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  1. #1

    Supremes CDs from Germany

    I have learned that some excellent versions of Supremes’ CDs are available from Germany [[in cardboard sleeves rather than jewel cases which I like.

    Does anyone know the website from which these can be ordered? ....or any other way?
    Last edited by longtimefan; 11-07-2017 at 06:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Check this out. He specializes basically in Supremes and Martha & the Vandellas but his favorite is Mariah Carey. Check it very couple of days as he keeps adding things almost daily.


    I cannot vouch for his quality. Perhaps someone else could who has bought from him. I must admit the sleeves look awesome.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by woodward View Post
    Check this out. He specializes basically in Supremes and Martha & the Vandellas but his favorite is Mariah Carey. Check it very couple of days as he keeps adding things almost daily.


    I cannot vouch for his quality. Perhaps someone else could who has bought from him. I must admit the sleeves look awesome.
    Unfortunately, these bootlegs have delayed our Universal Expanded editions.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by George Solomon View Post
    Unfortunately, these bootlegs have delayed our Universal Expanded editions.
    Interesting, George. Can you tell us why? I read that the quantites offered are only 15-25ish.

    I have seen “bootlegs” on many sites over the years. Is that why UMe has slowed down with Motown releases over the last few years? I am not an insider, so I am curious as to how these small quantities [[I assume they are mostly bought by the diehard fans who would purchase both the bootlegs and commercial releases) would affect the expanded additions. Please understand that I am neither complaining nor applauding this issue; I am just interested in learning.

    p.s. Thank YOU for your numerous contributions to the fans over the many years!!!
    Last edited by longtimefan; 11-07-2017 at 08:36 PM.

  5. #5
    Bootlegs mean that none of the people involved in making the music earn a penny and that's not right. From what I can see all these tracks are already available!

  6. #6
    I very much doubt that they stick to a quantity of "15-25ish" - that's maybe per batch but then they'll do more. I bought one out of curiosity and regret doing so. The overall impression was good but the CD didn't play on my player [[OK on a computer) and there were a few typos on the cover. There was nothing I couldn't have got elsewhere.

  7. #7
    These releases are excellent for the most part. They are in fact very limited and I can't see how bootlegs that most people do not know about and are produced in just 15-50 copies worldwide are going to stand in the way of official expanded editions. Most of the original albums have been out for decades and with the switch to digital a few years back of course people grabbed these CD bootlegs to have the releases on physical formats. This is a bit like saying "oh, all the songs are available all over the internet for free so we wont put them on CD's or release them digitally". Pretty much everything is available for free if people want it. What record companies need to do is to put out official, expanded and nice looking CDs that people will want to buy. That just happened with Merry Christmas and will continue with HDH next year, thankfully.

    The guy who sell these bootlegs is a massive fan and has the means to make this beautiful looking discs. Like many fans, I think he got frustrated waiting year after year for titles to come out on CDs, only to see them released digitally. It is also a great idea to expand albums with mono and stereo versions, along with additional material. I would do this myself if I had the time and means. He makes these discs mostly for himself and for a few fans that are also interested. I doubt he's making much profit [[if any), considering his prices. As long as these titles are not officially available on CDs with the bonus material etc I am just very thankful to have the opportunity to buy his releases. I have bought every one of them and if official versions ever come along on CD I will buy them as well in a heartbeat. I think most people will do the same.
    Last edited by djessie; 11-08-2017 at 03:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by djessie View Post
    These releases are excellent for the most part. They are in fact very limited and I can't see how bootlegs that most people do not know about and are produced in just 15-50 copies worldwide are going to stand in the way of official expanded editions. Most of the original albums have been out for decades and with the switch to digital a few years back of course people grabbed these CD bootlegs to have the releases on physical formats. This is a bit like saying "oh, all the songs are available all over the internet for free so we wont put them on CD's or release them digitally". Pretty much everything is available for free if people want it. What record companies need to do is to put out official, expanded and nice looking CDs that people will want to buy. That just happened with Merry Christmas and will continue with HDH next year, thankfully.

