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  1. #51
    Maybe living in Vegas for so long gives me a different perspective on this issue. Walking in a sex shop in Vegas is like walking in Walmart in Idaho....the difference....well the products but it's light, bright, airy and extremely professional.

    I worked security for a porn convention once and except for all the spandex, gold chains and plastic boobs talking to these people wasn't much different than talking to you. Bankers can be just a sleazy as some people in porn but bankers will get a pass over Larry Flynt all day long.
    Last edited by ms_m; 08-10-2010 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #52
    Kdub let me ask you this...men star in porn as well. Taking a cue from your post, could it not be said that men who act in porn are degrading themselves? If the answer is yes you will be the FIRST person who I know feels that way.

    I feel you on that one, some times "degradation" etc is a major component of the sex industry. They have so many different categories, who in the heck really knows where it ends and begins, well uh, I guess I know where it begins...lol...

    Ms. M, well I guess you can say I have a liberal attitude as well. You and Juice both make excellent points, but my commentary was simply meant to convey that "I wouldn't use this forum to debase or dehumanize her because she made a life choice that I don't agree with.

    Hell I guess we've all had sex, I guess, but the issue here appears to be public vs. private. Because her Father is a well known and respected actor in main stream films, her "Q" quotient is extremely high and she appears to be of sound mind and body at this stage of her life. By todays standards it doesn't take much for your life to become a train wreck.

    She wants to be famous and she's getting her wish, by the method that she choses, but I ain't slinging mud at her.......just saying.......

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by paladin View Post
    The problem that I have with this, is that I refuse to be a part of anything that dehumanizes, degrades or denigrates women.
    Thing is, you can't degrade or dehumanize a person if that person chooses to work in the sex industry. The fact that there are many women who make a conscious decision to work in sex takes away from the widespread belief that it is degrading. If a woman starts her own internet porn site, starring herself, and rakes in the money, how is that degrading? She has the power. If I go to a strip bar, and I pay for a couch dance, and I can't touch her, but she can be all over me. She sets the price. There are bouncers watching every move. Who has the power? Me, or her? If I don't pay, someone else will.

    Like my friend used to say, "sometimes you gotta let a ho be a ho!".

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post

    Who really knows what the entire story is behind this young woman's choices but you have to entertain the possibility that she truly is comfortable with this decision. If she is [[and I'm not saying that as fact one way or the other) but if she is comfortable with this, she isn't the one with issues. Just a thought.
    So, are you gonna watch the DVD? You know you want to!

  5. #55
    Soulster did you actually read my post ?

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Maybe living in Vegas for so long gives me a different perspective on this issue. Walking in a sex shop in Vegas is like walking in Walmart in Idaho....the difference....well the products but it's light, bright, airy and extremely professional.

    I worked security for a porn convention once and except for all the spandex, gold chains and plastic boobs talking to these people wasn't much different than talking to you. Bankers can be just a sleazy as some people in porn but bankers will get a pass over Larry Flynt all day long.
    You know, I passed up two opportunities to go to the Adult Entertainment Expo at the Sands. Perhaps i'll go this time. I usually go to CES.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by paladin View Post
    Soulster did you actually read my post ?
    Yes. I am kidding around, of course. I thought it was obvious.

  8. #58
    My take on the Fishburne porn controversy is this:

    Since I been following this story [[yeah, I have nothing else to do! ), I believe she is being manipulated and forced into doing it. From the looks of that ass clown called a boyfriend with the fuzzy hair, I believe he’s pimping her. Her friend, ‘Nene’, came forward and stated that Montana’s ‘boyfriend’ had turned her out and that he is doing the same thing to Montana. That this kid is streetwise [[obviously!) and that Montana is doing all of this for him [[he also has aspiratioins to be a ‘porn star’ but that remains to be seen). Despite her friend, ‘Nene’, who came forward, looking a litte ‘high’ in her interview, she sounded credible to me. Besides, Montana looks very naïve to me and from listening to her speak, she sounds like a geeky teen getting her first kiss. She maybe confident but she’s definitely clueless.

    MsM: Just to respond to your post about folks being uptight about sex and the sex industry, I don’t think that’s the entire motivation for the type of negative response that Fishburne is getting, depending on who you are talk to. Some African American women, for instance, don’t seem to embrace Montana’s career choice because of the age old stereotype of being oversexed jezebels. Should it matter to us? Yes and no [[well sorta). Yes, because as African American women, we get enough grief with being labeled ‘hoes’, ‘bitches’, and promiscuous gold diggers despite our positive contributions to society. Granted, I don’t expect every AA woman to be upstanding citizens or college bound scholars but some of us get tired of images like Montana’s and feel compelled to explain why this young lady chooses porn as a career. It’s like the collective has some kind of responsibility for her actions [[Again, it shouldn’t be the case but it is).

