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    Album Review - "diana" 1980

    Makes for good reading of historical stuff about Diane...........


    When Good Albums Happen to Bad People: Diana Ross, “Diana”

    Matthew Bolin
    on March 18, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    Berry Gordy is a powerful man. Not only did he found Motown Records, building a musical empire that allowed blacks to crossover into what had pretty much been a white-controlled music industry, but almost as amazing, he was able to convince a young Diana Ross that her crap doesn’t stink, and she has not deviated from that belief one iota over the past 45 or so years. In an industry of big egos, the one belonging to Miss Ross [[remember, she must be addressed as such or you will be thrown out — and don’t you dare look her in the eyes!) is likely the biggest, and she has wielded it to not only obtain her huge success, but to build herself into a prick so immense that it would make porn stars gasp. Here are but a few examples of Miss Ross in action:

    • While neither the best singer nor most attractive member of the Supremes, Ross did have one important thing up her sleeve, namely, Mr. Gordy’s penis. After unsuccessfully pursuing Smokey Robinson, Ross set her sights on [[the married and 15 years older) Gordy. As the mistress of Motown’s founder, she was able to gain full power over the group, becoming its lead singer, getting its name changed to Diana Ross & the Supremes, and upstaging the other members, eventually leaving and employing the full power of the Motown promotional machine behind her solo career, while the Supremes were left to sputter out slowly over the course of the ’70s. Ross, meanwhile, ended up bearing Gordy’s child in 1971, but did not publicly acknowledge who the real father was for 22 years, until she released and was promoting her autobiography [[which actually didn’t mention who the father was, either).

    • Not only did she upstage the other Supremes throughout their career, she upstaged former Supreme Florence Ballard at Ballard’s own funeral. She went up to the front of the church during the service, grabbed the mike, and announced that she and Mary Wilson were going to lead a silent prayer. Wilson at the time was in a back pew and had no idea what was going on.

    • In 1983, she agreed to do a one-off Supremes reunion with Wilson and Cindy Birdsong [[Ballard’s replacement in the group) for the Motown 25 TV special. But Ross said she would only do one song instead of the requested four, and refused to practice for it. She also wanted the other two women behind her throughout the song, and when Wilson, who wasn’t informed of Ross’ demand, tried to step forward during the performance, Ross shoved her [[this part was cut out of the final broadcast).

    • In 2000, she announced that there would finally be a Supremes reunion tour with Wilson and Birdsong, but the other two women refused to take part in it when they received the Ross-approved financial breakdown: $20 million in full tour appearance fees with $15 million going to Ross, $4 million to Wilson, and $1 million to Birdsong. Ross proceeded to then get two other former Supremes to join her [[women who had joined the group in the mid-’70s long after Ross had left), and then explained at a press conference that it was a viable reunion because the Supremes were an “ever-changing unit.” Needless to say, fans were unhappy, and the tour was canceled halfway through its proposed itinerary due to low ticket sales.

    On top of that, there are a litany of other tales: the explosions in airports and on airplanes, including trying to sneak her dog on a flight hidden in a hatbox, then beating a stewardess with the box while her dog was still in it when the attendant told her she couldn’t bring the box on board because it was barking; constantly firing staff members, including one time firing the entire eight-person staff who served her apartment after an unflattering story about her private behavior appeared in the papers — then sending out a swath of letters trying to blacklist all the staff members from working again; giving her building’s manager, staff, etc. a Christmas bonus consisting of an autographed copy of her latest album [[cost to Miss Ross: zilch). I could go on, but my teeth are being worn down in fits of rage. Suffice it to say, Miss Ross is a grade-A asshole.

    Also, suffice it to say, she has put out her share of good music over the course of time; though, honestly, never a really strong album, either with the Supremes, or as a solo artist. She has always been a tremendous singles artist, but a combination of weaker material, “problematic” arrangements [[see Jon Cummings’ Worst #1 Songs of the 70s for proof of this), and Ross’ somewhat limited and nasally voice has kept her from assembling a solid disc from front to back. There is one exception, though: the Good Album for this Bad Person; and that’s 1980′s Diana.

    Written and produced by Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers, and performed by their band, Chic, Diana was a consistent, catchy album. Gone were the maudlin ballads and safe pop workouts. Instead the tight, eight-song, 34-minute album contained tracks combining funk, post-disco dance jams, and even a bit of proto-new-wave arrangements. Two of the most upbeat songs became top 10 smashes: “Upside Down” and “I’m Coming Out.” All in all, it was a solid piece of work, and in my opinion, Ross’s LP highpoint.

