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  1. #1

    The Marvelettes: On Tour, 124 Upcoming Concerts!

    The Marvelettes

    124 upcoming concerts

    Track your favorite artists and never miss them live.See all 124 upcoming concerts Concerts in US [[Change location) Sunday 27 February 2011
    The Platters
    with The Marvelettes and Cornell Gunter's Coasters at Rio Hotel and Casino - Crown Theater

    Rio Hotel and Casino - Crown Theater Las Vegas, NV, US


  2. #2
    At Gladys Horton's recent Celebration of Life, Katherine Anderson-Schaffner spoke strongly about how difficult it was for Gladys to earn a living [[to take care of her family) because she had to compete with fake Marvelettes for work. Kat implored the audience to not only not go see any fake Marvelettes but to protest their appearance as well. I know I am preaching to the choir on this one. And I know that these faux Marvelettes have a legal basis for using the name. But moral corruption often has a legal basis. Kat felt very strongly about this and I'm passing on her publicly spoken words. The revenue the Marvelettes early hits brought in helped immensely in furthering the developement of Motown, it's sad that this is what it came to for them. And I know it's "show biz" but that doesn't make it right.

  3. #3
    What I found most appalling was that the Marvelettes have more bookings than anyone............124. Glady Knight had 3 concerts! Diana Ross had 12. Some of the other Motown acts had a few bookings at City Halls and the like...........and the Marvelettes were in Las Vegas. Is this Rio Hotel old?

    I wonder what kind of Platters are playing with them?

  4. #4
    But those fake groups work for very low wages. It is a cryin' shame that the Marvelettes have been done this way since the
    late '70s. Berry Gordy could stop it if he wanted to.
    Just like Mary Wilson having so many problems trying to use the name Supremes, but Diana basically snapped her fingers
    and used it for the Return to Love tour.
    If Berry cared, there would never have been any fake Marvelettes.

  5. #5
    smark21 Guest
    Here are user reviews of the venue that's booked "The Marvelettes" along with "The Platters" and "The Coasters". Doesn't sound like too hot of a place:


  6. #6
    Are the Platters and Coasters imposters too?

  7. #7
    I'm pretty sure that most of the Coasters and Platters cannot possibly be originals, if any of them are.

    What is scary is that those comments referred to by Smark21 says this is a new club and the shows are great. That really summarizes part of the difficulty.

  8. #8
    Well, Carl Gardner can't work anymore, but his wife, Veda, who always managed his group, still manages "Carl Gardner's
    Coasters". Last time I saw them Carl Jr. was the lead singer.

    Herb Reed's Platters still work. He is an original.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by sophisticated_soul View Post
    At Gladys Horton's recent Celebration of Life, Katherine Anderson-Schaffner spoke strongly about how difficult it was for Gladys to earn a living [[to take care of her family) because she had to compete with fake Marvelettes for work. Kat implored the audience to not only not go see any fake Marvelettes but to protest their appearance as well. I know I am preaching to the choir on this one. And I know that these faux Marvelettes have a legal basis for using the name. But moral corruption often has a legal basis. Kat felt very strongly about this and I'm passing on her publicly spoken words. The revenue the Marvelettes early hits brought in helped immensely in furthering the developement of Motown, it's sad that this is what it came to for them. And I know it's "show biz" but that doesn't make it right.
    This is very sad but what have we become ? I am sure the crowds have to know those are not the real Marvelettes!!!

  10. #10

    Unfortunately, the crowd doesn't always know.

    I saw the Marvelettes perform in a gay London night club [[The Copa at Earls Court-I know some of you guys went there too!). I was shocked to find them appearing at relatively short notice. When they appeared, it was clear they weren't the Marvelettes. The word got round that one of the ladies had deputised when an original was ill. None had American accents!

  11. #11
    Gladys Horton is no longer around to see this travesty being played out.

  12. #12
    Cannot believe this is still playing out. Corporate America wins again. Hope the powers that be ensure Gladys family is provided for. And the other ORIGINAL MARVELETTES..So sad that this crap can happen, but hey, anyone want to start a Diana Ross and The Supremes group? Lots of drag queens out there who can lipsinc to Miss Ross.....Like anyone would let THAT happen. But The Marvelettes? Why does Mr Gordy hate the history so much...Paulo xxx

  13. #13
    Mary Wilson and the F.A.M.E. Organization have spent years fighting this stuff. They have been successful in getting Anti-Fake Groups legislation passed in many States in the U.S.

