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  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Paul Ryan hates poor and working class people. He wants them to die or otherwise disappear some way......
    Soooo... He's like Dump, only less obvious in his hatred for the 99%?

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Soooo... He's like Dump, only less obvious in his hatred for the 99%?
    He is worst than Trump/Dump. He is suppose to be half ass intelligent!

  3. #103
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    LOL at "half ass intelligent". I'm not sure if you meant it that way, but that's exactly how I would describe Paul Ryan.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    LOL at "half ass intelligent". I'm not sure if you meant it that way, but that's exactly how I would describe Paul Ryan.
    Oh I meant it! Never in my life have I've seen so many ignorant, ill-informed, self centered "Political Leaders". We are where we are in this country because the best qualified people will not run for office because there are no longer a large pool of totally "squeaky clean people"! Most cannot withstand the scrutiny by the media and others about their past personal lives, etc. I've always said that if you came of age in the 60s, 70s or 80s........you've done something that could be considered "un-saintly" LOL!

    Our whole system is hypocritical so we end up with all of these angry nerds hell bent on sticking it to segments of the American population!
    Last edited by marv2; 06-16-2017 at 05:07 PM.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    No wall? Check.
    You approve of a wall?

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    You approve of a wall?
    Of course not. I was listing the things his idiot sycophants got in contrast to Dump's promises. The people most dependent on government assistance voted against their self interest to make life difficult for others and have received nothing but a fatter richer Donald Dump for their efforts.

  7. #107
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  8. #108
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    And rather than accept the mantle of leader of the free world, Dump chooses instead to be leader of the white nationalist movement. Every time I wonder how low he can go, he puts his beer down and digs a few feet deeper.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    And rather than accept the mantle of leader of the free world, Dump chooses instead to be leader of the white nationalist movement. Every time I wonder how low he can go, he puts his beer down and digs a few feet deeper.
    Amen, Jerry. He's a morally bankrupt, slimy, vicious, fascist ignoramus and a stench in the nostrils of humanity. His whole campaign was built on fascist white-nationalist appeals that dared to question Barack Obama's citizenship, nay, right to exist; now, as he slithers backwards and appeases these white supremacist devils, the blood of the three victims and, indeed, ALL victims of fascist/racist violence is dripping from his paws and fangs. He MUST be removed from office immediately. God help us all.
    Last edited by sansradio; 08-16-2017 at 05:12 AM.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Amen, Jerry. He's a morally bankrupt, slimy, vicious, fascist ignoramus and a stench in the nostrils of humanity. His whole campaign was built on fascist white-nationalist appeals that dared to question Barack Obama's citizenship, nay, right to exist; now, as he slithers backwards and appeases these white supremacist devils, the blood of the three victims and, indeed, ALL victims of fascist/racist violence is dripping from his paws and fangs. He MUST be removed from office immediately. God help us all.
    Superbly stated. Thank you!

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    And rather than accept the mantle of leader of the free world, Dump chooses instead to be leader of the white nationalist movement. Every time I wonder how low he can go, he puts his beer down and digs a few feet deeper.
    Cheeto just proved who he is and hes a KKK supporter and we all need to remember Trumps father was arrested at a KKK rally back in the 1930s. Hes disgusting and UNFIT to be in the White House. He will NEVER be my president,.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    Superbly stated. Thank you!
    Thanks, lakeside. He's got me fucked up.

  13. #113
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    A prophet for all time speaks from the grave:

    Last edited by sansradio; 08-17-2017 at 06:48 AM.

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Cheeto just proved who he is and hes a KKK supporter and we all need to remember Trumps father was arrested at a KKK rally back in the 1930s. Hes disgusting and UNFIT to be in the White House. He will NEVER be my president,.
    Frankly, he's unfit to be a member of the human species. I've almost never felt the desire to wish someone would simply drop dead, but 45 is the first person [[and I use that term extremely loosely) I wish would just do that.

    He's a morally bankrupt, toxic sewer of a man, has no human decency, attracts racists and bigots like moths to an open flame, incites them to commit all kinds of hideous atrocities, then slinks off to his slimy hidey-hole and spends his days tweeting "non-apology" apologies. It doesn't take a brain-dead moron to figure out that he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

    I feel for the ones in the US suffering under his "tyranny", for want of a better word. God help you all.

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Thanks, lakeside. He's got me fucked up.
    I couldn't sleep the night of November 8. Now, I am almost afraid to wake up some days for the same reason.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJMoch View Post
    Frankly, he's unfit to be a member of the human species. I've almost never felt the desire to wish someone would simply drop dead, but 45 is the first person [[and I use that term extremely loosely) I wish would just do that.