    The guy who sell these bootlegs is a massive fan and has the means to make this beautiful looking discs. Like many fans, I think he got frustrated waiting year after year for titles to come out on CDs, only to see them released digitally. It is also a great idea to expand albums with mono and stereo versions, along with additional material. I would do this myself if I had the time and means. He makes these discs mostly for himself and for a few fans that are also interested. I doubt he's making much profit [[if any), considering his prices. As long as these titles are not officially available on CDs with the bonus material etc I am just very thankful to have the opportunity to buy his releases. I have bought every one of them and if official versions ever come along on CD I will buy them as well in a heartbeat. I think most people will do the same.
    Truth, from start to finish. Seriously - how long should we be expected to wait for 'official' releases such as these?! I think we'd all prefer to buy official, but with one DRATS title every few years and NO expanded Tops, NO expanded MRATV, NO expanded Tempts ... well, 'ya get my drift as well.

  9. #9
    The fact that the original artists are not financially sustained by these bootlegs is the biggest problem I have with them. Remember, we're talking about artists whose original label had questionable accounting practices and who now have to work well into their mid-late 70s. The second problem is it undermines people like Andy and George who probably have to go to a supervisor and argue why such limited releases are necessary. I could easily imagine a scenario where someone up the food chain sees the bootlegs and says "forget it. Not worth the effort if such a close rip-off is available". Remember, the margins on these re-issues is either razor thin or not there at all. Even a few diverted sales matter.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by George Solomon View Post
    Unfortunately, these bootlegs have delayed our Universal Expanded editions.
    Putting myself in George's shoes [[not an easy thing to do), reasons why the current bootlegs may be delaying further expanded editions:

    Taking a look at the bonus tracks included on the bootleg cds, so many are acknowledged to be directly lifted from officially released collections put together by Andy, George & Kevin, such as Lost & Founds, 50th Anniversary Collections, This Is the Story, Let Yourself Go, etc. But aren't those selections copyrighted? Some bonus tracks may be lifted from tv performances posted on You Tube and converted to mp3, others from the some fan's collections.
    I noticed in woodward's link, looking at the bootleggers completed list on ebay, that he is asking fans to provide stuff that hasn't seen official release.
    The suits may feel that if they begin releasing more expanded editions, the bootlegger will take the previously unreleased stuff and pad his own business with these selections.
    The suits may also ask :if fans are willing to pay for editions with less work on booklets, securing of copyrights, researching and interviewing artists, producers, composers, etc. , why trouble Andy , George or Kevin with the extensive, remarkable work that they do since fans will accept something less.
    And although several poster here say they would buy the expanded edition when released, even though they have already purchased the bootleg edition, what assurance does Universal have when they are staring at fictitious screen names on an internet forum?

  11. #11
    Fact is, the bootleggers couldn't give a cuss about remuneration for the artists [[i.e. their livelihoods), about copyright or about any legalities so long as they're making easy money [[at other folks expense). That doesn't really sound like being a fan to me. If it ends up putting people out of work, why would they care?

  12. #12
    I didn't want to enter to much into that debate. I can understand both sides. But I can't resist.

    Yes, those German CDs are fabulous ones.

    Yes, there would be no such releases had Motown released physical CDs regularily.

    And the more an artist has bootlegs out, the more he sells officiel product - i.e. Dylan who's just released a 12cds full of 1979-81 live recordings and alternates, or the BEATLES who released in May a 6 cds expanded version of Sgt Pepper and is about to release a 7 singles collection of their Christmas messages and sketches. They both sell many official products as well as bootlegs on them nowadays.

    So if there are bootlegs out on the Supremes, they should be able to sell official products too.

    Let's not forget bootleg releases have always led to official releases to counter them - Dylan's Garage Tapes in 1975, Wings over America tour in 1976, Beatles BBC sessions in 1994...

    And to get things straight, some bootleggers pay royalties to the artists. And in Europe at last, we have taxes on computers and everything related to internet to compensate for the loss of income its utilisation might cause to the artists potentially bootlegged.

    I pay 9 euros a month to get a full acces to Deezer and have legally access to everything I can get there. I'm not sure, when I'll listen to the latest Rolling Stones "On Air" release, that Mick and Keith will get a single cent from me.
    Now that'll make me buy the actual physical cd when released.

    We want the official thing. And we'll get it even if we already have the download. Then the artist get their few cents a cd.

    In the end, the only harm this German guy could do to Universal would be if he released, prior to Universal and in the sale sound quality, a physical cd containing tracks Universal would only offer as downloads afterwards.

    That's the other way round.

    Then the best way for Universal to beat him? To release physical CDs.

    Seriously, who would imagine anyone buying from him Supremes CDs instead of buying the official release? Nah, buyers get both...

    Universal won't sell if it put nothing out. Period.

    And when Universal sells 250 copies, this guy sells 15. He's a fan, not a threat.

    Another point where I might not get many support but which I believe is THE real problem.

