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  1. #301
    I don't know how it is over there, but the theme for the Millennium in the US is to do it if the impulse strikes you. Let everybody else worry about consequences because it's not like they had to shut your favorite club just because you shot six people when somebody gave you a dirty look for bumping into them. Right?

  2. #302
    It's not totally unheard of here, but it's not common.

    Perhaps we're not as volatile as some of the US citizens, although some sections of society in London and other cities are more given to spontaneous shows of violence and the use of firearms, legal or otherwise.

  3. #303
    What's become of us? The World is closer than ever but we cannot get along with our neighbors?

  4. #304
    Most people do get along, but are still quick to see the differences in other people, not the common factors.

    We probably have too much, and there are too many of us, at least in some places.

    Many people think just for themselves, and display little intelligence, and courtesy.

    During the last century, two World Wars meant people did not have as much, and were obliged to work together.

    Take your pick from that little lot....

  5. #305
    Or, as it has been stated, perhaps the devil's greatest achievement was to convince the world that he doesn't exist. Who wants to believe that the bad guy in the group photo is himself? We look at others with a wary eye, thinking that they have designs to harm us, not realizing that we are projecting our anxieties on them.

  6. #306
    If any one of us sets out to be consistently really bad, or even consistently really good, then we'd best prepare for loneliness to be our closest friend.

    People are generally not comfortable in the company of others who exhibit extremes in virtue. They'd rather read about such behaviour, or see it on display in a film.

    Trouble is, every one of us has the capacity to be really good, or bad. Keeping those extremes in check seems to be the secret - and also the daily challenge......

  7. #307
    Of course, what is considered "good" or "bad" is determined by who's doing the consideration. I'm pretty sure that the families of the 10,000 or so conscripted storm troopers that Luke Skywalker killed on the Death Star didn't regard him as a hero.

  8. #308
    Yes, it does all hinge on whose side we are on, and our association, if any, with whatever takes place.

    First and last, we have to be on our own side, in our heart. Problems can tend to start for us when we're not exactly clear on what that might entail.

  9. #309
    It's better to have a crisis of confidence before you take that irrevocable life-altering action...

  10. #310
    I find that going to bed, and then starting again the next morning, usually gets things into perspective.

  11. #311
    I know, but sometimes it's so hard to get out of bed when you know something bad has to be faced that day. It should help us to know that today's problems will be forgotten as soon as we wake up tomorrow to face the next set of worries, but it usually does not. I guess we just owe ourselves the chance to see tomorrow.

  12. #312
    That's a really interesting response, Jerry. Almost as if you are fully accustomed to tackling matters clearly in your own mind, but there could also be a tendency that, in taking them forward, leads to you carrying them out in perhaps an oblique, abstract fashion.

    One way which helps me immeasurably is, wherever possible, to concentrate on dealing with issues within a buffer zone of 48 hours. That, of course, involves TWO nights sleep.

    Example : when I was at school, I would research, read and write-up information. It wasn't until one clear day had passed, before that specific information fully registered with me, and I could recall at least large parts of it, rather than just random, isolated facts.

    Example: a radio station would play a new Motown record. I might hear it once, then look forward to hearing it again. When one clear day had passed, I had it in my mind. After that, a cue of one or two notes, heard in the distance, was all I needed, and I found I had it.

    Example: if I revised information for an examination, I was far more comfortable with comprehensively retrieving the information from my memory only after one clear day had passed.

    So now, I draw up a list at least for the next day. I can go to sleep feeling I am prepared for the task, and knowing what I am to do, which makes me feel I can go steadily through the next day. I then only have to check the notes, if I have to wait a further day. I think this does help me keep self-doubts at bay. I'm quick to be interested in little bits of information, but the downside is a tendency to have all the attention span of a gnat! LOL

    Sometimes, an idea for a change of mind for the better, does come to me on that first day - which is an opportunity not open to me had I not made any plans in the first place.

    I guess it must simply be something to do with the brain of each of us needing a certain timescale to deal with information.........
    Last edited by westgrandboulevard; 03-10-2014 at 08:53 AM.

