Results 1 to 36 of 36
  1. #1
    supreme_lady Guest

    For those who thinks Diana Ross had lightened her skin.......

    I don't think so, it's amazing what studio lights and make up can do to your skin and makes you appear lighter than you actually are.

    This SUPREME lady sure is showing the other self obsessed stars how to age gracefully.
    I think she looks beautiful considering that she hasn't got any make up, kudos to the Supreme lady Diana, here's the lastest photo of her shopping.


  2. #2
    smark21 Guest
    Ironic that the link is called "I'm not obsessed". Supreme lady, when was the last time you blinked?

  3. #3
    It always strikes me when Diana smiles without baring her teeth. I've grown accustomed to the broad teethful smile...
    It must be the difference between the human being Diana and the Diva Diana.

  4. #4
    supreme_lady Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Ironic that the link is called "I'm not obsessed". Supreme lady, when was the last time you blinked?
    Excuse me, what's that suppose to mean????? if you've got a problem with my post or the thread, then bother reading and cicking into in in the first place, that link was posted on another forum, which I decided to post here, as anything seems to be discussed here when it comes to Diana or any of the other Supremes.
    Another reason I posted that title for the thread is because I am sick of going to any of the black forums/ boards where Diana is sometimes discussed and I am sick of them bitching on about how Diana doesn't want to be black and how she's so much lighter now, blah, blah, blah and I posted that link to proof that she's still the natural colour she's always been and someone said on this very forum not long ago about how they think Diana is trying to look whiter, judging her from her appearance on the Oprah show.

  5. #5
    She does appear to have lightened up in my opinion. She does not appear to be the same shade she was in 1965 when she was clearly black. NOW how she's done it is open to speculation. I don't know if it was done by make-up or cosmetic or medical lightening.
    It's common for some colored folk to lighten their shin tones. Some of us have been doing it for years, before Michael Jackson took it to an extreme.

    Whether Diana wants to be black or not is debatable, but I do think or suspect she wanted to match her childrens' skin tones and I'm not
    talking about Rhonda.
    Last edited by Motown_M_1056; 04-02-2011 at 10:34 AM.

  6. #6
    Supreme Lady makes a very good point. Your comment was way out of line.

  7. #7
    Just to add my 2 cents. In concert once, while Diana walked out into the audience, she was standing right next to me. She is not as light as she appears on TV. It is all lights and makeup.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    Just to add my 2 cents. In concert once, while Diana walked out into the audience, she was standing right next to me. She is not as light as she appears on TV. It is all lights and makeup.
    Most makeup is not going to perfectly match your skin tone. My mother always apppeared lighter than she was whenever she wore makeup.

    My wife does too and has brightened her skin to even out or lighten some dark spots or discolorations. If I avoid the sun this summer, I'll look lighter too. Like I said, some black folk have been lightening their skin tones for years. But I guess it's one of those secrets we're not supposed to talk about.
    Last edited by Motown_M_1056; 04-01-2011 at 02:28 PM.

  9. #9
    RossHolloway Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Motown_M_1056 View Post
    She has lightened up in my opinion. She does not appear to be the same shade she was in 1965 when she was clearly black
    It's common for some colored folk to lighten their shin tones. Some of us have been doing it for years, before Michael Jackson took it to an extreme.

