Jerry Oz, you may be better off rooting for the Dolphins this year, since like last year the Falcons are going to continue to fade down the stretch with Shanahan's offense figured out and no defense while the Panthers do what they've done every year since 2011 and play well in November and December!

And ms_m, I like the Cowboys this year, particularly Elliott, who continues to amaze me with his pass protection and of course his running talent, and the offensive line. That being said, I don't think they made the right decision with Prescott and Romo. Prescott has looked good and of course they won today again but I believe Romo would give them the best chance to win every week. Prescott is the future and it looks bright with him, but Romo is so far ahead of him right now as you'd expect from an all time great like him. Romo being in would force the defenses to respect the pass game more and it would further open up the run game and make the offense even more dominant. I think this will show when the Cowboys play great teams, like in the playoffs.