    When George, Andy, Keith, Harry... present us with a new release, always a high quality one that no bootlegger will ever compete with, many people say they'll pass on this or that one, because that's not THE ONE they wanted out. And by doing this and not supporting, say RARE EARTH or EDWIN STARR or BARBARA RANDOLF or a live TEMPTATIONS cd or a "Funny Girl" download or whatever, how can we positively expect Universal to believe we're going to buy BLINKY or IVY JO HUNTER or Jr. WALKER or the next expanded SUPREMES or a download of anything...

    We probably all should :
    1/ let that German guy alone
    2/ most of all, massively support each and every officially authorized MOTOWN release, no matter what it is.

    That way we'll maybe have the ones who we really want the most.

    Just my two cents

  13. #13
    I also have bought some of the Cds from Germany. I downloaded BIM when it was released by Universal and burned it to CD. I bought a copy from the German guy just to have the beautiful artwork because I want a physical CD. I always wanted to have the completed Diana Ross and the Supremes Disney songs on CD and when and if Universal ever decides to release an official release I will be the first to buy it.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by jbpintus View Post
    And to get things straight, some bootleggers pay royalties to the artists. And in Europe at last, we have taxes on computers and everything related to internet to compensate for the loss of income its utilisation might cause to the artists potentially bootlegged.

    In the end, the only harm this German guy could do to Universal would be if he released, prior to Universal and in the sale sound quality, a physical cd containing tracks Universal would only offer as downloads afterwards.

    And when Universal sells 250 copies, this guy sells 15. He's a fan, not a threat.

    We probably all should :
    1/ let that German guy alone
    2/ most of all, massively support each and every officially authorized MOTOWN release, no matter what it is.

    That way we'll maybe have the ones who we really want the most.

    Just my two cents
    Maybe you're the guy who is making these bootlegs.

    The problem is that this guy making money off of this bootlegs he's making and the ladies are not getting paid. They're not happy about this. And neither are the songwriters. They're getting screwed out of their rightful earnings. That's reason enough to not buy these.

  15. #15
    To set things straight...

    I'm not doing any bootlegs
    I'm from France not from Germany and
    If I had anything to do with a bootlegger, you'd see Stevie Wonder releases - or from many other Motown acts, but definitely not Diana's ...

    So this is not me !

    I allowed myself my previous post, knowing that, like many people over here, there is not a single Motown cd release or download I haven't purchased at the time of its release, even if I wasn't THAT interested in it, for the last 20 years or so

  16. #16
    15 boots to 250 legits is a very high ratio. It's a horrifying thought - and it's theft pure and simple. The problem is that the more of these boots people buy, the more will be made and other folks will see that there's a market and will enter it. If they really want to support the artists why not lease the product properly as ACE and co do? Shame on Ebay too for allowing these articles to be sold on their site - but there is a remedy.

  17. #17
    Sorry double post
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 11-12-2017 at 12:41 AM.

  18. #18
    By this point, the bulk of the royalties have been adequately doled out to the deserving parties for this music that was written and performed 20 , 30, 40 years ago. [[Wish I were still getting paid for work I did twenty years ago) Besides the bulk of those talents deserving said royalties are dead. Get the music you want any way you can before you are too.
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 11-12-2017 at 12:43 AM.

  19. #19
    I am not getting any younger. I always wanted to hear the 3 songs from the Disney sessions that were never officially released. If it wasn't for these bootleggers I probably be dead before Universal ever gave the ok to release them. Diana, Flo, Cindy, and Mary in the meantime aren't getting any royalties while there sitting in the vaults. By the way I love "A spoon full of sugar"
    By the way. I have bought 2 copies of every expanded edition that Universal has released. One I keep unopened and the other for playing. The expanded editions are the best ever. No bootleg can replace an official release that Andy, George, and Kevin has worked on.
    Last edited by vgalindo; 11-12-2017 at 01:05 AM.

  20. #20
    Over the years I have bought 99% of all official Motown releases, even download only so I have spent £1000's but I am still waiting for BLINKY etc! I think that I'm entitled as we were always told buy the big ones to release the little ones. Well I did but UMe didn't keep their part of the so called gentleman's agreement. I do not support bootleggers but would be first in line to shake his hand if he were to produce a BLINKY CD! It might just be trigger to get an official release so that BLINKY can finally get her dues and earn some money. Of course he won't have anything that I don't have so I'll just have to content myself with my own CD'r. In fact I have often thought about going into production myself with the profits going to Cancer Research. I have several unreleased tracks to add to those already issued. I won't of course but I should!
    Last edited by copley; 11-12-2017 at 09:27 PM.