    He's a morally bankrupt, toxic sewer of a man, has no human decency, attracts racists and bigots like moths to an open flame, incites them to commit all kinds of hideous atrocities, then slinks off to his slimy hidey-hole and spends his days tweeting "non-apology" apologies. It doesn't take a brain-dead moron to figure out that he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

    I feel for the ones in the US suffering under his "tyranny", for want of a better word. God help you all.
    He has given every racist and bigot and homophobe permission to say the most terrible things and never forget he wouldnt let any of his apartmnents to African Americans and his father was a Nazi and KKK suporter. Thats exactly what Donald Trumps base is. Hes disgusting and unfir to hold any office.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJMoch View Post
    It doesn't take a brain-dead moron to figure out that he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.
    Damn right Emile

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I couldn't sleep the night of November 8. Now, I am almost afraid to wake up some days for the same reason.
    Hell, I'm not American and I felt the same way after the U.S. election. I was flying home from Ft. Lauderdale after being on a cruise, coming home to Canada the evening of November 8. Nearly everyone on the plane except myself had their tv screens tuned to the god damn election coverage. And I watched the maps slowly turning redder and redder as the flight went on.

    Then, I remember waking up around 3 or 4 in the morning, and stupidly [[stupidly!!!) opening Facebook on my cell phone. Only to be greeted with the news that 45 was elected. And I was so utterly upset that I wasn't able to get back to sleep that night. In the morning I felt like the walking dead, and from that day forward felt like nothing was ever going to be the same again.

    And sadly, I think I was right.

  19. #119
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    It's getting scarier every day. Soon, if Donnie Dump has his way, there might be a Nazi flag flying over the White House.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    It's getting scarier every day. Soon, if Donnie Dump has his way, there might be a Nazi flag flying over the White House.
    No, but the RFID Chip is coming................

  21. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No, but the RFID Chip is coming................
    Nothing from the Dump Administration would
    surprise me at this point.

  22. #122
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    My initial reaction to Trump's statements was one of disbelief. Now I just feel ill.

  23. #123
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    I don't hear any American commentators asking HOW this happened?

    How did you elect such a person to apparently lead the free world - he's so clearly an entitled white brat, bigot, sexist pig.

    You had somebody who was very cleared equipped to be President but she must have been of the wrong sex and wore way too many pant suits, didn't speak all that well and wasn't very funny.

    And why is it that Clintons, Bushes, and Kennedys run for so many offices? There has to be qualified people who have a different last name.

    I wonder what all the people that didn't vote think now.

    So scary, sad and disappointing to have the United States led by a fool.

  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    I don't hear any American commentators asking HOW this happened?

    How did you elect such a person to apparently lead the free world - he's so clearly an entitled white brat, bigot, sexist pig.

    You had somebody who was very cleared equipped to be President but she must have been of the wrong sex and wore way too many pant suits, didn't speak all that well and wasn't very funny.

    And why is it that Clintons, Bushes, and Kennedys run for so many offices? There has to be qualified people who have a different last name.

    I wonder what all the people that didn't vote think now.

    So scary, sad and disappointing to have the United States led by a fool.

  25. #125
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    Who could have guessed that a reality tv star with no government experience, 6 bankruptcies, 5 kids from 3 different marriages, 11 charges of sexual assault, and 4000 plus lawsuits, could be so bad at being president? Trump is one who is against lots of things but doesn't seem to be for anything, offers bombastic and contradictory promises, is a terrifying Orwellian statesman, insults veterans, threatens a free press, mocks the handicapped, denigrates women, immigrants and Muslims. Trump avoided several chances to disavow David Duke, an advocate for white supremacy and former klan leader. Trump is a person who easily lies, who creates an environment where the truth doesn't seem to matter, who has never demonstrated any interest in anyone or anything but himself and his own enrichment. He is an infantile, bullying man, who depending on his mood is willing to discard old and established alliances, treaties and long-standing relationships, Trump's candidacy is a political Ponzi scheme. Asking this man to assume the highest office in the land would be like asking a newly minted car driver to fly a 747.

  26. #126
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    Living Colour's song, "Cult Of Personality" is a perfect song for the soundtrack of this regrettable era of American history. It describes him and his iconic status among his supporters to a tee.