  14. #14
    And good for her too. I remember seeing The Platters many years ago. They were younger than me, and I was about 20 at the time. I wonder if I could get away with doing a Marvin Gaye GIG. Oh perhaps not. Im White, cant really sing..but hold on. these young kids probably wouldnt know he is dead and buried. I could make a fortune miming to his songs.Nah,,Im like Marvin, get stage fright...Paulo xxxx

  15. #15
    Can someone logically explain to me why Berry Gordy Jr. In 2011 would or should be responsible for these fake groups of Marvelettes' running around?

  16. #16
    Larry Marshak may own the name but can these Fakelettes still tour?-there is not one original in the group per legislation in many states. Do they have to stay out of those states? Or does ownership of the name override that? Be a very interesting court case!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by paulo View Post
    And good for her too. I remember seeing The Platters many years ago. They were younger than me, and I was about 20 at the time. I wonder if I could get away with doing a Marvin Gaye GIG. Oh perhaps not. Im White, cant really sing..but hold on. these young kids probably wouldnt know he is dead and buried. I could make a fortune miming to his songs.Nah,,Im like Marvin, get stage fright...Paulo xxxx
    You're killin' me Paulo, you're killin' me.........LOL!!!!!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Motown_M_1056 View Post
    Can someone logically explain to me why Berry Gordy Jr. In 2011 would or should be responsible for these fake groups of Marvelettes' running around?
    Because THE MARVELETTES played a great part in his success!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Larry Marshak may own the name but can these Fakelettes still tour?-there is not one original in the group per legislation in many states. Do they have to stay out of those states? Or does ownership of the name override that? Be a very interesting court case!
    That is a good question Luke. I do know fake groups are subject to substantial fines and penalties if they try performing in States that have implemented the legislation against them.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Because THE MARVELETTES played a great part in his success!
    I said logically. THAT makes no sense. Gordy no longer owns Motown in 2011 and many acts had or now have independent management. Why aren't the surviving Marvelettes fighting for their own legacy?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Motown_M_1056 View Post
    Can someone logically explain to me why Berry Gordy Jr. In 2011 would or should be responsible for these fake groups of Marvelettes' running around?
    You're on the money there....why should he.

    Nevertheless, I would like to think that morally, he does have an obligation. He could help the cause by speaking out about it. It doesn't need to be rude but it could be done in a dignified way by making the public aware that those "fakes" are not the artists that he was involved with at Motown.

    I have seen fellow Motown acts work alongside these fakes and we all know that Martha can be pretty vocal about such things. LOL

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    You're on the money there....why should he.

    Nevertheless, I would like to think that morally, he does have an obligation. He could help the cause by speaking out about it. It doesn't need to be rude but it could be done in a dignified way by making the public aware that those "fakes" are not the artists that he was involved with at Motown.

    I have seen fellow Motown acts work alongside these fakes and we all know that Martha can be pretty vocal about such things. LOL
    i CAN AGREE THAT he could speak out and might have some moral oblgation. But Gordy no longer owns Motown AND is not involved with the marketing of any act.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Motown_M_1056 View Post
    i CAN AGREE THAT he could speak out and might have some moral oblgation. But Gordy no longer owns Motown AND is not involved with the marketing of any act.
    My understanding is that it was Gordy who permitted Larry Marshak to use the name Marvelettes originally. I cannot quote a source but that is my understanding.

  24. #24
    On the money yet again!!

    And that is a great shame. I only wish he was involved.

  25. #25
    I don't believe anyone is saying that Berry Gordy could fix this up now; I think the point was that it shouldn't have happened and could have been fixed up in the past. But, yes, it is too late now.

    Generally, trade marks and patents are federal jurisdiction and take precedence over any state legislation. But this is a messy messy area of law and as a result, fans often don't like the law; one of the strange results was the FLOS were granted the trademark for the name Supremes in the UK.