  21. #21
    How do folks come by those unreleased tracks though [[e.g. those by Blinky)?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by mysterysinger View Post
    How do folks come by those unreleased tracks though [[e.g. those by Blinky)?
    Because many years ago I bought a 3 track acetate plus I have a few others which were given to me.

    This list has 36 tracks, out of which 13 have already been released on CD. I have 22 in total.


    I Wouldn't Change The Man He Is
    Rescue Me
    How You Gonna Keep It [[After You Get It)
    This Man Of Mine
    It’s Gonna Be Always
    How Long Has That Evening Train Been Gone
    Shine On Me
    For Once In My Life
    I'll Always Love You
    Is There A Place [[In His Heart For Me)
    This Time Last Summer
    Your Love Was Worth Waiting For
    You Get A Tangle In Your Lifeline
    Till The End Of Time
    I’m Going Crazy
    You Pulled The World Right Out From Under Me
    Lady Sings The Blues
    Sweet Joy Of Life [[solo)
    I See A Rainbow [[solo)
    If I Were Your Woman
    He’s Got Me Going
    His Love Will Always Be
    Money [[That's What I Want)
    For Your Precious Love
    T'ain't Nobody's Bizness If I Do
    What More Can I Do with Gil Askey
    God Bless The Child
    I Can't Turn You Loose [[live)
    I Wouldn't Change The Man He Is [[live)
    The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game
    Can I Get A Witness
    He's Gone/For Your Precious Love [[medley)
    Shoe Leather Expressway
    Mr. Soul Brother
    Can’t We Be Strangers [[solo version)
    You’ll Never Cherish A Love So True


  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    By this point, the bulk of the royalties have been adequately doled out to the deserving parties for this music that was written and performed 20 , 30, 40 years ago. [[Wish I were still getting paid for work I did twenty years ago) Besides the bulk of those talents deserving said royalties are dead. Get the music you want any way you can before you are too.
    I agree with Boogiedown! Who would have thought we would have waited on a legit Blinky release all these years and never seen one!

    I have weighed in on this before. I have bought most of the CDs from the seller in Germany. They are very high quality and beautifully done. Of course, he doesn't have access to master recordings for his basic elements but he uses the best sources available and the sound on most of the CDs is good quality and as good as many legit reissues from that time period. Some of the stuff is so welcome. I love his expanded editions of the various Supremes concept LPs: Disney, C&W, Sam Cooke and Liverpool. His Ross "Lost and Found: Soul Kiss" and "Baby It's Me" are also outstanding.

    I just can't feel guilty about buying these when we've waited so long and although I know some recording artists are denied some royalties, based on the very small print runs the gentleman makes, I believe the difference if there were royalties actually paid vs. no royalties is negligible.

    Like many others, I have often bought 2 copies of the legit packages from Ace/Kent and formerly Hip-O, and if you consider the monies I've expended on Motown music throughout the years, I guess I've done my part to help support the artists whom we all know and love!
    Last edited by kenneth; 11-13-2017 at 11:27 AM.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post
    I agree with Boogiedown! Who would have thought we would have waited on a legit Blinky release all these years and never seen one!

    I have weighed in on this before. I have bought most of the CDs from the seller in Germany. They are very high quality and beautifully done. Of course, he doesn't have access to master recordings for his basic elements but he uses the best sources available and the sound on most of the CDs is good quality and as good as many legit reissues from that time period. Some of the stuff is so welcome. I love his expanded editions of the 3 Supremes concept LPs: Disney, C&W and Liverpool. His Ross "Lost and Found: Soul Kiss" and "Baby It's Me" are also outstanding.

    I just can't feel guilty about buying these when we've waited so long and although I know some recording artists are denied some royalties, based on the very small print runs the gentleman makes, I believe the difference if there were royalties actually paid vs. no royalties is negligible.

    Like many others, I have often bought 2 copies of the legit packages from Ace/Kent and formerly Hip-O, and if you consider the monies I've expended on Motown music throughout the years, I guess I've done my part to help support the artists whom we all know and love!
    I agree fully with Kenneth. If there were a parallel universe where I could buy official expanded editions of MR&TV titles I certainly would. 50 years on from their original release dates and 30 years after the CD revolution I don't think that's going to happen. Like most of us I buy every official release that's of interest to me along with unofficial releases. I know, and agree with, every single anti-bootleg opinion, fact, and theory there is, but if a gatefold lp replica of Love Unlimited's 'From a Girl's Point of View' is issued on bootleg before official, I will buy it. Along with an official release if ever happens.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    Interesting, George. Can you tell us why? I read that the quantites offered are only 15-25ish.