    Whether Diana wants to be black or not is debatable, but I do think she wants to match her childrens' skin tones and I'm not
    talking about Rhonda.
    I think your opinion is misguided at best...As an African-American I can tell you Ive never heard of anyone lightening their skin. Surely you must know that most blacks skin color will change depending on how much exposure you have to the sun. And then to want to compare Diana Ross to a photo from 45 years ago is just obnoxious, never mind the fact that you fail to take into consideration lighting, different types of cameras, or even makeup. I'm sure she still does not use the same type of makeup today that she used 45 years ago. Plus if you go back and look at a collection of her photos from the early 60s thru just the late 60s you will see that her skin complection varies, as do most african americans. To me Diana Ross was black and beautiful then and she's still black and beautiful now.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by RossHolloway View Post
    I think your opinion is misguided at best...As an African-American I can tell you Ive never heard of anyone lightening their skin. Surely you must know that most blacks skin color will change depending on how much exposure you have to the sun. And then to want to compare Diana Ross to a photo from 45 years ago is just obnoxious, never mind the fact that you fail to take into consideration lighting, different types of cameras, or even makeup. I'm sure she still does not use the same type of makeup today that she used 45 years ago. Plus if you go back and look at a collection of her photos from the early 60s thru just the late 60s you will see that her skin complection varies, as do most african americans. To me Diana Ross was black and beautiful then and she's still black and beautiful now.
    Black drug stores used to sell something called Nadinola skin bleaching cream. Nadinola is still made, but now it's marketed as a cocoa butter or a skin tone brightner. There were other brands too [[Ultra bleach & Glow), all designed to lighten and brighten dark skin. Ebony magazine used to run ads advertising this stuff back in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s before Black was beautiful. My father used to tell us horror stories about women he knew who used this stuff and supposedly got skin cancer. He didn't want us using bleaching cream, but we did.

    Some black folk have always had a complex about their skin tones. And it's naive to think, companies do not still manufacture makeup to make dark skin appear lighter. It is possible to lighten or darken your skin tone AND SOME BLACKS DO THIS INTENTIONALLY. You survey most blacks and most believe Diana Ross has lightened her skin. I'm not saying she wants to be white...JUST BRIGHTER. Beyonce has been said to have done the same thing - LIGHTENED UP TO CROSSOVER.
    Most of us have heard about some whites accepting or preferring blacks with lighter skin. Look at blacks on TV like Oprah & Judge Lynn Toler, Oprah doesn't look as African as she did 25 years ago. They fired dark, cornrow wearing Judge Mabelene and hired Judge Toler, who is lighter skinned, wears her hair short and therefore is not as threatening. And didn't they find pills Michael Jackson used to lighten his skin? But, oh yeah, he had vitiligo.
    And we won't even mention those blacks who intentionally marry or date outside of their race or purposely choose lighter complexioned mates just to produce light complexioned children. I'm just telling the truth.
    Last edited by Motown_M_1056; 04-01-2011 at 06:28 PM.

  11. #11
    Never, ever thought she lightened her skin and she looks fabulous in these photos.

  12. #12
    Supreme Lady
    Thanks for posting the link,,,, once again its good to see that Diana feels good in her own skin and does not have to "spoof" up when off stage. I wish I could find someone to do my shopping but, it seems the little things in life gives here the most pleasure. Thats what I enjoy when I see articles like this that you can reach a point in your life when the simple things in life can be so exciting.

    BTW, Diana was the same color as me when I saw her 1965 and she was still the same color in 2010.

  13. #13
    I had to pipe up on this thread. There are few things worse than for one to speak for most blacks. I'd never heard of this thing about Diana lightening her skin until I saw a video a few months ago where some ignorameous brought it up. You've got to be kidding me! Her natural skin is like smooth pretty chocolate.

    Diana was well on her way by the time she had her first child, and she was the same color then as she is now. How many hits had the Supremes by 1970? What did she need lightening cream for? I mean really! Eventually, they blackballed her from the business and she couldn't get a record contract, so it must not have helped if she did. I doubt if she was delusional about it. Her having bi-racial children is her business.

    Her father was lightish and her mother was brownish. Her brother, Wilbert [[Chico) as one would notice if they check out the video below is on the lighter side. Look at LaToya Jackson and the rest of her siblings.


    And as it pertains to Michael's vitiligo, he said his condition came from his father's side. I saw signs of it on Tito's hands on the Jackson Family Dynasty episode when he is readying for his London tour. I noticed it on Jermaine's neck on same episode when he was in India. Someone on the hoax site said that he noticed it also on Jermaine's neck. We never spoke about it, but I noted what he said.

    In MJ's case, buttoning all the way up, adopting a glove and wearing heavy makeup couldn't hide his anymore eventually. When performing, the makeup ran. He was at the height of his career. Regardless of how he eventually looked, many folks loved him and still do. They saw/see his HEART. Diana sure did/does. Hee!