    However …

    Miss Ross couldn’t leave well enough alone. As such, there is a better version of this album than the one the public is familiar with. You see, after hiring Chic to write and produce an album for her, Ross dismissed the mix that Edwards and Rodgers turned in as sounding too much like “A Chic album featuring Diana Ross,” and personally oversaw the remixing of the album, making it more “mainstream”: songs were sped up, instrumental sections were shortened, the rhythm section was buried lower in the mix, and Ross’s vocals were redone to sound sweeter. In effect, Ross realized she didn’t want a Chic album, but a regular Diana Ross album with Chic-lite arrangements. The fact the album still holds up in its final form just shows the strength of the material and those who actually created it.

    Not surprisingly, Edwards and Rodgers went ballistic, after having turned in what they were asked to do, then having their sound weakened. They demanded that their names be taken off as producers, not wanting to be labeled as responsible for the final product. In the end, Miss Ross won that battle, too, though you’ll be damned if you can find any footage of Ross performing any of the songs with Chic.

    It wasn’t until 2003, with the “Deluxe” release of Diana, that people were able to hear the original Chic mix of the album, with its deeper grooves and original Ross vocals, which are more laid back and rawer, and fit the songs better than her re-recordings fit the remix. Compare, for instance, the well-known version of “I’m Coming Out” to the original Chic mix. For an even more dramatic change, compare the final version of “Friend to Friend” to the original Chic mix, with the full rhythm section intact, and Rodgers’ very progressive guitar solo up front. It goes to show [[at least I think it does) that a Bad Person can hurt a Good Album, as ego gets in the way of a superior product, making tough into smooth, ballsy into safe, and possibly even art into merely product.

  2. #2
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    This is probably the most objective review of Diana Ross' work I have read........

  3. #3
    supremester Guest
    Exactly. Very objective........so,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU

  4. #4
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    Diana , one of the greatest singers that ever lived even made a Top Ten list for the entire decade of the 70's!


  5. #5
    supremester Guest
    LOL......can you imagine what 3 year old Marv would do if that was about LaMare? I wonder what it's like spending hours every day holed up in some little room or attic looking for bad things to post about Miss Ross. He reminds me of Kenya on RHOA.

  6. #6
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    Suffice it to say, Miss Ross is a grade-A asshole.
    HAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!!! Damn this is funny! And true!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    HAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!!! Damn this is funny! And true!

    hehehehehehehehe.......He nailed it, didn't he? LOL!!!!

  8. #8
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    Interesting. You can be away from this forum for weeks or months at a time, only to return and find the same immature bashing still in full effect. I truly don't understand how anyone can defend/be a fan/or admire a "C" student like "the sexy one".

    I'll follow and learn from the hard working, focused and determined "Valedictorian" any day. And simply ignore the rambunctious, badass and under achieving troublemakers at their own expense.

    And even more interesting, Diana has visionaries like Oprah, Berry Gordy and Michael Jackson that she can count as admirers....accomplished families like The Knowles and The Braxtons in her camp. You may not like them, but, what they have given to the world is undeniable. Sign me up for Team Diana any day!

  9. #9
    alanbill1074 Guest
    I gave up reading this after a few lines. Same old, tired and boring digs at someone who probably couldn't give a toss about the article anyway. All I'll say is thank God Diana Ross was so savvy back then to get what she wanted. Without her single minded ness, there'd have been no great success story for The Supremes, and the Motown legacy would be a glimmer of what it actually is. What makes a good singer and a pretty person is in the ear, and eye, of the beholder. Loud does not equal better. I personally couldn't give a fig about what kind of person she is, or Mary Wilson is. I just care about what that tenacity achieved - a stellar legacy that no amount of negativity can wipe away, and it was a major element in making Motown one of the most successful labels in history for her and many other acts. I can't believe people still go on like this after 50 years. But for these apparently undesirable qualities in a Diana Ross, all of the Supremes by now would probably be hugely obese housewives with a few flop records to their name, forgotten by everyone. Instead they achieved something that lasts forever and most of them have been able to make a reasonable living out of it.

    So much vicious negativity on this board and every time I stop by I am reminded why I usually stay away.

  10. #10
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    Hey Bokiluis,i don't believe you been away at all lol

  11. #11
    honest man Guest
    So much vicious negativity on this board and every time I stop by I am reminded why I usually stay away. [quote][ALways the same INSTIGATOR, How many times can he get away with causing problems on this site.He has IGNORED RALPH'S REQUEST [YET AGAIN] ABOUT POSTING INTERNET ITEMS ON THIS SITE,HE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED,THE SOONER THE BETTER.