    I have seen “bootlegs” on many sites over the years. Is that why UMe has slowed down with Motown releases over the last few years? I am not an insider, so I am curious as to how these small quantities [[I assume they are mostly bought by the diehard fans who would purchase both the bootlegs and commercial releases) would affect the expanded additions. Please understand that I am neither complaining nor applauding this issue; I am just interested in learning.

    p.s. Thank YOU for your numerous contributions to the fans over the many years!!!
    I would think he sells them in small batches which, over time, could become significant...

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by vgalindo View Post
    I am not getting any younger. I always wanted to hear the 3 songs from the Disney sessions that were never officially released. If it wasn't for these bootleggers I probably be dead before Universal ever gave the ok to release them. Diana, Flo, Cindy, and Mary in the meantime aren't getting any royalties while there sitting in the vaults. By the way I love "A spoon full of sugar"
    By the way. I have bought 2 copies of every expanded edition that Universal has released. One I keep unopened and the other for playing. The expanded editions are the best ever. No bootleg can replace an official release that Andy, George, and Kevin has worked on.
    Agreed. The whole bootleg situation is a double edged sword. I highly doubt they take away much in sales, because the 30 to 50 fans [[at the most) who are buying these $30 bootlegs are the diehards that would buy the official CD's once they are released. The bootleg situation is nothing new, as fans have been doing this for many years. Remember those Marginal CD's from Europe? In many ways, they have sparked interest in what has remained in the vaults.

    Then that takes us to the topic of the artists not receiving their royalties. It's important for artists to get their due, but then why doesn't anyone say anything when an unreleased track mysteriously leaks out on YouTube or leaks out on a multi-generational cassette from the 80's? In this situation, the artist is still not getting their royalties. However it sparks interest in the loyal fanbase, which leads to future sales. How many of us have a bootleg recording of the Supremes' "Soft Days" and still want an official remastered recording? It also makes me wonder how these recordings made their rounds amongst the fans in the first place? Did they come from an insider at the label?

    In my opinion, all of this just sparks further interest and if the record companies can't recognize that, then it's short sighted on their part.

  27. #27
    He or she is making money from the property of others without their permission or compensation. You can contort it all you’d like to make yourself feel justified in buying the bootlegs, but that is exactly what it is.

  28. #28
    Many of the early bootleg tracks were stolen by ........ and found their way onto tapes and were passed on from one fan to another pre internet days. By the end of the last century these tapes started to be sold online making it easier to get the tracks. At the same time Marginal records run by a Belgian bootlegger began producing good quality CD'rs from vinyl which actually appeared in High St stores! I know because I bought lots from HMV & Virgin before I knew what they were! I do actually believe that it was as a result of Marginal that UMe UK woke up and realised that there was a market for classic Motown artists. So albums that never before been officially released on CD came out by Chris Clark, Kiki Dee, Barbara McNair, Kim Weston, Brenda Holloway etc. These artists were then finally able to earn some royalties. BTW Marginal came to a sad end when the owner committed suicide!

    So in this instance bootlegs led to the genuine article being released. This new bootlegger is somewhat different as 99% of the tracks that he has have all previously been released on CD and anyone who is a Motown fan should know this and already have them. The few that are not released are on YT so why help feather his nest! Bootleggers are criminals and are no different from common thieves!

  29. #29
    I don't think the Marginal story has come to an end as such. Some of these CDs are still being made available as far as I can tell, sometimes in different packaging and at today's prices. Perhaps the bootlegger is being bootlegged?

  30. #30
    Yes, I suppose most of these new bootlegs include tracks that are already available digitally, but not on CD [[ie. Sing and Perform Funny Girl). I still believe it generates interest. I think of Florence Ballard's album and how it originated as a bootleg on the internet and that led to its eventual official release, because it showed the record company that fans were interested in her solo material, even though they initially thought it would not be a viable commercial product. I like to think that this will lead to something similar for these digitial only releases that are being bootlegged. Hopefully Universal will see the appeal and allow Real Gone to license this product for official release.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by copley View Post
    Many of the early bootleg tracks were stolen by ........ and found their way onto tapes and were passed on from one fan to another pre internet days. By the end of the last century these tapes started to be sold online making it easier to get the tracks. At the same time Marginal records run by a Belgian bootlegger began producing good quality CD'rs from vinyl which actually appeared in High St stores! I know because I bought lots from HMV & Virgin before I knew what they were! I do actually believe that it was as a result of Marginal that UMe UK woke up and realised that there was a market for classic Motown artists. So albums that never before been officially released on CD came out by Chris Clark, Kiki Dee, Barbara McNair, Kim Weston, Brenda Holloway etc. These artists were then finally able to earn some royalties. BTW Marginal came to a sad end when the owner committed suicide!

