I'm a huge football fan, but I would not permit a son to play it. People who complain about the over the top emphasis on safety need to realize how much worse things will become if OSHA gets involved. It ticks me off that the referees still miss too many calls. For example, Calais Campbell dove into Ryan Tannehill's knee last week and likely ended his season but was not penalized under the so-called Tom Brady Rule. I guess the Tom Brady Rule only protects Tom Brady.

If you have the opportunity, watch the PBS documentary called "League of Denial". It explains the events covered in "Concussion" in great detail, including how the league purposefully ruined the reputation and career of the doctor who first identified CTD.

The NFL lied to players about dangers associated with concussions. It's not a matter of common sense when highly paid and well respected neurosurgeons tell players that it's okay to run dirt on a head injury and return to the field. The remarkably cheap $800 million settlement is a one-time deal; current players will not have the ability to sue for CTD.