  12. #12
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    'diana' has sold over 10 million copies worldwide.....poor Mary!.... lolololololol

  13. #13
    Why is this SOS necessary? It adds no value to what we are about. Give it a rest. I'm not Ms Ross' biggest fan, but what she has or hasn't done has no bearing on the direction and meaning of my life. Find something that you truly love doing. If you invest that energy in your new interest, you won't have the time to bash Ms Ross. [[Get a life!) Read the responses to your post and understand that you are presenting yourself as an "Attention Whore" no better than our old nemesis Tony Turner. Your venom is detracting many from enjoyment of this forum. I'm bringing out my industrial strength knee pads to pray for you, if I can find them. Luv Ya!
    Last edited by nabob; 05-02-2014 at 06:48 AM.

  14. #14
    smark21 Guest
    ONe has to understand that everytime Diana Ross goes on tour and gets good reviews, Marv tends to get very agitated and acts out.

  15. #15
    smark21 Guest
    [QUOTE=honest man;226061]So much vicious negativity on this board and every time I stop by I am reminded why I usually stay away.
    [ALways the same INSTIGATOR, How many times can he get away with causing problems on this site.He has IGNORED RALPH'S REQUEST [YET AGAIN] ABOUT POSTING INTERNET ITEMS ON THIS SITE,HE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED,THE SOONER THE BETTER.
    No the request has to do with posting copyrighted photos from other websites, not all content on the internet. I prefer a link myself rather than a crude copy and paste of the content of the page. Did you enjoy the Al Jolson blackface number I posted for you on Sunday? I know how much you enjoy Al Jolson blackface numbers.

  16. #16
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    Okay gang, settle down. If you want the facts on the Chic produced album, here they are. It wasn't just Diana that was unsatisfied with the mixes. It was the creative division as a whole. They had my brother listen to it, and at first he thought it was pretty good until he realized the mixes were a little to "clean". So he remixed the album. Chic freaked and wanted to sue. But for what? The album took off and made money. What were they intending to sue for? All their profit from the project? Russ discusses this in one of our videos.
    Now play nice or I'll zap the damn thread.
    Last edited by ralpht; 05-02-2014 at 09:40 AM.

  17. #17
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    And quit singling out Marv for everything that upsets you guys. I CAN read you know.

  18. #18
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    Honest Man,
    Marv's post was ligit. What is your complaint?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    They had my brother listen to it, and at first he thought it was pretty good until he realized the mixes were a little to "clean".
    Ralph: that word amazes me because it's not the one i'd used to describe the Bob Clearmountain mix. In fact, it sounds a bit "lush". I'd say your brother's mix was clean, in a good way, and very dynamic. It added definition.

    I like both mixes for different reasons. I look at them as just two very different visions. The problem is that, since most of the world heard the Terrana mix first, it's the standard by which we judge the the Clearmountain mix.

    As for the rest of the article, all of us have to realize that these famous people are just human like the rest of us, and, therefore, will always disappoint us. This is why I do not look to anyone as a hero or idolize anyone, no matter who he or she is. We should be our own heroes. A famous person once said that it's better to not know what artists are really like. I'm sure there are a fair number of people here who wish they didn't know anything about Ross. But, we do.

    Marv had nothing to do with that article. It was written by someone else. Obviously, there are a LOT of people who don't like Ross for the very reasons outlined in the article. They are factual, too. You may not like that. So be it. All Marv did was post the article. This isn't a Diana Ross fan site, it's a Motown fan site.
    Last edited by soulster; 05-02-2014 at 11:12 AM.

  20. #20
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    Here is a video of Russ discussing the Chic project.

    Last edited by ralpht; 05-02-2014 at 11:14 AM.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
    Lulu Guest
    I'm sorry but regardless of it's musical assessment, I did not find Marv's article particularly "scholarly" or thorough. I posted the link below in another message thread and no one even bothered to comment whereas you'd think Marv's finding were a front page New York Times review. The article I've shared is not a Diana Ross puff piece, is extremely well-researched/written, and focuses on the making of the album without relying on snarky digs at the folks involved.