  13. #313
    I was thinking in a much more general sense. How many times have we had to face a day after we lost someone to death or a failed relationship and had to go through that troubling period with the knowledge that the pain is going to be there? And yet, a year or so down the line, we no longer carry it so acutely if at all. Some dread taking tests at school or having tell the folks that they failed the test. And yet, somewhere down the line, we have other concerns that crowd that experience out of our minds. The lesson is to realize that nothing is going to happen today that you cannot overcome, so long as you survive the day. It may be hard, but we just have hang on until the sun comes up tomorrow.

    Hey, that should be in a song...

  14. #314
    There was a little girl, red hair, who sang something similar. Had a dog with her....

  15. #315
    You guys need a-pick me up...i once had a cute little pooch who helped me drink my hooch,we both got drunk an went to the sun to and got hot foot.

  16. #316
    Man, I thought that you were on your way to a great poem until I realized that the only thing that rhymes with "pooch" and "hooch" is something that is inappropriate to type or read during family hour. Well, and "couch", which is not something you sit on when it rhymes with "hooch" and "pooch". Coincidentally, it is a homophone for that other word that I was writing about. So, I guess I let the cat out of the bag for "cooch". Coincidentally, "cat" is a synonym for an even more inappropriate word for "cooch" that I can't even type without feeling dirty...

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

  17. #317
    Shovels ready? We've got more snow coming tomorrow night and into Thursday!

  18. #318
    It's too bad it can't be re-sold, so someone can make some money. Aren't there any Eskimos who could use more snow?

    There are a few around here who could sell it to them.

    Arr&bee, have you ever considered going into snow business?

  19. #319
    We're going to have sunny and 62 degrees [[17 celsius) today to having two inches of snow and a high temp of 28 degrees [[-2 celsius) tomorrow. There must be a candid camera out there somewhere.

  20. #320
    Nature must be having a laugh.

    If the order of those temperatures was reversed, it would make some sense....

  21. #321
    It is currently 66° outside. And sunny. It is not expected to be as high as 50° for the next seven days. Happy, happy! Joy, joy!!!

  22. #322
    I can tell it's all beginning to get to you

  23. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by jerry oz View Post
    man, i thought that you were on your way to a great poem until i realized that the only thing that rhymes with "pooch" and "hooch" is something that is inappropriate to type or read during family hour. Well, and "couch", which is not something you sit on when it rhymes with "hooch" and "pooch". Coincidentally, it is a homophone for that other word that i was writing about. So, i guess i let the cat out of the bag for "cooch". Coincidentally, "cat" is a synonym for an even more inappropriate word for "cooch" that i can't even type without feeling dirty...

    You should be ashamed of yourself.
    hehehehe...everybody's a critic.

  24. #324
    Ok here's a clean weather forecast...a cold front is coming in from the back but it might just sneak around the side from the east side unless it goes west to catch the sun which isn't moving at all but is still plenty hot about the moon moving in front to make a eclispe,but if a warm front comes around the side we might just have an early fall.

  25. #325
    Translation: it's staying cold.

  26. #326
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    It is currently 66° outside. And sunny. It is not expected to be as high as 50° for the next seven days. Happy, happy! Joy, joy!!!
    Jerry I was in Columbus today! It did get as high as 67 deg [[according to the temp reading in the car) I had to ditch my leather jacket and sweater. But it is cold to snow and snow good the next couple of days.....

  27. #327
    Beautiful Spring weather now here in the UK. We're warned to watch out for fog....

  28. #328
    Rain here in NE Ohio [[2 hours from Jerry) and 38. No snow .........PLEASE!!!

  29. #329
    Roll on March 30th, when overnight we move to 'British Summer Time'. That will make a real difference.

  30. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Rain here in NE Ohio [[2 hours from Jerry) and 38. No snow .........PLEASE!!!
    Spoke with my brother in NW Ohio and they are getting clobbered! about 7 " on the ground so far this morning and it is still coming down.