    So in this instance bootlegs led to the genuine article being released. This new bootlegger is somewhat different as 99% of the tracks that he has have all previously been released on CD and anyone who is a Motown fan should know this and already have them. The few that are not released are on YT so why help feather his nest! Bootleggers are criminals and are no different from common thieves!
    Not all have been released on CD. I have no interest on songs that have already been released on CD. I have the bootleg copies of the Disney songs which 3 have never been officially released. Diana Ross live at the Grove from 1970. Lady sings the Blues the lost sessions including "Crazy he calls me". "Soul kiss". Etc.
    I would buy all these in a heartbeat if Universal would release them. I bought the "Baby Its me" and "Sings sings from the Wiz" downloads as soon as they were available by Universal from iTunes. I bought the bootleg copies just for the beautiful packaging and not for the music. Not my fault universal wouldn't supply us with physical CDs.
    Last edited by vgalindo; 11-16-2017 at 04:55 PM.

  32. #32
    As he seems to like Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, oh how I wish this guy would release the unaltered "Tamla Motown Tokyo Festival" lp.
    And a MRTV live collection coupling both stereo and mono Copa shows...

    Of course I'd rather know Universal or Motown or whoever official would release it, but none of my queries for them ever led to a release. It's been 20 years I'm asking...

  33. #33
    I am a big fan of the CD's that are coming out of Germany, as much for the packaging as for the music that is included. These sets look great, sound wonderful, and I can actually hold the covers in my hands as I listen. I can touch the music, so to speak, in ways that I cannot do with digital copies.

    I do not feel at all bad about purchasing these CD's because I understand that this guy is not operating a real bootleg operation. He is a loyal fan who makes CD's that he himself loves, and he is willing to share these discs with other loyal fans. This is not a big bootleg operation. He is not trying to make big bucks here, and I am certain he makes very little. What he does make goes right back into creating additional titles. He usually starts with a pressing of 15 to 25 copies per disc, then occasionally does a second run of similar numbers if there is a demand for it. He is not selling hundreds of copies of each of these discs, people. He is selling more like 25 copies of most of them and possibly 50 of others.

    I agree with so many of the comments here. I hate that the artists cannot be compensated for these few discs being sold, yet the fact is that they are not receiving anything as this material sits in vaults and on shelves, and they make very, very little money from digital-only sales. I am friends with a somewhat popular recording artist, and she once showed me a copy of a payment she received from a prominent digital music site wherein her music had been streamed thousands upon thousands of times. She received a total of $231 for all of that! She told me how much it disturbed her to receive so little for her work, but then said that even if she did not make a penny, and even if folks were illegally downloading her material, she was glad that her music was out there for her fans to love and value. That is why she created it; so it could be loved and valued.

    I love and value this music, and I am absolutely committed to buying the legit releases when and if they ever get out. I've purchased very Hip O Select and Ace/Kent Motown issue, and will continue to devour such releases. I will support Motown and Universal in their efforts to issue quality product, but there is entirely too little of it, it takes way too long to come out, and odds are that the powers that be quite frankly don't give a damn about the artists or us, the fans....

    As one member wrote, we are getting older. We will be dead before Motown proper does the right thing and makes these wonderful albums available for us in expanded editions. I plan to enjoy this music however I can get it while I still can.

  34. #34
    I do understand how you feel about unreleased music. I have been campaigning for Blinky for the past 15 years. I’m getting older, as are most of her fans. Blinky is getting older. Time is running out. I wish I could understand why there is such a reluctance to FREE BLINKY FROM THE VAULTS! It almost happened then sadly Real Records folded. As far as I’m aware all the work of re-mastering had been done as I’ve heard [[got) some of the tracks. She would sell as the demand on SDF & Motown Treasures is strong. I won’t give up. Blinky would like the royalties to help her church and I would be so very happy.