    I also take issue with the moderators here continually ignoring Marv's ongoing threads and posts about how horrible Diana Ross is and was. I suppose they feel that he adds to the wonderful nature of this site with his biased opinions that, for the most part, have absolutely nothing to do with the music. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't understand how calling a 70 year old woman "fat" and a "dumb b*tch" is acceptable. I can only ascertain that there is some camaraderie between the moderators and Marv and he has free reign to say whatever he wants, whenever he wants even when he stoops as low as low can go with his absolutely disgusting commentary on homosexuals and HIV/AIDS patients. Methinks if a woman or gay man were one of the moderators on this forum, his time here would have already expired.

    Lastly, I've tried not to stoop to his level and have even found myself deleting things that I post rather impulsively because I don't want to even be viewed on the same level as this filthy, mean-spirited, self loathing individual. I hate to say it but I have no interest in continuing on in this forum or any forum that tolerates misogynistic and homophobic hate spew.

    Good luck...hopefully the moderators will come to their senses and realize that they are just as offensive as some of their members by continuing to tolerate this awful behavior.

  23. #23
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    Show me ONE line in this thread that you feel Marv is some sort of culprit. Bet you can't.

  24. #24
    Lulu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Show me ONE line in this thread that you feel Marv is some sort of culprit. Bet you can't.
    This is just an example of what I think we're all sick of reading. What does this childish banter add to the discussion? Yes, that moronic author said that [[he's a real future Pulitzer Prize winner with that language) but did it need to then be dragged and giggled about by a bunch of grown ass men who act like teenage girls? I suppose it's just a bunch of "bros" being funny so it's acceptable. Soulster's just as bad and I'm sure if enough of us gathered evidence on this entire forum,where one or both of them have been vile and offensive not to mention Marv's activities on YouTube and in his Mary Wilson Yahoo! Group. But Mary Wilson is a friend of his as are you so I guess it's completely acceptable to keep dragging Motown's most successful artist and a 70 year old grandmother of two through the mud and comparing her to Mephistopheles.

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  25. #25
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    First of all what does Marv's activities on Youtube have to do with what goes on here. This is a forum where opinions can be aired. I try to keep things as civil as possible, but if opinions bother you, then you may be on the wrong forum. As far as I can tell, this thread adheres to the forum rules. Your posting does nothing more than fan some flames that were not there in the beginning.

  26. #26
    Lulu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    First of all what does Marv's activities on Youtube have to do with what goes on here. This is a forum where opinions can be aired. I try to keep things as civil as possible, but if opinions bother you, then you may be on the wrong forum. As far as I can tell, this thread adheres to the forum rules. Your posting does nothing more than fan some flames that were not there in the beginning.
    Sorry...still not sure how calling someone "fat" or a "b*tch" is construed as opinion in a music forum and not offensive. Maybe I'm too sensitive or not. Either way, I have tremendous respect for you and your brother's work so I wish you the best of luck with the Forum!

  27. #27
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    I can't go through every thread and edit things. We are adults here and as long as things don't get overly out of hand, the few insensitive things that do get posted are best ignored.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    And quit singling out Marv for everything that upsets you guys. I CAN read you know.
    Marv has said many many many time that he dont like Diane Ross yet he posts negative comments and personal attacks in every Diane Ross thread. I dont like Gladys Knight but i avoid most if not all Gladys Knight threads. Wouldnt it be better if Marv avoidded all Diane Ross threads?

    Your vigorous defense of marv is both baffling and admirable. i dont get it Ralph but its your forum.



  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Marv has said many many many time that he dont like Diane Ross yet he posts negative comments and personal attacks in every Diane Ross thread. I dont like Gladys Knight but i avoid most if not all Gladys Knight threads. Wouldnt it be better if Marv avoidded all Diane Ross threads?

    Your vigorous defense of marv is both baffling and admirable. i dont get it Ralph but its your forum.


    Roberta I totally agree with you. Why would Marv post this link? Just to anger Diana Ross fans! I don't like the person Mary Wilson is but I respect all of her fans. So I don't trash her. I choose to follow how Diana Ross handles things. She doesn't talk trash about anyone either.

  30. #30
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    Lulu, if I didn't know any better, i'd say there was an effort to make Ralph zap this thread. Let's not keep bringing up this stuff [[with no proof to back it up with) up at every opportunity. I propose that Ralph remove offending comments about Marv and leave the comments about the album in.

    Face reality: there are many people in this world who do not like Diana Ross for whatever reason. We all have to live in a world, where people have opinions we may not like.

