Quote Originally Posted by nevertoolate View Post

What was interesting was that..the African just laughed in his face...so later the Asian
comes to me and apologizes for using the N word...Because when he came over he stayed with a white host family in an all white area and high school...
Back in the 70s, we used to say that the first word the Asians learned when they got off the boat was "ni**er.

So..I think Americans can learn to be thick-skinned like the Africans when it comes to names.."It's not what you call me, but what I answer to"
But, you, yourself, just told us that that word has no meaning to Africans. So, there's no need for them to grow a thick skin about it. But, if we allow Whites, and others to call us that "n" word, it's like letting them get away with it. It will not diminish it's value. They want you to think that, though, because it will give them permission to go ahead and use it at will.

The N-Word nowdays is in many cases all about manipulation and shock value...
Of course it is! That's all it ever was. And, in some cases, it's worked.