  35. #35
    I can truly say that I would purchase any THE SUPREMES or DIANA ROSS Expanded Editions that are officially released when they come out, But I doubt if they will release Mono/Stereo versions of A BIT OF LIVERPOOL, CW&P or SAM COOKE so these German releases are a real treat. They are so professionally done. Just SUPREME!!!

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by MOTOWNLYNDA View Post
    I can truly say that I would purchase any THE SUPREMES or DIANA ROSS Expanded Editions that are officially released when they come out, But I doubt if they will release Mono/Stereo versions of A BIT OF LIVERPOOL, CW&P or SAM COOKE so these German releases are a real treat. They are so professionally done. Just SUPREME!!!
    I think those are exceptional. I never liked the Liverpool album even when it was released on CD paired with TCB, the sound was terrible. The sound on this issue is much improved and you can really hear that Diane truly sang her heart out on a few cuts like "House of the Rising Sun" and "World Without Love." It really was like, as they say, hearing those cuts 'again for the first time.'

  37. #37
    It seems that the person from Germany can achieve what Universal can't/won't do on a lot of occasions, i.e produce a good quality Motown product at a reasonable price.

    Instead of fighting him, maybe Universal should offer him a job producing limited runs of cds of the lesser known [[but no less worthy) Motown artists.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozmo View Post
    It seems that the person from Germany can achieve what Universal can't/won't do on a lot of occasions, i.e produce a good quality Motown product at a reasonable price.

    Instead of fighting him, maybe Universal should offer him a job producing limited runs of cds of the lesser known [[but no less worthy) Motown artists.
    This is laughable. Universal is not going to hire a guy who has ripped them off by making bootlegs. And I highly doubt Universal is going to give access to lesser known artists that Ace is currently doing.

    I’m like everyone. I would love to see more consistent releases from Universal and their lack of interest in pushing more releases is what causes these bootlegs. However, I also believe in high quality product. What Andy, George, Keith, Harry, and Kevin do is the absolute best. These bootlegs take away from what they do. Not to mention it doesn’t pay the artists, songwriters, etc. They were screwed over in their rightful earnings back in the day. I wouldn’t want to purchase anything that screws them out again.

    Lately we have been seeing what may be a resurgence of CD releases. With A’ Go-Go, Merry Christmas, and now news of Motown Unreleased 1966 getting a CD release and Sing HDH on the way, we should be supporting these so it spirals into more. Forget the bootlegs, I’ll gladly wait for the real deal.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    This is laughable. Universal is not going to hire a guy who has ripped them off by making bootlegs. And I highly doubt Universal is going to give access to lesser known artists that Ace is currently doing.

    I’m like everyone. I would love to see more consistent releases from Universal and their lack of interest in pushing more releases is what causes these bootlegs. However, I also believe in high quality product. What Andy, George, Keith, Harry, and Kevin do is the absolute best. These bootlegs take away from what they do. Not to mention it doesn’t pay the artists, songwriters, etc. They were screwed over in their rightful earnings back in the day. I wouldn’t want to purchase anything that screws them out again.

    Lately we have been seeing what may be a resurgence of CD releases. With A’ Go-Go, Merry Christmas, and now news of Motown Unreleased 1966 getting a CD release and Sing HDH on the way, we should be supporting these so it spirals into more. Forget the bootlegs, I’ll gladly wait for the real deal.
    Bradsupremes, you are a true voice of reason.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Lately we have been seeing what may be a resurgence of CD releases. With A’ Go-Go, Merry Christmas, and now news of Motown Unreleased 1966 getting a CD release and Sing HDH on the way, we should be supporting these so it spirals into more. Forget the bootlegs, I’ll gladly wait for the real deal.
    Of course you can gladly wait, you're decades younger than most of us here From listening to prior Nightflight interviews, I know that the hardworking gentlemen at Universal have a wish list of reissues that they want to release, but at this point, with only 1-2 being released a year [[and for several years, it was 0-1 releases per year), we will never get everything. These bootlegs temporarily fill the gaps. The only way it will change is if Universal allows Real Music to license virtually everything. One expanded edition a year means we will get the Farewell album in 30 years. I know everyone is trying hard and I always support each release, but at the same time, I am not going to be all Polly Anna about it. The sad truth is that if the Supremes had a history of blockbuster sales with their reissues, their entire catalogue would have been released 10 years ago. This is why we get things in dribs and drabs. 5,000 copies of anything is not amazing to any corporate conglomerate when 90% of their current artists can barely sell 100,000 copies of new product. In light of this fact, it's no surprise that the Motown reissue campaign has been on the strategic backburner for years and will likely continue to be, hence the slow down. I can only hope that you are correct in your assessment Bradsupremes, that the planned releases in the pipeline are coming soon and we will get more and more. Sadly, there is a difference between what is planned by our fine gentlemen and when the suits finally green light a release. A Go Go was delayed for quite some time, as with all of the others. I hope HDH will not have the same fate.