    There was a lengthy article written by a Los Angeles lawyer and he posted it on here a few months back; I know that for the average fan, it was very difficult to digest and make sense of and there were some suggestions made that were not popular - along the line of "throw the words 'sounds of' 'tribute to' etc. in front of the name and that should satisfy everyone when a trademark is involved; and of course, from the fans & artists point of view, it is not.

    And then you have a bunch of new and young fans and Vegas people who think it's a great show.........just like the one at the White House which had next to no real connection with anything to do with Motown.

  26. #26
    I know where both sides are coming from regarding Berry Gordy's responsibility but their song being his first #1 allowed him to do "trial and errors" and experiment for the other acts. He tried calling them The Darnells so he could have two groups under one membership in order to make more money. He sent very young girls out to test what was good for business and what was bad. I hate to give the analogy but they were his science lab white mice in order to conduct experiments as to what to do with everyone else on the roster.

    In the end, The Marvelettes do deserve so much better!

  27. #27
    Did The Marvelettes give Berry Gordy Jr [[Actually he was the 2nd) AND Motown records its FIRST NUMBER ONE HIT RECORD on the U.S. Pop Charts???? You would like to think that he, with his clout and money, he WOULD like to rectify the wrongs done to the ORIGINAL Marevelettes. Dont seem like it to me. But I guess California dreamin destroys the senses. As the Andantes and Funk Brothers learned. One Hit Movie?.....Paulo..XXX

  28. #28
    Guys, I hate to tell you this, but aside from the hardcore fans, the casual fan could care less who's on these stages, much less in these lineups.

    People like us who truly respect these artists & appreciate them & their legacies, we care & things like this offend the hell out of us.

    UNFORTUNATELY, we make up the vast MINORITY of these audiences. The vast majority simply want to hear the songs, watch people who are sharply-dressed sing those songs, while they reminisce about better days.

    The fact that in many cases, the artists singing the songs were all of 2 years-old when they were originally made makes absolutely ZERO DIFFERENCE to fans like them. They don't care & when you point out the truth to them, they are totally indifferent. They'll tell you that these people sound like the records & it seems as though that's good enough for them.

    What it is is a damn shame, that's what it is!

  29. #29
    I care and I spit on them.

  30. #30
    So true, So True..and So sad. At least we are here and can try and make,maybe, a little history lesson for those who dont know. Paulo xxxxx

  31. #31
    Paulo was joking, but when you really look at what he said, it only serves to illustrate how ridiculous this whole thing is. Let's look at Paulo's statement & see why...

    I wonder if I could get away with doing a Marvin Gaye GIG. Oh perhaps not...
    And Paulo is 1000% correct. No music fan would go for someone who's all of 35 or 45 trying to assert that they're Sam Cooke. And even if not for the fact that Sam has been long-dead & everyone knows it, if ANY imposter were to try to pass him/herself off as Paul McCartney, Barbra Streisand or even Bette Midler, they'd be tarred & feathered & no audience would tolerate that type of fraud.

    So why is it acceptable behavior when it applies to Soul music groups?

    I simply find it wierd that this is a wide-spread practice which is only successfully perpetrated when it applies to groups, with singers mimicking original lead-singers whom are long-dead, or in many cases, are still singing.

    Why do fans accept one, when they would never accept the other? People who wouldn't accept a switch from a Coach bag to a Roach bag, a Rolex watch to a Boleks watch or a BMW to a BM, continually accept fake groups as "the norm".

    And while ignorance of the situation seems acceptable to them, it's no excuse. Seriously, if you're about 65, then you're the SAME AGE as the singer whom you're paying to see. If those people on that stage are between 35 - 45, then you're NOT SEEING THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE.

    It's as simple as that & any substitution should be one hell of an insult to your intelligence!

    Seriously, it always irks me when I see someone who's my age on a stage or on tv talking about "You made this a Number One hit for us back in 1963..."

    You mean, before you were even an egg in your mother's fallopian tube, or a sperm cell waiting to go out for a swim???

    Now that is TRULY a star, right there, I'll tell you that!

    THAT...is why this nonsense continues unabated.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 02-28-2011 at 11:40 PM.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by satipe View Post
    I know where both sides are coming from regarding Berry Gordy's responsibility but their song being his first #1 allowed him to do "trial and errors" and experiment for the other acts. He tried calling them The Darnells so he could have two groups under one membership in order to make more money. He sent very young girls out to test what was good for business and what was bad. I hate to give the analogy but they were his science lab white mice in order to conduct experiments as to what to do with everyone else on the roster.

