Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
The £ has fallen, so I probably won't be buying many new imports. More seriously, food prices are likely to go sky high as we import so much.

I remember we used to have continual problems with our Balance of Payments, but this wasn't so important when we were in Europe. With the erosion of our manufacturing base, I can't see invisible exports being enough for us to pay our way.

I don't know how far the stock market is going to fall, but at the moment there must be a great increase in the massive deficits that there are in pension funds. Everybody's pensions could be in jeopardy.

An additional problem is that our legal system is inextricably entwined with Europe now. After 40 years of Europe, I don't know how many generations it will take to disentangle them. I suspect lawyers will do well out of this.

As far as Scotland is concerned, their independence referendum took place under the premise that the UK would remain a member of the EU. The Scots have every right to demand a new referendum, and there is little doubt in my mind that this time it would be successful, thus precipitating the breakup of the United Kingdom. England alone would have a permanent Conservative majority, and one-party rule is not good for any democracy.

So honest man, be afraid. Be very afraid.
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Exactly! Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and The isle of Man
will all ask for referenda, and ALL vote for independence, and all summarily join The EU. UK never wanted to join, proving it, by never joining The Euro. They let Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and France pay to incorporate the poorer countries into the money system. Sweden and Denmark did the same. How can you have an effective economic union with multiple money systems?

I work for Disney in The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. I live and work in The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. I get paid in Euros in The Netherlands and Germany, and arranged it so that The Danes and Swedes also pay me in Euros, because that is more convenient. But, then I must change money when living in Denmark and working there and in Sweden. I always lose money on those exchanges. We should have one single money system. I also travel in Norway and UK, and resent having to change money in those places.

The whole point of The EU was to make a large enough economic block to compete with USA, and avoid all the tariffs and high prices, and to allow people to move more freely, and have better work opportunities. Now, I'm afraid that The Scandinavian countries may follow England's lead, fearing that their countries will be swamped with refugees sneaking in from nearby EU countries.