Quote Originally Posted by MIKEW-UK View Post
Maybe it's the story of the sheeple adoring the latest thing...... as in latest soul sensation comes along, Amy Winehouse, Duffy, Joss Stone, Leona Lewis, Paloma Faith and now Adele..... there's a theme here..... or is it just me.... not saying any of them don't have talent, but the hype machine kicks in behind them and many of them never really paid their dues before getting a contract... I guess it's the lack of balance that gets me...
MikeW! You said it much better than I could. You posted what I meant! It's like the flavor of the month. Initially, I did not think Beyonce would have staying power, but she has. This young guy Bruno Mars I can see being around for a good long while because of his raw talent.

We did not have Youtube or the internet when I was coming up listening to my favorite artists. With the technology available now, an unknown can become a "star" over night even without the backing of the big companies. Those that are chosen by the big companies to be promoted are hyped to the hilt and really are not that talented in my opinion.