Quote Originally Posted by phil View Post
About money due here is a sad/bitter letter from his widow Judie :

Hold on, funkateers, all is NOT what you've been told. George has been yakking for years; now Dr. G. Bernard Worrell, Jr. speaks: http://wooniversaltruths.bernieworrell.com/
I grew up with the music of Parliament Funkadelic as a major part of my musical life. No other music outside of Jazz, particularly John Coltrane, had so great an impact on me. I've
heard suggestions of these stories over the years but mostly rants from Billy Bass Nelson
and I guess I'm as guilty as anyone for basically ignoring them. Bernie opened up that can
of worms publicly before his passing. As I've said before George Clinton was incredibly
lucky to have so many talented musicians to support him, it's a shame he apparently never
truly appreciated them enough to give them their due. It's too late for me to boycott P-funk
product. More than 40 years too late. And I won't toss my collection or stop listening to it.
But I have to say George, .....why?.......