Quote Originally Posted by glencro View Post
Just scrolling through this old post and stumbled across this comment. I know it's from years back but personally my entire life has been surrounded and affected by music. I can hear an old song and it will bring back a memory from my past. Beyonce stated that the first time she saw Michael Jackson in concert as a kid, she knew that being a performer was what she wanted to do. That as we can see was LIFE CHANGING. There are certain songs, artists and albums that have affected me in a way that it's hard to explain in words but it definitely had a very positive affect on my life, thus changing it for the better. Everyone's experience is the different but music can definitely change one's life.
Glen I know exactly what you mean. I was facing all of these College Prep classes my senior year in high school and just couldn't see how I was going to be able to do it all and play basketball along with all my other school activities and then i heard this new song by George Benson "The Greatest Love of All" and that did it for me!