Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
Mr. Fox is quite the mind-blower, with a lot of convoluted, fanciful twists; I highly recommend it.

Hadn't heard about this Sun Ra bio. Have you read Space Is the Place by John Szwed? It was published in the '90s; Szwed was my History of Jazz professor.
Dang, how fortunate for you!...John Szwed's book was fabulous. A Pure Solar World by Paul Youngquist is not strictly a biography per se
but more about Sun Ra's musical ideas and approaches. In fact Paul
cites Szwed's book as the definitive bio on Ra and I agree with him.
I wish some of our classic soul artists bios were as well researched
and written...I have to read Mr Fox...BTW, here's a link about Paul's
book, real quick. I'm sure you can find better ones...