    In the end, The Marvelettes do deserve so much better!
    Amen! I was sure someone would understand all of this.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by paulo View Post
    So true, So True..and So sad. At least we are here and can try and make,maybe, a little history lesson for those who dont know. Paulo xxxxx
    Exactly Paulo and I for one appreciate your understanding.

  34. #34
    Its a sad situation. Mary Wilson gets major props for being on the frontline of this fight.

  35. #35
    Mary could raise her voice again, if she would or cared to do so. Some fights deserve to never stop and this is definitely one of them!
    She was involved in this case and in the FAME organisation for many years and had relatively success in many states, she could pull a few strings, I suppose.
    Why doesn't Mary join forces with Katherine and Martha [[and others) to revive the subject? Unite their influence, so they will be heard, at least?

  36. #36
    Needless to say, I've covered a lot of shows over the last 7 years & the overall indifference shown by the majority of "fans" is distressing. Here's just one example of what I'm talking about. Please note the way that the clip is titled, then further consider that this information is EASY to confirm. THere's no shortage of information available, BUT...all too often, you get this kind of sloppy crap from so-called fans & to me, it's indefensible...


    This is another reason why these situations continue & why I place more blame on the ticket-buyers. No one with any sense would go to a restaurant & not verify that the meal that they're ordering isn't legit. But when it comes to music groups, they don't do due diligence.

    I can guarantee you that when The Beach Boys are performing, all of their fans know who the members of the group are, likewise with The Rolling Stones. Why isn't that the case for Soul groups?

    I believe that the biggest reasons is because most of these "fans" are more into praising MOTOWN MUSIC as an all-inclusive entity, as opposed to the majority of the individual artists who've made it. I fear that for many of these casual fans [[who also purchase the majority of the oldie tickets), Motown has simply become a generic term & they wouldn't be able to tell you a Blinky from a Original from a Spinner.

    Over the years I've heard the music of Wilson Pickett & Aretha Franklin described as "Motown" & wasn't it Rolanda Watts who was interviewing a famous Philly group & confused the two?

    Most of these fans care less about the singers of these songs. For them, the songs are the thing & they don't give a damn who's singing them. That is, so long as they're on-stage in a tux or gowns & they can't reminisce about life before their own hair went grey & they had the need for a little blue pill.

    They could care less that the ORIGINAL artists who made those songs are losing gigs because they're too damn lazy or unconcerned to insist upon getting the genuine article.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 02-28-2011 at 10:22 PM.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    Needless to say, I've covered a lot of shows over the last 7 years & the overall indifference shown by the majority of "fans" is distressing. Here's just one example of what I'm talking about. Please note the way that the clip is titled, then further consider that this information is EASY to confirm. THere's no shortage of information available, BUT...all too often, you get this kind of sloppy crap from so-called fans & to me, it's indefensible...


    This is another reason why these situations continue & why I place more blame on the ticket-buyers. No one with any sense would go to a restaurant & not verify that the meal that they're ordering isn't legit. But when it comes to music groups, they don't do due diligence.

    I can guarantee you that when The Beach Boys are performing, all of their fans know who the members of the group are, likewise with The Rolling Stones. Why isn't that the case for Soul groups?

    I believe that the biggest reasons is because most of these "fans" are more into praising MOTOWN MUSIC as an all-inclusive entity, as opposed to the majority of the individual artists who've made it. I fear that for many of these casual fans [[who also purchase the majority of the oldie tickets), Motown has simply become a generic term & they wouldn't be able to tell you a Blinky from a Original from a Spinner.

    Over the years I've heard the music of Wilson Pickett & Aretha Franklin described as "Motown" & wasn't it Rolanda Watts who was interviewing a famous Philly group & confused the two?

    Most of these fans care less about the singers of these songs. For them, the songs are the thing & they don't give a damn who's singing them. That is, so long as they're on-stage in a tux or gowns & they can't reminisce about life before their own hair went grey & they had the need for a little blue pill.