    Granted, someone [[handlers) probably did speak to him about covering up by taking pills. Google the name of the pills if interested. His would have progressed until he would have looked like a spotted cow, per his mother quote below.


    Here's the thing. Why would Michael or Diana want to be white? MJ was already big by the time Bad had come out, and as that is around the time when the makeup couldn't hide his blotches any longer. Again, how would being light/white have helped his career? His having bi-racial children is his business. He knew like many are waking up to, that there is only the Human race, and different ethnicities and cultures. It should have always been about US, God and the Universe. Hopefully, we'll all see that day come before long.

    Diana probably never used any bleaching or lightening cream, but she did use makeup. They all did.


    That's why MJ drew a picture of a dark looking Diana Ross with big lips eh, and hung it on his bedroom wall? If he had kept Muscles in his pocket and had not gotten Omer's mother pregnant, then they might have married. He tells it to Ebony in 1982 or 1983 that he wanted to Marry Diana. When asked wasn't she too old, he said - "What age would you be if you didn't know how old you were?"

    So see, some proclaim that he wanted white children. That boy wanted Diana's children, but when he was honest with her and told her about the woman being pregnant, Diana took it the wrong way. She then ran off and got married on MJ. He told her the child would be from a one night stand with a fan. LOL! He said the same thing in 2004, so in my opinion [[and mine only), he had to keep with that tale for over 25 years for her sake. 2009 MSNBC article had that Liz Taylor [[RIP) introduced him to Omer's mother. LOL!

    Who else in the AA community went to such lengths to lighten their skin besides these two?

    Many of us know about how back in the day in New Orleans, Frenchmen kept Quadroon women in tiny houses and what not as their mistresses. Many blacks tried to pass back then and so on. The 1% rule of black blood meant that you were still black [[tsk-tsk), and on and on.

    I think supreme_lady's point was made. I got it. I'm so over all of the color shade issue. There are more important issues to think and pray about, for real.

    Let's ride the 9th Wave to Unity Consciousness together. 'That's Where It's At.'



    Sorry to hi-jack your thread supreme_lady. This one's for you. It goes with Diana's 2006/2007 'I Love You' CD. My opinion, as I'm entitled to it, but to me, she sent this to MJ along with CD. She couldn't do a "dedicated to you", CD w/o visuals for the boy. That's why she began with 'Remember' and ended with it. She thought she was slick. LOL!

    Please click on - "The behind the scenes of I love you." I opened the Windows Media. I love it!

    Last edited by nuberiangirl; 04-01-2011 at 04:20 PM.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    I'm just shaking my head in astonishment. Where do some of these people get these ideas?
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 04-01-2011 at 05:33 PM.

  16. #16
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Kamasu_Jr View Post
    I'm just shaking my head in astonishment. Where do some of these people get these ideas?
    And I'm the one who gets reprimanded, lol, for making fun of Supreme Lady for starting another crazy thread. Last weekend Supreme Lady started a thread on a Happy Birthday message from that obsessed, possibly deranged Ross fan and now this, because people in another forum, and not here, were debating whether or not Diana Ross bleached her skin [[until this thread got going) and now Nubian Girl has come out of the woodwork to go on in her fashion. So my question to Supreme Lady, and I mean this in all seriousness, why can't you exercise some better judgement when it comes to starting Diana Ross threads? I don't think your intent is to create unintentional hilarity and portray Diana Ross fans as really weird and obsessed.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    Supreme Lady
    Thanks for posting the link,,,, once again its good to see that Diana feels good in her own skin and does not have to "spoof" up when off stage. I wish I could find someone to do my shopping but, it seems the little things in life gives here the most pleasure. Thats what I enjoy when I see articles like this that you can reach a point in your life when the simple things in life can be so exciting.

    BTW, Diana was the same color as me when I saw her 1965 and she was still the same color in 2010.
    I totally understand someone wanting to do thier own shopping. Trying to give someone instruction on what brand of this you use, and what size and brand of that you use.... it would take longer than doing the task yourself. And it's most likely a matter of her wanting to "window shop" and see what looks good to her, or soemthing new she might want to try. I don't care how rich I was, I'd still want to do my own shopping.