    Whether we like it or not, she will be held to different standard because of what she looks like. Maybe some of us are just tired of this because everytime you turn around, there’s always something ‘wrong’ with AA women [[no man, bad health, bad behavior, high risk of transmitted diseases and whatever else the media can come up with). She wants to have a career like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton but those girls can get away what they do because they seem like a bunch of airhead girls doing dumb things. They can be forgiven for that. Unless, she has the kind of talents like Vanessa Williams who was able to have a stellar career after her Ms. American scandal, I’m not so sure that Montana will be forgiven.

    Besides, we can’t even get any sex education going in the schools to educate young people about their bodies, do you really think that this young lady can change people’s attitudes about what women chose to do with their bodies? Perhaps, if there were a society that was opened about sex, regardless of race, this wouldn't be a big deal. But because of her father's status, it is a big deal. *shrugs*

    If you're interested in seeing Nene's interview, you can click here: www.carltonjordan.com

  9. #59
    Women in the sex industry don't have all this 'power' as some men like to tell themselves. If they did, perhaps, more women in this industry would be able to call the shots. That is few, far and inbetween and men still continue control and dominate the industry. Sex workers who own websites have control over their environment and content but if a woman is swinging on a pole or posing/performing in adult movies, she doesn't really 'call' the shots. She's still has to answer to those who run the clubs, the magazines or the adult film companies. I don't think that some women do this because they like it. For some, it seems to be purely monetary or the mistaken belief that it can be a stepping stone to a 'legit' career. Others, it could be traumatic psychological issues. Some, of course, actually enjoy what they do. It's kinda broad to say that 'many women' do this simply out of choice. There are many reasons and for some, they feel they have no 'choice'. I would not apply that brush to many women who do sex work. It's more complex than that. I mean, how would characterize women who are in developing countries who also in the sex industry? Do they actually make a conscious choice or is because they feel they have no choice if they are trying to escape their dismal circumstances?

  10. #60

    Cool Hey Ms Thang

    Glad you made it.

    E if you read my post you would see I understand how she will be, and is being treated by society and it's standards no matter what her race and, you would also see that is my concern [[up to a point) She is a legal adult and that's fact jack, regardless of what anyone thinks about her emotional stability she is an adult.

    And no disrespect, I could care less about the judgmental and prudish attitudes of Black folks, White folks or any color folks...the attitude imo still sucks eggs.

    I also said in the beginning I felt her nose was opened and she was turned out...it happens to many young ladies, especially naive ones and being brother Fisburne's little baby girl doesn't make her special on that score.

    Do you know why this is still news because WE continue to make it news so I'm going to do my part and stop making her news.

    Call me girl, we need to catch up

  11. #61
    Forget Fishburne and I'll address the power issue. That's a straw man argument E because in general women don't have power in the business world period. Exceptions yes, the rule no so let's not make this about power. It's about choices. Be it man or woman they choose to engage in porn for whatever reasons. Some have drug issues, some have prior abuse issues some just like to screw for money in front of a camera and the list could go on but it is still their choice....and to be really cold and blunt about it...if someone puts a gun upside your head and say do porn or die...it's your choice to do porn or die.

    How are we as women ever going to gain power by blaming men for what we do? NOOOOOOOOO....I refuse to accept that.

  12. #62

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Glad you made it.

    E if you read my post you would see I understand how she will be, and is being treated by society and it's standards no matter what her race and, you would also see that is my concern [[up to a point) She is a legal adult and that's fact jack, regardless of what anyone thinks about her emotional stability she is an adult.

    And no disrespect, I could care less about the judgmental and prudish attitudes of Black folks, White folks or any color folks...the attitude imo still sucks eggs.

    I also said in the beginning I felt her nose was opened and she was turned out...it happens to many young ladies, especially naive ones and being brother Fisburne's little baby girl doesn't make her special on that score.

    Do you know why this is still news because WE continue to make it news so I'm going to do my part and stop making her news.

    Call me girl, we need to catch up
    Hey there, mamacita! What's cookin? What's shakin? What's poppin? What's happenin? So many questions, so little time! LOL.

    M, the first part of my post wasn't directed towards you, per se. Only the part where I addressed you. It was a general statement on my part, which is why I said this is just my take or 'perception' on the situation.

    Nobody can change the fact she's an adult and the choice she made. However, since she decided to promote herself, the criticisms and the judgement calls are going to come along with it. There's no changing that. As adult, she has to take her lumps. Even as adults,

    From what I've read on various blogs, I don't think it's only prudishness is the only response to Montana, at least, among younger folks. Reading a couple of websites where alot of young adults post[[particularly, the gossip blogs), they've taken issue with her choice as well. It seems to me its about presentation and how she comes across. Particularly, since it seems like this movie is geared towards them. I think prudish behavior sucks too but know that I have a 'brain' besides having feminine wiles. Some people think women can't have both.