    They could care less that the ORIGINAL artists who made those songs are losing gigs because they're too damn lazy or unconcerned to insist upon getting the genuine article.
    Right on Juice! I've said the same thing many times especially how annoyed I get when people lump every Black musical artist from the sixties into Motown. They do it often on Youtube and it just agrivates me to no end. You are right, it is the audience that truly has the power to stop this madness or as Mary Wilson has put it, " This identity theft!"

  38. #38
    I just viewed the clip. First of all David is doing his solo material, back by a group of male singers that are NOT the Temptations! They are working hard to give you the "imagery" of the Temptations, but David never performed that particular song in a group setting to begin with and I think the poster of the video was trying too hard to get folks to view his upload...........

  39. #39

    Indeed. There are a lot of people who mislabel their clips for that reason. Unfortunately, when you read through the comments, it becomes obvious that there are a lot of people who really don't know the truth & have never bothered to check to see what is what.

    Fortunately, it also becomes quite clear whom the REAL music lovers are, as they waste ZERO TIME in letting the person know that their clip is far from authentic & they're not always polite in letting them know it.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 02-28-2011 at 11:37 PM. Reason: dropped letter

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post

    Indeed. There are a lot of people who islabel their clips for that reason. Unfortuantely, when you read through the comments, it becomes obviosu that there are a lotof people who really don't know the truth & have never bothered to check to see what is what.

    Fortunately, it also becomes quite clear wo the REAL music lovers are, as they wast ZERO TIME in letting the person know that their clip is far from authentic & they're not always polite in letting them know it.
    I'll admit I am that way sometimes too in letting them know. I could try harder to be more polite, hehehehehehe!

  41. #41
    These are very good posts by Juicefree. They cut to the core of the problem and that is that there is a market and that market drives these concert dates.

  42. #42
    I heard Berry lost the name in a crap game!

  43. #43
    I often wonder if picketing these venues would help to educate the public on the truth of the event. There has never been a full court press to help these struggling artists. In retrospect, this a cause that Oprah or Larry King could have tackled long ago. The media has to be aware of the situation, but the stealing of an artists music legacy does not have the sensationalism necessary to sell their airtime. I have had enough of Lindsy Lunatic Lohan and Charlie Sheen to last me a lifetime. But they can throw that crap in our face 24/7 and we eat it up. A far more serious is that it was difficult for a legitimate artist such as Gladys Horton to perform their craft. this just burns me up, I canoot even rant anymore about this.

  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by markdtiller View Post
    I heard Berry lost the name in a crap game!
    Sadly, I believe that is true.

  45. #45

    That is highly doubtful.

    For one thing, most of the casual fans seem to believe that because these artists are on records, performed on TV & were once stars, that all of them are living just lovely. They don't seem to grasp the concept of publishing, royalties being split god knows how many ways, recoupables & the like. The majority of these casual fans [[whom happen to make up the overwhelming majority), believe that most of these people are rich beyond belief.

    I can't tell you how many artists have spoken to me about people being shocked that they actually work jobs like "regular" people. Adding insult to injury, some people will even pretty much accuse them of lying & that they're not "So & So", because they used to see "So & So" on TV & they have a few of their records.

    And that often comes from people whom are actually THEIR FANS, so, one can only imagine what those who really don't know must think.

    More than that, you'll likely piss-off both the management of the venue, as well as the patrons, who didn't come out to deal with anyone picketing, as it just doesn't fit in with their plans for a fun night out.

    What is really necessary is for fans to pay not just attention to the music, but more attention to the people who actually sang all of those songs which have brought them all of their happy memories. The day that the CASUAL fan cares more about the singers than they do the song, is the day that this crap will cease, because perhaps at that point, the fans will decide to do the right thing & stop aiding & abetting those who are helping to prevent the LEGITIMATE artists from performing, therby taking food off of their tables.

  46. #46
    And the courts can also begin to use some damn common sense about this whole issue surrounding who has the right to the name of a group.

    For example, Billy Brown, Al Goodman & Harry Ray created a whole bunch of classics under the name "The Moments". For 9 years [[even after they had ceased recording for their label), those 3 men brought prominence to that name. THEY WERE The Moments...POINT BLANK!

    Despite that, after leaving their label, they were stripped of that name & a judge would've supported that. Now I don't give a damn what any judge would've said, it was morally wrong for them to be stripped of that name, as it wasn't THE NAME that made the group, but rather THE MEN who made THE GROUP!

