down here is...you got it...Mexican immigration. Illegal immigration is the lowest it's been in eight years, since Obama was elected, and they act like they are still pouring over the border like fire ants. The biggest way we get undocumented workers is people simply overstaying their visas. they're also afraid of the "breeders".

    Oh, that, and gun rights. Arizona already has perhaps the most liberal [[heh!) gun laws in the nation, literally written by the NRA.

    I just got through telling a new member about his not pulling back on his words and being blunt, but i'm going to be a hypocrite here and state the reason people voted for ol' Chump: fear of losing the sociopolitical majority. The failure to condemn white nationalists, the constant praise of the police, the efforts to stymie immigration from "shithole" countries, sending troops to the Mexican border, not counting non citizens in the census, removing all references to LGBT on government websites, supporting the NRA, and many other things the serial cheater stands for, all point to this fear of losing the majority of population and male dominance.

    What is totally baffling to me is how Chump can tell Mexicans they are rapists and murderers, and many of them still vote for him.

    Think of how much better the world would have been if "Comey the homie" would have kept his damn mouth shut!
    Last edited by soulster; 04-24-2018 at 04:02 PM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I just got through telling a new member about his not pulling back on his words and being blunt, but i'm going to be a hypocrite here and state the reason people voted for ol' Chump: fear of losing the sociopolitical majority.
    Bingo! A study just showed that the old "middle class economic anxiety" excuse for his win is BS. The prevailing reason for the election is because white folks looked around and realized that they will be the minority of citizens within two decades and don't want to go out of political power without a fight. But that won't be on the evening news, just like the evening news won't examine its own role in helping him win.
    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 04-24-2018 at 04:26 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I used to count being born after the civil rights struggle as a particular blessing in my life. Now, it's back and I'm compelled to fight for the next generation. We'll never see societal barriers fall in our lifetimes and I'm mad as hell about it. I always thought that we were making slow progress. Spanky the Fat Nasty Orange Turd Moron has erased that. Last week, they voted to eliminate protections that keep banks from charging higher interest rates for black loan applicants when all criteria is the same with white applicants. And Betsy DeVos ended an investigation into why schools in Texas suspend black kids at a rate that four times higher than white kids. We're on a course to set a record for police shootings. Some fool shot up a Waffle House and killed four young people of color and the news won't even call him a racist. Can you imagine if he said "Allahu akhbar!" when he did it. Do you think that would be on the news?

    We are right where we were before. Discrimination is going to be legal again. Income disparities are enormous. Educational opportunities are being denied. Make America Great Again? B*llsh*t. Make AmeriKKKa Grate Again. Mission accomplished.
    Amen. And that cretin hasn't said a mumbling word about the Waffle House victims. "Surprisibus, surprisibus."

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Amen. And that cretin hasn't said a mumbling word about the Waffle House victims. "Surprisibus, surprisibus."
    Or Toronto. I bet if the van driver was named "Ahmed" or "Mahmoud", he would have fired off five tweets screaming about needing a wall to protect us. But "Alek"? He probably had to ask Ivanka if Alek was a Muslim name.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Or Toronto. I bet if the van driver was named "Ahmed" or "Mahmoud", he would have fired off five tweets screaming about needing a wall to protect us. But "Alek"? He probably had to ask Ivanka if Alek was a Muslim name.
    You made me spit out my ginger ale again!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Bingo! A study just showed that the old "middle class economic anxiety" excuse for his win is BS. The prevailing reason for the election is because white folks looked around and realized that they will be the minority of citizens within two decades and don't want to go out of political power without a fight. But that won't be on the evening news, just like the evening news won't examine its own role in helping him win.
    And, it's not like White males will go out of power, they will just have to share it with women and...we won't be able to call them minorities anymore. Hell, even the very use of the word "minority" tells you how they feel about the power dynamic. There's a reason Donald Chump has filled his cabinet and other staff with White people. About the only Ink Spot left is the HUD secretary, who has no business in that position. Why the hell wasn't he made the surgeon general, something he actually knows? I'll tell you why, so he won't have any real power.

    Now, I know the one or two people on this forum voted for Trump have probably left here because they don't want to read any of this. Oh, wait, I think one is still around.
    Last edited by soulster; 04-25-2018 at 03:53 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Amen. And that cretin hasn't said a mumbling word about the Waffle House victims. "Surprisibus, surprisibus."
    Or, the hero that stopped the gunman.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Or, the hero that stopped the gunman.
    Thats because he wasn't lily white. Trumpys a racist and a sexist and misogynistic PIG.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And, it's not like White males will go out of power, they will just have to share it with women and...we won't be able to call them minorities anymore. Hell, even the very use of the word "minority" tells you how they feel about the power dynamic. There's a reason Donald Chump has filled his cabinet and other staff with White people. About the only Ink Spot left is the HUD secretary, who has no business in that position. Why the hell wasn't he made the surgeon general, something he actually knows? I'll tell you why, so he won't have any real power.

    Now, I know the one or two people on this forum have probably left because they don't want to read any of this. Oh, wait, I think one is still around.
    The table is set for an American version of Apartheid. Only thing is, most of his base is on the ass-end of that equation for being poor and still powerless.

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    Will he have anyone left in his cabinet? He fires somebody every other day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    The table is set for an American version of Apartheid. Only thing is, most of his base is on the ass-end of that equation for being poor and still powerless.
    Hopefully, he'll be out of office before too long. A LOT of people don't think he'll make it past the summer, and that includes professionals and laymen alike. We shall see.

  37. #37
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    He'll make it well beyond Summer. Even if the Dems flip the House and Senate, the Republicans will back him up. I bet the House starts articles of impeachment early in 2019 but there's no way 67 Senators will vote to convict him, even if Mueller presents clear evidence of corruption and criminal activity while in office. American politics is not what it was in the '70s when the Republicans were the ones who drove Nixon out of power. And it's going to be worse in the next 20 years when 70% of the population will be in 15 states. Then, 35 mostly rural states will control 70 senate seats even though they have 30% of the population. The GOP will always have a majority in the Senate, although the House will lean Democrat. They'll dig in and make today's gridlock look like the golden days of cooperation. The good news is it will be harder for the GOP to win the presidency with fewer electoral college votes.

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    Our only hope is that if Bob Mueller doesn't prosecute him, Stormy Daniels, or a sudden heart attack or stroke can bring him down. What would be funny is if his own wife could bring him down. That would be poetic justice in more ways than one! Maybe Melania Trump will make history by being the first First Lady to file divorce papers on a sitting er...president!

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    Yah, she ain't happy. First, she smiled like she had been given work release at Barbara Bush's funeral last week, especially in company of President Obama. And then, when in the company of President Macron and his wife who both are not shy about public shows of affection, he tried to hold her hand and she rejected it. She is pissed off with him.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Yah, she ain't happy. First, she smiled like she had been given work release at Barbara Bush's funeral last week, especially in company of President Obama. And then, when in the company of President Macron and his wife who both are not shy about public shows of affection, he tried to hold her hand and she rejected it. She is pissed off with him.
    The wanker didn't even buy her a birthday present.
    Last edited by soulster; 04-26-2018 at 02:16 PM.

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    the wanker didn't even buy her a birthday present.
    the wanker-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!


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