    My stance in bringing in race is that the sex industry is microcosm of the society at large. They discriminate too and black porn stars, particularly women, complain of the poor pay and the way they are treated versus white and asian women [[ask me how I know this. LOL). In Montana's case, she's getting tons of publicity for this and the only reason is because of who she is. She'll probably get better, er, 'parts' and pay in these movies but that remains to be seen. I'm more interested to find out how this will pan out after all the publicity dies down. In the black community at large, it'll probably be looked upon as someone who had total disregard for her father's legacy via her choices. Obviously, it wouldn't harm his career but he must be concerned how this whole thing affects his image as a father. That's personal between father and daughter but for black women, it's seen as enforcing the ideas that we're whores and sexpots and that we only get attention unless there's something negative about us. It seems not so much about the concept of sex as is only being defined primarily for that. It's sounds contradictory on my part, but I understand to a certain extent. But I think in the end, it will be much ado about nothing.

    Honestly, her 'news' story is just part of the caldrum of the media's relentless pursuit of celebritydom. Juicefree [[Hey there!) pretty much summed it in his post but I'm the type of person I read any and everything: from the mundane to the serious. I like to mix things up a bit. This doesn't bother me in the least.

    Oh yeah! We definitely need to catch up! Do you know that I drive now? *chuckling*

  14. #64
    Oh lawd drive? LOL...so you got that car, go head Ms Thang

    I really don't want to continue to give this chica what she wants [[attention) but let's be honest. Porn videos come out every single day. Do you hear about all of them, NO...only reason anyone knows about this is because of who she is. If people are going to rally and crusade against porn they should not be singling one celeb's kid out but the entire industry, and all the men and women who are involved. Anything else is straight up hypocrisy.

    Have some news, pick up that phone

  15. #65
    BTW, I think Poppa Fishburne cares more about his daughter than some legacy and since he's not the one doing porn, his legacy is intact. People need to get a grip. LOL

  16. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Forget Fishburne and I'll address the power issue. That's a straw man argument E because in general women don't have power in the business world period. Exceptions yes, the rule no so let's not make this about power. It's about choices. Be it man or woman they choose to engage in porn for whatever reasons. Some have drug issues, some have prior abuse issues some just like to screw for money in front of a camera and the list could go on but it is still their choice....and to be really cold and blunt about it...if someone puts a gun upside your head and say do porn or die...it's your choice to do porn or die.

    How are we as women ever going to gain power by blaming men for what we do? NOOOOOOOOO....I refuse to accept that.
    Actually, I didn't bring up the power issue; Soulster did. I was just addressing what he said. We pretty much said the same thing as it pertains to power.

    I agree to a certain extent that women have choices over their choice to engage in porn. But I do think if you got psychological issues that stem from drugs or abuse, then the idea of 'choice' becomes a little shaky. A person not in their right mind are not so much choosing what they do as they are being manipulated into it. To me, it's like saying that being mentally sick is a choice or something we can control. Throwing sex into it tends to blur those lines. I thinks it hard to be responsible for something if you really don't know what you're doing is to your detriment. I'm the queen of being responsibility and accountablity but I think unless the person makes that conscious and sane choice to do porn then I do think the burden of responsibility lies with the exploiter.

    Now, somebody like Vanessa Del Rio, I have to agree with her comments that if she was a man, she would have been applauded for her work. Being a pioneer, so to speak, had its price. But now, she's pretty much admired for her 'skills' and the fact that she might have helped a whole generation of women with being more comfortable with their bodies.

    I do agree that women have to be accountable for the things we do without solely blaming men. I do believe that women tend to hinder their own progress by giving up their power. However, that doesn't allow men to abscond their responsibility either if they are doing things that are negatively affecting our lives. We still live in a patriarchical society where everything is geared towards men.

  17. #67
    The city of New York will never be the same again as long as I'm behind the wheel. LOL!

    It's all good and of course, like I stated, it's because of who she is and after it all dies down, it'll be back business as usual. Frankly, I find it sad and amusing at the same time, but I'm odd like that.

    I'll give you a buzz on my break. Give me a few minutes...

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Well...it could be argued that Not DOING certain things can have an affect on society as much as DOING certain things but I'll leave that argument/discussion for others.

    Great talking to you Ollie!
    ms_m with pleasure.
    yes it could be argued, but that wouldn't make sence. Every Doing or Not Doing has effect, and we know that.
    But it's not the doing or not doing that eventually defines the outcome of any action. It is the intention we do it with.
    Why do we do, what we do? What's that, the girl want? Attention [[define attention, look at my booty and special me kind of attention, or a cry for help, life is too much kind of attention), love, freedom, sex or money?
    People are other peoples product today, with her name, somebody makes a dollar. Questions is, will she come out good out of it?

  19. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Gurlie doesn't have a clue, in addition to the quote Juice posted she also backtracked and said she wasn't doing it for fame, she just wanted to do porn. [[insert rolling eyes here)
    My theory, some dude opened her nose and turned her out....whatever.

    As one of your infamous Chi Town folks would say Kdub.....here's some real talk.....seems to me if you're going to be a "hoe" at least be a good hoe...this chica is amateurish as all get out and some new sensationalize, manufactured drama will soon take her place.
    Ms. M- even though this is a sad matter...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now THAT was funny. Obviously, she has some daddy issues. She looks like she is begging for her father's attention.

  20. #70
    chk your messages

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