    Please tell me, what's wrong with this picture...

    Courts have routinely ruled against THE MEMBERS of a group, cited the value of THE NAME of the group as the reason for said ruling, while continually overlooking the obvious fact that it was those very MEMBERS who gave the group name its VALUE!

    Does that seem to make any sense?

    It doesn't to me, yet, this kind of thing happens all of the time. There are folks who are someone's 3rd uncle on someone's cousin's side of the family of a member of the 3rd iteration of a group, who have laid claim to group names & I guess because they filed a claim just in the nick of time, sometimes, they've actually won.

    And THAT is bullshit & courts should use better discernment & common sense as regards what is fair & proper.

  47. #47
    Strong sense of unity displayed on the forum, but then true soul music fans do care greatly about the artists and are extremely supportive of them both in terms of buying product and supporting live appearances by genuine artists.

    Juice was bang on, Joe Public, i.e. the vast majority have absolutely zero knowledge or interest in whether performances are delivered by genuine groups or impostors. All they are interested in is a cabaret style performance along the same lines as an Abba tribute band. Except Abba would pursue legal action against Abba impostors, but soul artists simply don't have the funding to pursue expensive litigation with poor prospects.

    The great public is entirely disconnected from this issue, because their absolute priority is the song, not the performer. They couldn’t care less who the original performers were.

    And driving this dumbing down process over many years are the media and the music business, driving a wedge between the original artists and their original recordings.

    Here in the UK for example, prime time tv has had ghastly X Factor Motown nights.....Westlife an Irish boy band doing Motown performances all over TV….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A2bZXmn6BM

    Michael MacDonald getting major airtime with his two commercially successful Motown cover albums.

    Rod Stewart and his Soul Book album in 2009

    In 2010 a sincere tribute to Motown by Phil Collins, the ‘Going Back’ album featuring covers of Motown songs…….

    And then Craig David Signed Sealed Delivered album of Motown covers…..

    And coming soon, 70 years old Cliff Richard doing an album of Motown collaborations…………….. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf...kson-5_1194851

    And the original artists? I can’t say they have been forgotten by the general public, because most didn’t even get any true recognition in the first place; for the most part their faces remained unseen and gave them anonymity in the public’s mind.. Sad but true.

    I suppose at least the composers are getting royalties!

  48. #48
    And the White House tribute to Motown to these eyes seemed to continue the process of distancing the music from the performers.....distinctly non-Motown performer line up in good measure.

  49. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    And the courts can also begin to use some damn common sense about this whole issue surrounding who has the right to the name of a group.

    For example, Billy Brown, Al Goodman & Harry Ray created a whole bunch of classics under the name "The Moments". For 9 years [[even after they had ceased recording for their label), those 3 men brought prominence to that name. THEY WERE The Moments...POINT BLANK!

    Despite that, after leaving their label, they were stripped of that name & a judge would've supported that. Now I don't give a damn what any judge would've said, it was morally wrong for them to be stripped of that name, as it wasn't THE NAME that made the group, but rather THE MEN who made THE GROUP!

    Please tell me, what's wrong with this picture...

    Courts have routinely ruled against THE MEMBERS of a group, cited the value of THE NAME of the group as the reason for said ruling, while continually overlooking the obvious fact that it was those very MEMBERS who gave the group name its VALUE!

    Does that seem to make any sense?

    It doesn't to me, yet, this kind of thing happens all of the time. There are folks who are someone's 3rd uncle on someone's cousin's side of the family of a member of the 3rd iteration of a group, who have laid claim to group names & I guess because they filed a claim just in the nick of time, sometimes, they've actually won.

    And THAT is bullshit & courts should use better discernment & common sense as regards what is fair & proper.

    I was in Las Vegas buying tickets for a show and the guy was going to see the Platter and the Coasters and asked him if there was an original members in the group. He said he did not know, and he really did not care. It was just something to do that was cheap. So I guess you right. Also, on the subject of claiming right to a group's name, didn't the FLOS obtain the Supremes trademark or right to the name in Europe. If that is true, how the hell could that happen? I mean it is the Supremes- makes no sense.

  50. #50
    I believe Martha has appeared at concerts with the Fake marvelettes, citing financial considerations.


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