    I suggest that if you want a Diana Ross appreciation thread, start one, and title it as such, and i'll promise to stay out of it. Better yet, start a Diana Ross fan forum, blog, or Facebook page, and censor out opinions you don't like.
    Last edited by soulster; 05-02-2014 at 01:58 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lulu View Post
    Sorry...still not sure how calling someone "fat" or a "b*tch" is construed as opinion in a music forum and not offensive.
    He didn't do that on this thread or this forum.

    I thought the line in the article was funny. That's all. It's my opinion, and I have a right to express it.

    Again, Marv didn't write that article. He found it and posted it. If you can't deal with it, get out of the thread. I doubt Ralph will remove it just to satisfy his haters.

    I would like you all to patch up your differences and move on with your lives.
    Last edited by soulster; 05-02-2014 at 01:56 PM.

  32. #32
    Lulu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Lulu, if I didn't know any better, i'd say there was an effort to make Ralph zap this thread. Let's not keep bringing up this stuff [[with no proof to back it up with) up at every opportunity. I propose that Ralph remove offending comments about Marv and leave the comments about the album in.

    Face reality: there are many people who do not like Diana Ross. We all have to live in a world, and forums,where people have opinions we may not like.

    I suggest that if you want a Diana Ross appreciation thread, start one, and title it as such, and i'll promise to stay out of it. Better yet, start a Diana Ross fan forum, blog, or Facebook page, and censor out opinions you don't like.
    Yes he did do it on this FORUM...not this thread. Either way, here you are again with your ridiculous sweeping generalizations based on the little bubble you live in. I've told you time and time again, I have ZERO interest in any of these singers personal lives so "there are many people who don't like Diana Ross" I hope means her music and not her as a person. You don't know her so I'm not sure what gives you the right to even go there as the comment was regarding the author of that blog post calling her a "b*tch" and I do not believe conversations about that or that language add anything to these music discussions. I think Roman Polanski is a perv. Can I get through a film forum on Rosemary's Baby without bringing that up? Yes. It's what mature, worldly educated adults do. His behavior has NOTHING to do with a movie that I enjoy immensely. Is Donald Sterling a racist pig? Yes. Does that mean I'm going to bring that up discussing a Clippers game? Nope.

    I have ZERO interest in starting any sort of Diana Ross group, forum, fan club, etc. There are numerous ones out there and ones that, as I've stated, DO NOT TOLERATE THIS HIDEOUS BEHAVIOR. You call Mary Wilson a name? You're banned...that's all.

    Yes, this post was a childish attempt by Marv to detract from all the positive reviews and discussions on Diana's tours and "Funny Girl" banter. Mark my words, Evan Ross's wedding will come and go and someone will bring it up and Marv will unearth some tired old hag's quote about how Diana Ross didn't speak to her and such-and-such's wedding 50 years ago.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Lulu, if I didn't know any better, i'd say there was an effort to make Ralph zap this thread. Let's not keep bringing up this stuff [[with no proof to back it up with) up at every opportunity. I propose that Ralph remove offending comments about Marv and leave the comments about the album in.

    Face reality: there are many people in this world who do not like Diana Ross for whatever reason. We all have to live in a world, where people have opinions we may not like.

    I suggest that if you want a Diana Ross appreciation thread, start one, and title it as such, and i'll promise to stay out of it. Better yet, start a Diana Ross fan forum, blog, or Facebook page, and censor out opinions you don't like.
    You anotther one that claim to not give a whit about Diane or the Supremes but truth be told your like a kid in a candy store because imo you say stuff to get the attention that you love are never get in the threads you start.

    Thats all i have to say.


  34. #34
    Lulu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    You anotther one that claim to not give a whit about Diane or the Supremes but truth be told your like a kid in a candy store because imo you say stuff to get the attention that you love are never get in the threads you start.

    Thats all i have to say.

    Exactly. This guy encouraged me to join Steve Hoffman's forum. There was a very CLEAN convo. going on about Diana Ross's solo collection and how to compile RCA and Motown seamlessly. I provided my insight and boop! done. No arguing, no name calling, etc. After "Funny Girl" I posted a forum about the remastering job and how much I enjoyed hearing Mary & Cindy's voices up front. No one has responded but I'm not going to get all pissy and go into the Ted Nugent forum and start heckling everybody!!!

  35. #35
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    I like both the original and Motown-adjusted songs on this album except the original My Old Piano which I think lacks vitality and really "drags" along.

    I think the final mix of the whole album is more like the Chic-lite style of David Bowie's Let's Dance album. Whatever the views are, this album is one of Diana's and Chic's finest.
    Last edited by rovereab; 05-02-2014 at 02:36 PM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by rovereab View Post
    I like both the original and Motown-adjusted songs on this album except the original My Old Piano which I think lacks vitality and really "drags" along.