    Look in my eyes, what do you see?
    The cult of personality
    I know your anger, I know your dreams
    I've been everything you want to be
    I'm the cult of personality
    Like Mussolini and Kennedy
    I'm the cult of personality
    The cult of personality [[repeat)

    Neon lights, a Nobel Prize
    When a mirror speaks, the reflection lies
    You don't have to follow me
    Only you can set me free
    I sell the things you need to be
    I'm the smiling face on your T.V.
    I'm the cult of personality

    I exploit you still you love me
    I tell you one and one makes three
    I'm the cult of personality
    Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi
    I'm the cult of personality
    The cult of personality [[repeat)

  27. #127
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  28. #128
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    Good one, lakeside!!!

  29. #129
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    Wow. I guess it's really a White[[s only) House now. Powerful illustration.

  30. #130
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    This was the campus of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville on August 17, during a vigil for Heather Heyer, who was killed by an American Nazi on Aug. 12:

    The ugliness that happened at Charlottesville because of torch-wielding “Unite the Right” assholes. . .

    . . . should not have come as any surprise, and der Drumpf is not solely responsible for giving American Nazis the confidence to march in the light of day. White supremacy is what the Republican party has been dog-whistling for decades. der Drumpf is only saying out loud what the party has been nudge-nudging/wink-winking since Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy. So, No, the GOP is not off the hook just because a few Republican politicians scold der Drumpf for his disgusting sympathy for the “fine people” of the alt-right.
    What I think we should do, instead of tearing down the statues, is to paint over them, in big words: You Lost. And for all those wonderful “Christians” who support the Drumpf agenda, we should add: Because God Was On Our Side. Get Over It, For Fuck’s Sake.
    And if anyone wants to debate with you that the Civil War was about the glorious cause of state’s rights, remind them that the No. 1 state right that was fought over was the right to own slaves. And if anyone gives you that bullshit about the Stars and Bars being “just a battle flag”. . . ask them why they are proud of being on the losing side? Because they are such losers??
    Oh, the hell with it. We should just let them secede. Florida’s going to go underwater away, and would anyone with a fully-functioning brain miss South Carolina?
    Last edited by lakeside; 08-19-2017 at 01:24 PM.

  31. #131
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    Donald Trump has threatened to pull the USA out of the Iran nuclear deal. However, the UN's policy chief has said that no US president could leave an agreement that was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council since it is not a bilateral agreement or an international treaty.

  32. #132
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    Putin got more than he could have wanted from his investment. Not only have the Republican congress and the Moron refused to secure the electoral system, Drumpf has destroyed the ability of all future presidents to negotiate agreements and make promises that extend beyond their terms of office. Countries would be stupid to think that our word is good and likely to be kept.

  33. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    Donald Trump has threatened to pull the USA out of the Iran nuclear deal. However, the UN's policy chief has said that no US president could leave an agreement that was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council since it is not a bilateral agreement or an international treaty.
    This will be his biggest mistake globally speaking, to date! I heard his speech. All he basically did was read down a list of "infractions" allegedly by Iran from decades ago. It's like the 21st Century never happened. He sounded like Benjamin Netanyahu [[sp?).

  34. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Putin got more than he could have wanted from his investment. Not only have the Republican congress and the Moron refused to secure the electoral system, Drumpf has destroyed the ability of all future presidents to negotiate agreements and make promises that extend beyond their terms of office. Countries would be stupid to think that our word is good and likely to be kept.
    If Iran lives up to their part of the deal [[which at this point all indicators show that they have), Trump will lead the U.S. into isolation.

  35. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    This will be his biggest mistake globally speaking, to date! I heard his speech. All he basically did was read down a list of "infractions" allegedly by Iran from decades ago. It's like the 21st Century never happened. He sounded like Benjamin Netanyahu [[sp?).
    And Netanyahu is proving to be just as corrupt as the Moron. Trump wants to make Congress the bad guys by having them make a call that he knows they won't make. He's risking sanctions against us if he puts unilateral sanctions against Iran. What an asshole. Constantly saying this was the worst deal he's ever seen without once saying why and what he'd do differently.

    Worst. President.


  36. #136
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    What a pair of disgusting PIGS. No other President inUS history has made a tasteless hateful "joke" like Trump alythough Pence probably believes it.


  37. #137
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    Super Christian Mike Pence is against sins. Except for lying, of course.

  38. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Super Christian Mike Pence is against sins. Except for lying, of course.
    I have a friend at work that think Pence may be a closet case given his obssession with homosexuals. Make ya think!!

  39. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I have a friend at work that think Pence may be a closet case given his obssession with homosexuals. Make ya think!!
    Well, to be fair, those who protest the loudest often seem to have the most to hide....