  31. #331

  32. #332
    We got lucky in CMH! It's kind of cold, but I counted maybe 15 total snowflakes before it stopped. It is supposed to dip as low as 9° tonight, but after the last two months, I can handle 9° in my underwear.

  33. #333
    That's not a weather forecast - it's a running commentary on a horse race.

  34. #334
    And I'm giddy because my horse is running in first as long as it ain't snowin' out there.

  35. #335
    Your horse is actually running in second place to a snow plough, but no bets are on the snow plough, so you're OK.....

  36. #336
    It's all good. In a few weeks, my horse can stop running because by then, I'll be walking in sunshine. I hope...

  37. #337
    I'd put good money on sunshine before then

  38. #338
    Yah, man. It's in the teens today but expected to be in the 60s by the middle of next week. I'm bullet proof at this point. There's nothing short of a tornado that's going to put me into depression. Now, we can look forward to complaining about how horribly hot it's going to be this summer...

  39. #339
    They said it was going to be foggy today, but when I looked out the window I couldn't see far enough to tell...

  40. #340
    Sorry you mist it.

  41. #341

  42. #342
    I'm not done, man.

  43. #343
    Jerry i got construction crews on the way...[you got a hard hat?]ok jerry but a construction site is rough,if you get hit by any flying or falling words [those vowels are the worst]look out.

  44. #344
    I'm not done, either!

    This thread has disproved any thoughts that only the British like to talk about the weather. It's always a talking point, good or bad, wherever we are.

    Those construction crews will be roundly beaten off with an umbrella!!

    344 posts on this thread marks it as a success. Looking forward to your next thread, arr&bee, whatever the subject.....
    Last edited by westgrandboulevard; 03-13-2014 at 06:56 PM.

  45. #345
    Umbrella? I thought they were called "bumbershoots" over there. Or an I reading the wrong comic books to grow my worldly knowledge?

  46. #346
    Jerry, I have never heard of 'bumbershoots', nor heard it used here - but I think it may have been used in a Walt Disney song [[?) - ' Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' [[??).

    England, according to the Gospel of Disney..........

  47. #347
    I read it in Marvel Comics' old Sergeant Fury and His Howling Commandos. They had a rag-tag band of diverse soldiers from various Allied countries. Of course, the Englishman - Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton - always went into battle with his "bumbershoot".

    LOL. Stereotype much, you think?

  48. #348
    Yes, but there is always at least a grain of truth in a stereotype.

    If you've never seen it, there was a BBC series about 40 years ago called 'Dad's Army'. It was a comedy series about the Home Guard, who were created to prepare protection of England/Great Britain from the threat of German invasion during World War II.

    The series remains popular to this day, although almost all the cast members have now passed away - and contains many stereotypes, all doing their best for the war effort, but which could well have been utterly futile in the event that invasion by sea had become a reality.

    It is the portrayal of stereotypical characters from that particular era which makes them enduringly and endearingly funny.

  49. #349
    I think it's amazing how modern sensibilities are such that we can laugh at ourselves, but have to be careful at laughing at others. There's nothing wrong with laughing with others, it seems but you cannot be thought to laugh at others' expense.

    That's why some Black folks think it's cool to call each other the "n" word but not someone else. Italian-Americans call each other the "d" word, but will beat your head in for doing the same. The same for Puerto-Ricans, Mexicans, Poles, etc.

    It's too bad, although I understand it.

  50. #350
    Yes, it is quite understandable, but inherently tricky.

    I guess it depends on just who is doing the calling. If it's someone you know and who understands some of the sensitivities, then it's done in affection and respect, as a way of bonding with each other.

    If someone unknown to you does it and, in particular, does it in a hostile manner, it takes on a totally different, and menacing perspective. Words could then lead to violence.

    I was encouraged not to 'talk too loud' about myself when young, but I've come to think that it's as bad, if not worse, to put oneself down - as it simply encourages attention from unhappy people, looking for someone to victimise. They are bullies, and will generally choose someone from a 'minority' group,or use an offensive name - and, very often, both.


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