    I think the final mix of the whole album is more like the Chic-lite style of David Bowie's Let's Dance album. Whatever the views are, this album is one of Diana's and Chic's finest.
    After this one, it was all down hill.............
    Last edited by marv2; 05-02-2014 at 02:51 PM.

  37. #37
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    Not sure what you mean marv2? Are you thinking that this was Diana's last great album?
    Last edited by rovereab; 05-02-2014 at 03:07 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by rovereab View Post
    Not sure what you mean marv2? Are you thinking that this was Diana's last great album?
    I meant that this was one of her best albums in my opinion [[and not because it sold a lot....) that most of, if not all of her efforts afterwards did not come close to this one in terms of cohesiveness or to be blunt.....sales!

  39. #39
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    I must dig out my vinyl copy from the loft because I am convinced that the track listing on the cover is completely different to the actual LP.

  40. #40
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    You know how much I like you, but I still don't see any offensive remarks by Marv in this thread. So...the thread stands.

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    You know how much I like you, but I still don't see any offensive remarks by Marv in this thread. So...the thread stands.
    I respect your decision dear Ralph but I was talking in more generel terms about given marv2s dislike of Diane Ross wouldnt it be best for this here forum if marv start avoiding Diane Ross threads like I avoid Gladys Knight threads. Again its your forum and you decision Ralph so thats all I have to say.



  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lulu View Post
    Yes he did do it on this FORUM...not this thread.

    Either way, here you are again with your ridiculous sweeping generalizations based on the little bubble you live in.
    What generalizations? What bubble? Can you be specific?

    I've told you time and time again, I have ZERO interest in any of these singers personal lives so "there are many people who don't like Diana Ross" I hope means her music and not her as a person.
    It doesn't matter.

    You don't know her so I'm not sure what gives you the right to even go there as the comment was regarding the author of that blog post calling her a "b*tch" and I do not believe conversations about that or that language add anything to these music discussions.
    So, ignore them.

    I think Roman Polanski is a perv. Can I get through a film forum on Rosemary's Baby without bringing that up? Yes. It's what mature, worldly educated adults do. His behavior has NOTHING to do with a movie that I enjoy immensely. Is Donald Sterling a racist pig? Yes. Does that mean I'm going to bring that up discussing a Clippers game? Nope.
    So, get through this thread and forum without calling Marv out. After all, that's what mature and worldly educated adults do.

    I have ZERO interest in starting any sort of Diana Ross group, forum, fan club, etc. There are numerous ones out there and ones that, as I've stated, DO NOT TOLERATE THIS HIDEOUS BEHAVIOR. You call Mary Wilson a name? You're banned...that's all.
    So, your point is...

  43. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lulu View Post
    No one has responded but I'm not going to get all pissy and go into the Ted Nugent forum and start heckling everybody!!!
    You should!

  44. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post

    What generalizations? What bubble? Can you be specific?

    It doesn't matter.

    So, ignore them.

    So, get through this thread and forum without calling Marv out. After all, that's what mature and worldly educated adults do.

    So, your point is...
    Ignore him Lulu. He want to keep this going.


  45. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    After this one, it was all down hill.............
    I disagree. her first on RCA was really good.

  46. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I respect your decision dear Ralph but I was talking in more generel terms about given marv2s dislike of Diane Ross wouldnt it be best for this here forum if marv start avoiding Diane Ross threads like I avoid Gladys Knight threads. Again its your forum and you decision Ralph so thats all I have to say.


    Ralph can't go around banning forum members just because of their opinions. If you really want him to play by those rules, you, me, Lulu, and a whole lot of others could be gone from here too. fair is fair. So, be careful of what you wish for.

    That's all I have to say because I have a barbecue to get to.

  47. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    That's all I have to say because I have a barbecue to get to.
    Hopefully its a real long one. Have fun dear.


  48. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Ralph can't go around banning forum members just because of their opinions. If you really want him to play by those rules, you, me, Lulu, and a whole lot of others could be gone from here too. fair is fair. So, be careful of what you wish for. .
    Where in this here forum did I request that anyone get ban?

  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Hopefully its a real long one. Have fun dear.

    Was that necessary? Why do you have to be that way towards Soulster all the time?

  50. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Was that necessary? Why do you have to be that way towards Soulster all the time?
    Listen I ask you last week to ignore me and id ignore you so kindly mind your own business.




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