Thanks Kenneth, I really appreciate that.

You've got the idea - when I say "discovering", I don't play [[or own) anything a vaguely serious Motown collector won't already have or can't buy with relatively minimal effort, but with Motown that's not really the point.

Rather, whilst nothing I play is particuarly hard to find, there's so much stuff out there it can be difficult even for those who own it all to give due attention to everything, or remember how good track 17 on that rarities compilation is, never mind for a newcomer who's never even heard of Eddie Holland.

The aim is that people who've already heard [[or bought) the songs get to hear them in a new context, perhaps reminded of how good something is they've not played in an age; other listeners will genuinely be hearing something for the first time, and I hope they enjoy it; and everybody gets a striking representation of just how deep the Motown catalogue goes, 30 hours of "Wow, I'd [[forgotten/never heard/only just noticed that we've not yet played) that one". And there's a lot more to come yet before we have to start repeating anything, and I like to think the quality threshold hasn't noticeably dipped.

[[This is harder than it looks - it's not Internet radio and it doesn't go out at 3am to an already-converted audience, it's a daytime show on an FM station with bills to pay and sponsors to keep happy, so I can't disappear too far up my own backside, or use up all the big famous chart hits too soon and thus leave myself nothing but LaBrenda Ben demos and Fizzy Qwick B-sides to pad out e.g. episode 58 - I've got to strike a balance each time and come up with something that could plausibly be a good 55-minute Motown mixtape in the old-fashioned sense, a collection of hits and rarities that will sound good coming out of a car radio).

Anyway, I'm having a blast, the feedback has been really good, and comments like yours are always great to read. Cheers!