Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
Linda Griner is the driver for Motown Unrelased??
Great sense of humor Luke. I think what Mystery said made sense though it could be misconstrued. Linda Griner is one of those Motown artists that was under developed and whose potential wasn't realized. Her Smokey produced 45 backs that up clearly and many people are curious as to what happened or didn't for that matter. As talented as she was, not much material was recorded on her as she was there until early '63. Universal started the Motown Unreleased series at the year she was signed in '62 and none of her unissued tracks were included on the "Girls" volume. Nothing appeared on the 1963 release either. All we have is the single,an alternate version of the B side of that single and an unissued original. Considering the fact that there's not much anyway one would think that if the songs left were of high quality we would've gotten them by now. Many people seem to be holding their breath for a hidden monster on Linda and if UMe knows of it's existence,why would they hold on to it with all the opportunities presented to let it go?. The purpose of "MU" is to release the best vaulted tracks that can be found and get them to the fans. If the remaining Linda Griner tracks fall into that category and we don't have them then someone's not doing their job properly. Obviously what remains is nothing to write home about. Semantics are a son of a gun my friend.