  18. #18
    supreme_lady Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    And I'm the one who gets reprimanded, lol, for making fun of Supreme Lady for starting another crazy thread. Last weekend Supreme Lady started a thread on a Happy Birthday message from that obsessed, possibly deranged Ross fan and now this, because people in another forum, and not here, were debating whether or not Diana Ross bleached her skin [[until this thread got going) and now Nubian Girl has come out of the woodwork to go on in her fashion. So my question to Supreme Lady, and I mean this in all seriousness, why can't you exercise some better judgement when it comes to starting Diana Ross threads? I don't think your intent is to create unintentional hilarity and portray Diana Ross fans as really weird and obsessed.
    When I see articles that I think will interest any Ross fan here, then I post it, as I have said before everyone one here seem to post anything and everything about Diana/ the Supremes/ the other Motown artistes, there's nothing stopping other people creating a thread about their favourite Artistes whatever the subject may be.
    The title of the thread I posted was clear and if anyone isn't interested, then they don't really have to click into it/ read it and make a big issue out of it.
    I am a huge Diana fan and I certainly am not obsessed, I don't often post here but I am interested in anything reported about her whether some people see it as trivial or not and that's the way it shall remain.

    PS:-From reading some of the comments on this thread, it's good to see that some people apprepiate the link I posted and what I was trying to say, thanks guys.
    Last edited by supreme_lady; 04-02-2011 at 03:58 AM.

  19. #19
    supreme_lady Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RossHolloway View Post
    I think your opinion is misguided at best...As an African-American I can tell you Ive never heard of anyone lightening their skin. Surely you must know that most blacks skin color will change depending on how much exposure you have to the sun. And then to want to compare Diana Ross to a photo from 45 years ago is just obnoxious, never mind the fact that you fail to take into consideration lighting, different types of cameras, or even makeup. I'm sure she still does not use the same type of makeup today that she used 45 years ago. Plus if you go back and look at a collection of her photos from the early 60s thru just the late 60s you will see that her skin complection varies, as do most african americans. To me Diana Ross was black and beautiful then and she's still black and beautiful now.
    Couldn't have said it better myself

    @ Motown-M-1056, I think your comment was really ignorant that Diana wants to look like her biracial kids, how do you know this????? is this just an assumption of yours and exactly how did you come to this conclusion and why exactly would Diana want to look biracial??????
    I don't get it.
    Last edited by supreme_lady; 04-02-2011 at 06:04 AM.

  20. #20
    uptight Guest
    That photograph of her shopping is a bit overexposed from a setting in the camera by a photographer quickly trying to get a snapshot. Under more relaxed conditions the photographer might have more time to adjust it before taking the pic. In the pic, you can see it is not just her face, but her hands are washed out, as well as the cars in the background, the pavement, the buildings, et cetera.

    Yes, she is probably wearing a bit of makeup. But I'm surprised anyone would read so far into photographs of her and that this would even be an issue. Pictures of her over the years were all shot at different exposure settings and printed at varying darknesses and contrasts. That comes with photography, lighting, makeup and the printing process. So if she is lighter in one pic then dark in the next, and then lighter, people may be over-analyzing the images for the wrong reasons.

  21. #21
    Hey Smark,
    You got reprimanded for the way you addressed the thread. Sure it may be just another Supreme thread, but it was started in good faith. Your post was the first negative opinion that was uncalled for, and of the type that will usually bring about a problem for me to deal with.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by supreme_lady View Post
    Couldn't have said it better myself

    @ Motown-M-1056, I think your comment was really ignorant that Diana wants to look like her biracial kids, how do you know this????? is this just an assumption of yours and exactly how did you come to this conclusion and why exactly would Diana want to look biracial??????
    I don't get it.
    I wish someone would post the excerpt from that Look magazine article from 1969 in which Diana Ross made comment about observing an interracial couple and their children. It would back up my theory about her possibly wanting to look like some of her children. I'm paraphrasing here, but Diana seemed to indicate that thought biracial children were pretty, groovy or beautiful [[and many of them are). I thought it was an odd comment that she made at the time [[at the height of the Black Is Beautiful movement), but she was not the only black person who thought that way.

