Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
I've been stopped by police a total of five times. Two were exceedingly professional, one was kind of snooty, another was a huge jerk [[the guy who stopped me for not having a front tag). The jerk, coincidentally, was the only Black one in the group. The last one stopped me making a rolling stop on my way to work about five years ago, the first time I was stopped since 1989. He was kind of funny, making sure I knew that Officer Fitzpatrick had the pleasure stopping me. I was as polite I can be at 5:30 am, kept my hands on the wheel, looked him in eyes, and called him "sir". He let me go with a warning.

I've also worked with cops who were very cool. When I call one a "pig", I'm specifically referring to those who overstep their authority or behave in an abusive manner. It does upset me that the bad cops are allowed to do bad things because the others do nothing to stop them.
A black cop stop me on I-475 in Toledo, OH in 2007.
I was rushing to the hospital where my Dad was in his final stages of life and this asshole pulls me over because I went above 10 mph of the posted speed limit1 He used a laser gun to track me. When I told him of my situation, he was like that's his problem and spent more 15 mins writing me a speeding ticket!