  40. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJMoch View Post
    Well, to be fair, those who protest the loudest often seem to have the most to hide....
    Aint that the truth.

  41. #141
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    Bible banger Pense spews scriptures out of one side of his mouth while the other side spews vile, hate filled rhetoric. Anyone THAT obsessed with homosexuals is hiding something!

  42. #142
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    What sort of an arsehole is your president that he retweets videos posted by far-right group, Britain First?

    One of the clips is supposed to show a Muslim migrant beating up a Dutch boy on crutches, but Dutch media have revealed that the youth was neither a Muslim nor a migrant, so it's more fake news, yet the president's press secretary said that it didn't matter if the clips were fake because the threat was real.

    All these tweets do is to spread hatred and increase tensions. If Trump's visit to the UK ever takes place, I intend taking part in the demonstrations against him.
    Last edited by 144man; 12-02-2017 at 07:59 PM.

  43. #143
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    The bottom line is that Chump is a racist, a bigot, and probably a little senile. But, I don't want to give him the escape of being senile. He is fully responsible for his actions. By re-tweeting this racist stuff, he keeps his shrinking base of deplorables fired up, probably hoping it's enough to get him re-elected in three more years, or burn the place down if he is somehow removed from office.

    BUT...DO NOT take your eyes off the ball! Donald Chump uses all of these side issues to distract us from the real issue, and that is the tax bill that the Senate republikkkans have just approved. If that gets signed, they, and the so-called president, have just bent the U.S. citizens over with no lube. It will be the largest transfer of wealth to the wealthy, and the rest of us will pay dearly.

  44. #144
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    For Sarah Huckabee Sanders to suggest that it doesn't matter if the videos were real because the threat is real is like showing a photo of a lynching to depict a scene of Black on Black crime. If there's a real threat, document it with actual evidence. She's as full of shit as he is [[pardon my French, I'm losing my nut over all of what this evil man is doing).

    Changing subjects just a little bit, my nephew's wife recently delivered a beautiful baby girl. I asked when he was returning to work and when he told me in the next couple of weeks, I let him know that Family Medical Leave Act will be on the GOP's target list soon. I've been right on almost everything that I predicted for him, so watch and see what they do with eroding employee rights to care for their families. They are truly evil people.

  45. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    For Sarah Huckabee Sanders to suggest that it doesn't matter if the videos were real because the threat is real is like showing a photo of a lynching to depict a scene of Black on Black crime. If there's a real threat, document it with actual evidence. She's as full of shit as he is [[pardon my French, I'm losing my nut over all of what this evil man is doing).

    Changing subjects just a little bit, my nephew's wife recently delivered a beautiful baby girl. I asked when he was returning to work and when he told me in the next couple of weeks, I let him know that Family Medical Leave Act will be on the GOP's target list soon. I've been right on almost everything that I predicted for him, so watch and see what they do with eroding employee rights to care for their families. They are truly evil people.
    Sarah Hickabee Sanders sold her soul to the devil when she agreet to lie/work for the Cheeto in Chief. This man is DANGEROUS and unfit to serve. I hope Mueller brings the lot of them down. Trumpy and Pence are racist and sexist and homophobic bigots and the fact that the President Twitler endorsed Roy Moore this morning disgusts me to my very core. Yes Jerry, these are EVIL and despicable people with no souls.

  46. #146
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    I apologise unreservedly if I unintentionally offended anyone by using the term "arsehole" to describe the POTUS. Obviously the correct word should have been "asshole"!

  47. #147
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    No offense taken. It's appropriate because if you see what he's done to the US's image and the institutions of democracy, you will agree that he's rectum both. Personally, I compare him to what comes out of said asshole.

  48. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    No offense taken. It's appropriate because if you see what he's done to the US's image and the institutions of democracy, you will agree that he's rectum both. Personally, I compare him to what comes out of said asshole.
    That's a bit harsh........ on the shit

  49. #149
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    It's a bit harsh on the asshole as well. At least it performs a useful function in getting rid of the shit.

    Here's a letter I liked in Monday's Metro:

    "Is Trump truly mad? A single gun incident in the US can kill more people than have ever been killed in the UK due to Islamic terrorism, and yet he reckons it is the UK that has the problem."
    [Jock, Hertfordshire]

  50. #150
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    You will notice that he didn't visit Vegas or Texas. In fact, he recycled the same tweet to comment on both events while he was out of the country. He doesn't care about crime or immigration or making America great. It's not about lives or making sense. It's about politics and more specifically, using politics as a means to make money.


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