    Anyway, what I said is my opinion and what I've suspected. I didn't say she wants to be white. I said I suspected she's done things over the years to brighten her complexion. I wish people on the forum would stop telling others what to think or their opinions [[which are personal) are wrong.
    Last edited by Motown_M_1056; 04-02-2011 at 10:53 AM.

  23. #23
    I wish people on the forum would stop telling others what to think or their opinions [[which are personal) are wrong.[/QUOTE]

    I've been arguing that for years, Motown_M

  24. #24
    We should all learn to agree to disagree on some things. And If you state your opinion about something, I may not agree or like it, but it's your opinion. And I have to respect that. Smark, I didn't insult anyone personally. I asked a general question.

    I think threads like this would hope everyone thinks or feels the same way, but we don't. We have our own suspicions, beliefs and opinions...right, wrong or off the wall. I still wonder where some people get their theories.
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 04-04-2011 at 06:24 AM.

  25. #25
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,damn this is better than the hatfields and the mccoys...hey voice these supremes folks are at it again,haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  26. #26
    There is no feud going on but a serious discussion about a controversial subject that has followed some black entertainers for decades. And that's a conscious or subconscious decision to lighten or brighten their skin tones to make them more appealing. Other celebrities who have been accused or suspected of lightening or brightening their skin for crossover success:
    Dorothy Dandridge, Eartha kitt, Nat Cole, Sarah Vaughan, Little Richard, James Brown, Lionel Richie, Beyonce, Tina Turner, Oprah, etc. Like I said, it appears to be a subject that has been discussed for decades.
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 04-02-2011 at 06:14 PM.

  27. #27
    So, since Diana buys her own food, do you all think she cuts her own cheese?

  28. #28
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I wish people on the forum would stop telling others what to think or their opinions [[which are personal) are wrong.
    I've been arguing that for years, Motown_M[/QUOTE]

    Point taken. I must admit this is the first time I've heard accusations that Diana Ross bleached her skin or try to lighten her appearance. There have been accusations over the years that she doesn't take much pride in being Black, most notably from her ex Ryan O'Neal. And "I'm Living In Shame" was written for her to perform and in that song she's portraying the Sarah Jane character from Imitation of Life.

  29. #29
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    So, since Diana buys her own food, do you all think she cuts her own cheese?
    I would hope she would have a minion to do that. She's already compromised her diva image by doing her own grocery shopping, she has to stop mellowing out and remember her position in the world and have a minion cut her cheese.

  30. #30
    Hey Im a Black lesbian living in a white gays mans body! I have minions to do EVERYTHING!!! HA..HA..Sorry, but you guys need to lighten up....xxxx

  31. #31
    uptight Guest
    "Lighten up..." Haha!

  32. #32
    Hey,minions???ain't that those things with the head of a horse and the body of a man??

  33. #33
    It's clear she uses makeup for her face. I never bought those skin lightening rumors.

  34. #34
    supreme_lady Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    It's clear she uses makeup for her face. I never bought those skin lightening rumors.
    Exactly the point I was trying to make when I first posted this thread, to me Diana has alway been proud to be an African-American woman and her marrying white men doesn't count, as true love knows no racial boundary.

  35. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by supreme_lady View Post
    Exactly the point I was trying to make when I first posted this thread, to me Diana has alway been proud to be an African-American woman and her marrying white men doesn't count, as true love knows no racial boundary.

    Frankly,. it's not so much what people claim to be,. It's what they do repeatedly, their actions are often a strong indicator of what they think and what they believe. It's ironic how many non-blacks are suggesting Diana Ross is proud to be black. Who knows exactly how or what she feels about being black or her commitment to other blacks & black issues?
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 04-11-2011 at 11:03 AM.

  36. #36
    I think i saw a minion the other day,but it's hard to tell when i'm drinking hooch!


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