  41. #41
    @helga, I totally echo your sentiments 100%!

  42. #42
    Hardly think that the error prone German CDs can be termed quality releases. Track numbering issues and a poor grasp of English just won't do. Plus I believe eBay have become wise and banned his sales - for now.

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by mysterysinger View Post
    Hardly think that the error prone German CDs can be termed quality releases. Track numbering issues and a poor grasp of English just won't do. Plus I believe eBay have become wise and banned his sales - for now.
    Who buys these for the liner notes? A small price to pay for the great material and the beautiful packaging. To me they look like labors of love and I could care less about the sometimes misspelled words or awkward phrasing.

  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post
    Who buys these for the liner notes? A small price to pay for the great material and the beautiful packaging. To me they look like labors of love and I could care less about the sometimes misspelled words or awkward phrasing.
    I agree. They sound really good and the packaging is beautiful.

  45. #45
    Well thanks to this guy ive now got all the Jean years Supremes albums including "Promises Kept" on CD and look forward to finally completing the whole Supremes back catalogue with the next couple of releases...."Funny Girl" and the other shelved albums have been released and look amazing on the shelf with the commercial releases all in order...he does an absolute amazing job on these releases...yes theres the odd mistake in print but thats not what the CDs are bought for ...they are bought to fill the gaps that the big companies cannot be bothered with [[at the moment)..and if they do ever bother i shall gladly buy those aswell...so nobody is losing out...he is only doing what i would do for myself if i had his talent and im willing to pay him for doing it..i used to pay my mates to do CDRs for me and they were just plain old cases with hand written info on so i see this as no different...well there is a difference actually these are a million times better...im just grateful ive managed to complete my collection with this guys amazing work.

  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by mowsville View Post
    Well thanks to this guy ive now got all the Jean years Supremes albums including "Promises Kept" on CD and look forward to finally completing the whole Supremes back catalogue with the next couple of releases...."Funny Girl" and the other shelved albums have been released and look amazing on the shelf with the commercial releases all in order...he does an absolute amazing job on these releases...yes theres the odd mistake in print but thats not what the CDs are bought for ...they are bought to fill the gaps that the big companies cannot be bothered with [[at the moment)..and if they do ever bother i shall gladly buy those aswell...so nobody is losing out...he is only doing what i would do for myself if i had his talent and im willing to pay him for doing it..i used to pay my mates to do CDRs for me and they were just plain old cases with hand written info on so i see this as no different...well there is a difference actually these are a million times better...im just grateful ive managed to complete my collection with this guys amazing work.
    Yes. Yes. Yes. And ... Yes! We'd all prefer fully official, licensed versions. But, really ... waiting since the CD revolution and still the titles don't come? I'll always buy official releases. And for the un-officials? BRING 'EM ON BABY! Life is short.

  47. #47
    As most issues nowadays, this issue seems to divide the country just about evenly! Oh well, at least this one's not a political issue. I can hardly watch the news anymore!

  48. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    Yes. Yes. Yes. And ... Yes! We'd all prefer fully official, licensed versions. But, really ... waiting since the CD revolution and still the titles don't come? I'll always buy official releases. And for the un-officials? BRING 'EM ON BABY! Life is short.
    If you don't mind wasting money on something that you could easily compile yourself, go right ahead. None of these bootlegs have anything new to them aside from a track here or there. Just remember the ladies and songwriters aren't getting a cent out of these bootlegs.

  49. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    If you don't mind wasting money on something that you could easily compile yourself, go right ahead. None of these bootlegs have anything new to them aside from a track here or there. Just remember the ladies and songwriters aren't getting a cent out of these bootlegs.
    This is not true. I now have the complete Disney sessions that also includes the 3 songs never released all with beautiful art work. I also now have the complete live cd of Diana Ross at the grove with beautiful art work. Like I said I bought the digital downloads from Universal of Funny Girl, BIM, and Sings songs from the Wiz. Now I have the cd sleeves with artwork and booklets. I could never easily compile any of this.
    Also the artists aren't making a cent on these while they sit in the vault.
    Last edited by vgalindo; 11-26-2017 at 12:18 AM.


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